Class-S (and Related) Reading Club - TIEBREAK VOTE UNTIL JAN 26

Since Class-S works came up in discussion, and a few of us seemed to be interested, I figured I’d start a club.

Break the tie for our 2nd read until Jan 26 0:00 UTC

What’s Class-S?

JP Wikipedia: エス とは、特に戦前の、日本の少女女学生同士の強い絆を描いた文学、または現実の友好関係。sisterの頭文字からきた隠語である[1]

EN Wikipedia: Class-S is an early twentieth-century Japanese wasei-eigo term used to refer to romantic friendships between girls". The term is also used to designate a genre of girl’s fiction (少女小説, shōjo shōsetsu) which tells stories about the same, typically focused on senpai and kōhai relationships wherein one girl is senior in age or position to the other.[3]

What we plan to include (WIP)

Formats: books, anime, visual novel, audiobooks, etc, are valid provided they’re reasonably obtainable/accessible

How will this work?

Ongoing nominations, with periodic votes held.

Once a work is voted on, we decide on a start date and duration, and create a Home Thread for it. There is no structured weekly schedule within that duration. If there’s multiple volumes of something, we may create separate home threads per volume, if it seems beneficial.

At some point we hold a vote again, and repeat.

Past Selections
Previous polls/voting

Nominations List (WIP)

Title Genre Category Format Notes
花物語 上 | L39 Short stories Historical Physical,
Prominent historical. Has modernized kana, probly closer to L30-31.
屋根裏の二処女 吉屋信子乙女小説コレクション (吉屋信子乙女小説コレクション 2) | L30?? Short Story Historical Out of Print semi-autobiographical wlw story, by author of 花物語
乙女の港 (実業之日本社文庫 - 少女の友コレクション) | L30?? novel Historical Physical 1938 work
「パリー東京」「さくら並木」 | L24?? Manga Historical Out of Print 1950s - See more details here (spoilers) and here
若草物語 ポプラ世界名作童話 | L20 childrens novel Historical Physical
1906, American, prominent influence on Class-S lit.
小公女 ポプラ世界名作童話 | L20 children’s novel Historical Physical
1910, American, prominent influence on Class-S lit.
マリア様がみてる 1 | L29 Light novel Modern Physical,
Revived genre. Prominent influence on modern yuri. Has manga & anime.
私の百合はお仕事です! | L27 Manga Modern Physical,
Concept cafe with Class-S theme. Has anime.
ゆりかごの乙女たち 第1話 | L24?? Manga Modern Physical,
based on this review
カヌレ スール百合アンソロジー | L24?? Manga Modern Physical,
Anthology of Sisterhood oneshots
百合オタに百合はご法度です! ? 1 | L24 Manga Modern Physical,
Subversion of genre. Examines intersection between fictional yuri and more real-world wlw relationships
行進子犬に恋文を | L23?? Manga Modern Physical (OOP),
Military academy setting. No on-screen violence or battles apparently
FLOWERS -Le volume sur printemps- | vndb Visual Novel Modern PC & Consoles Very well-known visual novel series
青い花 | L27 Manga Modern Physical,
All-girls Catholic school, no sisterhood structure. Similar storytelling method to マリア様がみてる

Added some polls to help figure things out as we get started.

Are you (informally) joining the club?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Depends what’s picked
0 voters
When can people nominate?
  • Set nomination periods
  • Ongoing nominations, no set period
0 voters
Do we need a formal nomination template?
  • Yes
  • No, just mention relevant details and considerations when you nominate
0 voters
How soon should we hold a vote?
  • Dec 15
  • Dec 22
0 voters
Should we allow anime or other TV/Movies?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
When should we start?
  • Jan 5
  • Jan 12
  • Jan 19
  • Jan 26
  • Decide after selection
0 voters

Not quiet sure about the definitions, but I think 青い花 1 | L27 might count. They go to a Catholic girls school. There are senpais.


I think it’s an example of something influenced by/borrowing from Class S, but not an example of the genre itself - since it doesn’t have any kind of sister/sisterhood system (I guess I should update the definition so that’s clearer).

I’m not opposed to it’s inclusion though, if others also are interested. Also it’s a favorite, and I’d love an excuse to read it with other people

I totally just spoiled myself on something (not entirely unexpected) for マリみて bc I ignored the “contains spoilers” warning while looking this up :sweat_smile: and now I’m looking forward to watching how that plays out


I added some polls to help figure out structure a bit, and get a sense of who plans to participate and stuff. So please vote, and lmk if there’s anything I’m overlooking or haven’t thought of

As an aside, there was apparently a past WK club for flowers, which may be of interest to folks (thx to @bbo for the link): Flowers 🌺 Visual Novel Informal Club (Finished) - Book Clubs - WaniKani Community


Depends on availability. Stuff that are on major streaming services, sure, but if you need to get a pirated version because it’s not available except as a bootleg VHS that sold only 30 copies, then maybe not…


I think that would apply for any media format, not just video :stuck_out_tongue:

Even then though, “major streaming services” - not everyone will have access to the same ones (and also JustWatch can get pretty inaccurate about availability a lot of the time. So we can’t always reliably check availability like that). So that’s another thing to consider.


Does はなものがたり work? It apparently references the 花物語 book. We can all read it and then check off the ‘retirement age’ bingo slot. :grinning:


It seems like a touching yuri story (thanks for the reminder), but I don’t really see the connection here, besides whatever reference it makes (which I’m kinda curious to know)

青い花 works bc the setting and style are lifting a lot from Class-S (and you can find a few reviews discussing this). The main difference imo is the lack of a sorority/sisterhood structure


Yeah, seems like it has references, but is not class-s itself. Haven’t read it yet myself though.

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I’m kind of surprised that only two Natively users have read the first マリア様がみてる LN, but I suppose both the LNs and the anime are pretty old by now. It was having recently watched the anime with a group of friends that got me to pick up the LN – it was one of the earlier books I read in Japanese, so I have a soft spot for it on that account.


I was thinking a little bit, and for a lot of series stuff it may actually be kind of hard to pick a work out as being specifically class S, since to my understanding it’s kind of diffused broadly as a general influence into other things. But I’m pretty confident that at least reading 花物語 and some of マリア様がみてる would give you a pretty good idea of what to look out for in other works, to see how that influence pokes its head out. I really don’t know that we’re going to find a lot to really fill up a nomination list the same way you can with other clubs, honestly

I am really interested in this series for other reasons now though :eyes:


I’m also surprised by this - tho I’m at 75%, so it will be 3 in a few weeks (I’m reading it during weekly JP lessons). Like you said tho, it did finish in 2012. (I was actually more surprised by the fact that it’s 37 volumes!!)

Challenge accepted! Some more options:

Less sure of (I saw mentioned elsewhere):

The JP Wikipedia page mentions some works and authors that might be interesting to track down as well

Anyway, I think it’s fine having a smaller lineup too. Even the few we have already can keep us busy for a while (especially if we try to read the whole series of anything).

As an aside, the JP Wikipedia page linked to ejcjs - The Sexual and Textual Politics of Japanese Lesbian Comics: Reading Romantic and Erotic Yuri Narratives which has some interesting discussion of Class-S influence on yuri, and left me with a more satisfying answer to "why do all girls schools with ‘404 Men Not Found’ settings seem to be the default for so many yuri series?"And of course Class-S is largely related. I should probably reread it once it twice, before trying to summarize tho


I’m still not sure what class-s is, let alone what you (guys) think it is. I always thought it was not really applications to contemporary works.

Anyway. I read Yuri Ota. And it has a sister-system. I think it is relevant.


Are you planning on promoting this club on the two Yuri threads?

Maybe @Azusa would be interested. I know they read マリア様がみてる 1 | L27 (the manga) and the Flowers Vans.


Good to know, thx!

At this point I’d struggle to articulate a proper, concise definition… Tho I’ll try to draft some sort of “here’s what the club is looking for/intending to include” in a bit.

I found this an interesting read on the topic: 百合とはかつてエス文学だった - ユリテラシーと現代

Idk. I thought about it, but got kinda shy about it, since A - I’ve never run an informal club before, B - the club is still kinda figuring itself out. I think once I’ve added a “what we’re planning to include”, I’ll give it a mention there.

Edit: I added a “what we’re planning to include” to the OP, and updated the nominations table. So I guess I’ll go do that now

And now I feel compelled to consume a 3rd version of this story :sweat_smile:

Apparently I was had the last 3 replies in the 百合 manga/novel discussion thread, and can’t reply - so if someone else wants to advertise there, feel free. Edit: bbo already did it. Thx!!

what I was gonna put there

In case anyone else has a book club addiction like me this is of interest to anyone, there’s a recently put-together informal Class-S Reading Club. If you’re wondering what Class-S is, I’ll refer you to Class S (culture) - Wikipedia or エス (文化) - Wikipedia, but as a genre, it’s stuff like マリア様がみてる 1 | L29 , 花物語 上 | L38 , FLOWERS -Le volume sur printemps- | vndb etc that tends to take place in all-girls private schools, with a sisterhood system, and mostly involves romantic friendships of various kinds (often transient). Selections for the club range from early 1900s (with modernized kana/kanji) to presently running series, and various media formats.

Historically it was a very strong influence on yuri, and nowadays some works incorporate elements of it in various ways. 私の百合はお仕事です! | L27 for example is set primarily in a Class-S concept cafe, and its drama is very oriented around the sisterhood thing (with some other elements); 青い花 | L27 has an all-girls Catholic school setting (without the sisterhood structure) and similar type of storytelling to マリア様がみてる (tho much nicer environment), etc

Anyway we’re still figuring stuff out a bit, but feel free to take a look, if it’s of interest

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I made a simple post. Just a link. Sorry for pestering you about that. I’m just a little annoyed that I started the Yuri discussion thread and then others started the Yuri BC without inviting me :sweat_smile:.

I still think class s refers to historic works and any modern examples you mention is rather class s inspired Yuri. I’m not sure if you have a misunderstanding about Flowers if you cite it as an example of class s instead of Yuri inspired by it.

I think it’s interesting Wikipedia cites Little women as an influence. Now that I think of it, it’s what the theatre club performed in 青い花! Maybe we can read little women. Or the reincarnation novel 転生若草物語 | L30?? (I’m mostly not serious, but I might nominate both the original and the reincarnation story in other book clubs at some point)


No worries, if anything thanks for the push

Actually I think I agree with you on that, despite that I’ve been loosely saying Class-S as if it covers both (I guess I’ll go edit that in my comment on the book club). So would you put マリア様がみてる as Class-S inspired yuri as well then? I guess I can just put Modern & Derived into a single “Modern (Inspired)” section.

Now that you mention that, I remember reading that 青い花 (and some other work I’m forgetting, maybe わたゆり?) performed that. I don’t really know anything about it, but given the historical connection, I think it would be a great pick. We seem to have it on the site already, as well: 若草物語 ポプラ世界名作童話 | L20 … though it also seems like there’s multiple editions… can you tell what’s what?

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