🕴 Home Thread for ギンモクセイの仕立て屋 👔

Well I did not mean to read this week’s reading on the first day in one sitting, but here we are…

I enjoyed this section despite feeling like very little has happened in the story from last week. Both the mains’ back stories were a little sad but believable.

Favorite image of the week by far:


That’s my question too. It does suit him… although I feel like anything would look good on him.
*imagines テオ in a clown outfit*

Page 98(? 100 of the ebook): Oh! 紅子 is the name of one of the main characters of 地獄くらやみ (ie the series that I am currently reading). That has nothing to do with this series, but it’s still fun.

page 127 (? 129?): Every time I read いい匂いがする about someone, I remember how someone was in disbelief of the existence of that sentence in the what I read today thread :rofl:

Page 147 (? 149): wait, we don’t get to see the kiss? Lame.

Anyway, done for this week as well. Why the frick is テオ (I keep forgetting his kanji) putting so much efforts into 生吹’s shop? That plus the hair cut… I can’t help but expect that テオ had a bad break up and he looks like is ex (so he gave him the same haircut and feels way too invested)


In the beginning of chapter 3, I was getting the swindler feeling again when Teo was having his friend redecorate and he said he was going to pay for everything. I feel so suspicious of this manga’s set up, even though I know nothing like that is going to happen. :rofl:

Haha, I thought the same thing. I was like, wait, what just happened? He kissed the back of his hand??? Then I flipped back and forth and realized they just didn’t include the kiss. Lame.


I am guilty of the exact same thing :joy: very lame indeed.


Done~~ Echoing others, this week was a bit quieter than last, but I’m holding out hope that テオ’s generosity is due to big drama that we’ll hopefully see next volume. I’m also really glad we’re reading both volumes for the club; it’d be pretty lame to end here.

I like the addition of 生吹 being anxious about his skin color as well; I’m wondering if that’s going to come up again, or if it’s more for set dressing.

End of week 2

I was also a bit disappointed about the kiss not being shown - I wonder if it will be subtle throughout next volume as well?

By the way, idk if I was the only one bothered by it but when they were discussing with the other business owners, just the woman was drawn in that… kinda weird chibi style? Reminded me of the cat, lol. I’m not really a big fan of it.


I wasn’t bothered by it per se, but I did notice it. Perhaps the mangaka is only confident drawing handsome men, haha?


She was drawn like that in chapter one too, so it didn’t particularly register, no. I did notice at the time though.


Week 3 has begun! We’re almost through!


For chapter 5, I was a little surprised that the chef was such a dick to his employer’s son. I couldn’t tell if everyone knew that’s who Teo was or not. He was annoyed Teo got in because of connections, but he didn’t specify what those were. He had met him as a kid multiple times, so his name should have been familiar. :thinking: Also, loved the fact that he could throw a plate at Teo, cut his face, and slander him and a former coworker, but Teo punching him was a bridge too far. Are Teo’s parents dead now and I missed it? The restaurant is failing and the employees are fighting, but somehow the owner isn’t bothered enough to make an appearance. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

At the end of chapter 6, 元彼 appeared and I was like, Teo has glasses now? Nice! Then I realized it was a different person. I guess his hair is shorter in the back and flops slightly differently in the front.


Just started reading

p18-ish: Okay, I could see 吉田 having a point about テオ being overbearing and controlling, but he instantly lost my support when he went with homophobia instead.

Chapter 5: I like テオ a lot more now. AND 生吹 too, for that matter.


He knew, because there’s a small text where he said he can’t bitch about the owner, because テオ is there.

His father said at the time of the interview that he would not help and that テオ had to do get through on his own merit. I assume that it carries on afterwards. STILL it’s weird that the chef doesn’t care about the consequences, considering that he thinks that there’s favoritism at play.


Ah, yeah. I completely forgot about that!

I mean, you’d think his father would show up for his failing business at least. Since he doesn’t care about that, it’s no wonder he doesn’t care about his restaurant’s toxic work environment, regardless of the fact that his son works there. I guess there needed to be irreconcilable drama for Teo to leave and invest in a hot tailor. It was all for the greater three-piece suit good.

I did like the additional background on the main characters. (Late chapter 5 spoiler) I no longer feel like Teo is so shady. I originally thought he picked up a random drunk guy on the street, but he was actually trying to keep him from having his wallet stolen (awww). Also, a drunken Ubuki hanging off Teo as he was dragged down the street made me laugh.


Right? He has upgraded in my head to “just very bad at communication (when it involves a romantic interest)”. It’s kinda funny, considering that his previous job (and the current one, for that matter) do rely on communication a lot… but I guess it’s just different form. I still feel like he should open up to 生吹; things would be a lot different if he just told him what we now know.

I really liked that whole part and thought they were both really cute, in their specific way!


Reading a bit more.

P 64-ish question:

Wait, why did テオ stop?? As much as consent is fairly meh in BL, it seems to me like consent was there in the current situation. What prompted him to leave? I don’t remember any promise or anything like that that would be relevant.

P 66-ish:

Ah, looking at @catbus post, I see I’m not the only one :rofl: It’s hilarious that last week, at the end of volume 1, I thought テオ liked 生吹 because he might remind him of an (at the time) unknown ex… but it seems to be more like the opposite :rofl:


Done with chapter 5: Ok all of my previous misgivings are gone and I just want them to be fluffy and sell a billion suits. I would also like to see them smash but at least we got a kiss this time :sweat_smile:


These were some good chapters! I’m glad テオ didn’t turn out to be as much of a creep as he seemed initially; wondering if there’s going to be any drama between him and 元彼? But then again, we’re rapidly running out of room for drama, haha.

(Chapter 5)

Yep, same here. :angry: I hate to say it; maybe the chef throwing stuff isn’t unusual for him at this point, and it’s not seen as “as bad” as getting punched?

I really liked this chapter; I’m glad we got the full flashback.

I wasn’t sure either; I don’t remember seeing anything explicitly said about why he stopped, but I guess he didn’t want to scare 生吹 off with all the progress they made? Granted, on a meta level, you can’t fulfill all the readers’s wishes too soon, haha.

Ah, minor question on page 43ish (second page of chapter 6), top left panel:

(テオ speaking) なに朝から黄昏てんだ?

What’s that てん doing there?


That’s the only explanation I see at this point, but it doesn’t feel very satisfying…

It’s the contraction of ているの


Ah, I had a feeling, but convinced myself that there couldn’t possibly be that many missing sounds. :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks!


Done with chapter 6

In the meeting with 元彼 where he said he liked 生吹’s hair more before… what an ass, I hate that guy. :joy:

Yeah I was super confused there too. Like @eefara said, I guess we have another half of the book to get through so we can’t get all of the goods yet, but still…
Maybe he was as icked out as I was out as I am of the drool coming out of 生吹’s mouth in the previous panel :see_no_evil: