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So I’m reading a bit ahead (specifically chapter 6) and was wondering about this bit

What’s with the random 苦節 ? Is it like when they say emotions upfront?
(As in times like when characters say out loud 嬉しい or 悔しい or 憎い)

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苦節xx年 is a set phrase (? pattern?) meaning “after xx years of pain/hardship/efforts”. (Edit: apparently 10年 specifically can also be used metaphorically to mean “a long time”, other numbers are literal periods of time)
The dots kinda breaks it a bit, but it could be for emphasis (or him needing a second to remember how long)


and don’t forget spoilers! (or is it unnecessary since it’s not plot points?)

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That’s what I thought, since it’s just a vocabulary question, but I don’t mind being corrected.

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I’ll join you in waiting for that third party to confirm, deny or wait with us

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I personally think it’s fine sans spoiler tags, for what it’s worth. The question wasn’t plot-related, just a grammar one.


A verdict has been made

Thank you for your service :saluting_face::saluting_face::saluting_face:


And bonus, when I get there I’ll not have to look it up :slightly_smiling_face:


Week 2 has started!


Finished this week’s reading. I don’t know why, but I’m not feeling much more than a “this was cute” kind of vibe so far? Maybe the jokes just aren’t quite landing for me. I liked the ゾンビ gag, but that was really all that stood out to me.

Week 2 reply

Well, what did you expect? More/better comedy or drama or …?

What stands out to me so far is the kind of old school vibes from the art style, uniforms, hair cuts. And that when the guys are kind of moe- style cute, which I find to be very rare.

Ideally it could be a bit crazyer, with more comedy, more characters, more other points of view. I’d say you can’t really expect that from a first volume. But it is only two volumes, so… There isn’t really that much room to improve.


Hmm, I don’t know. I guess our last pick just left too good of an impression.


me melting in a corner thinking it’s super adorable regardless of whether or not there are more or less jokes :melting_face:


For my part at least, I did enjoy these two chapters a lot.

It’s incredibly silly and I can very well see why they made it into an anime, it totally reads like a storyboard.


(I’m only done with the first chapter this week) but I think that the shorter chapters from last week had a more fun vibe compared to the one chapter I finished. I’m still hoping that there’s payoff later but part of why I haven’t finished is that I’m not as invested compared to last week (and definitely not compared to our last read).


Did my week 3 reading a touch early since I’m trying to catch up on some book clubs, and getting ahead with this one is easy and takes it off my plate for next week.

Week 3 thoughts

I think I like these shorter chapters rather than the longer ones in week 2. :thinking: We get to the jokes sooner, with less filler.

Chapter 8: so-so. I didn’t really understand the punchline at the end, where he’s happy listening to 広瀬 then stops in disgust when he hears the teacher and himself getting smacked by that thing? There were other people talking on the tape besides 広瀬 to start with anyway.

Chapter 9: oh god, this chapter made me feel so many things. I think disgust trumps everything else; not even the BL can save me. I hate insects with a passion, and the thought of a ゴキブリ crawling on me under my clothes… :fearful: Words cannot express my horror.

Chapter 10: Pretty cute! Honestly, I thought it was better for the fact that Nakamura was not the centerpiece; the side characters could really use more screentime. (Also, he snipped off part of his bangs but it’s not brought up at all and he looks completely normal at school? :confused:? I thought for sure he would use himself as bait to distract the teachers or something.)


I haven’t read week 2 yet (nor week 8 of the LN book club). I’m loosing ground again :cold_sweat:

*starts reading something else*


Week 3 is here!

This is an easy one to catch up with, at least. If you can last reading something else for a bit, next week is the end of volume 1 anyway, so you could just read the whole thing in one fell swoop.


Well, I actually did read week 2 yesterday. I really enjoyed the fact that the main character is figuring out he might be bisexual, and NOT from the typical “I like girls in general but there’s that one guy who’s giving me feelings for plot convenience”, but from the “I am gay → oh hey a girl is giving me some ドキドキs too, not relevant but good to know”.

Other than that, I agree with the general feeling that I like the book, but it’s not giving me intense emotions like our previous pick.


I felt pretty much the same about the content.

Overall, I do feel like this book has a nostalgic design, but it feels too slow. We only get some small gags, but no overall progress. As @eefara said, the current list of characters we have is not getting much primetime. Why is the president of the cult club not in the picture anymore, for instance? I would be fine with the current pace if that was a 10-20 books series. But only 2? And we are almost done with the first one :frowning: