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Finished week 3 4 today! (Sorry again Naphthalene)

Could be that I’m in the minority about liking the slow pace and silly episodes. After the last chapter it feels like the structure is kind of more setting the scene than providing a cohesive story plot, but I like this about slice of life. I mostly see this with indie authors, that they jump a little from place to place.

The cleaning and cockroach chapter felt a little bit like extra takes/one shots, especially the cockroach one was so silly.

Thoughts with some MBTI typing

I liked Hirose’s 生意気 side, he seems actually quite rebellious (giving me ESFP or ENFJ vibes). He’d been giving me that impression in the past chapters already, I really like that he’s really outspoken despite his cute appearance. He seems really sensitive to his surroundings, probably using Fe (Se could be possible, I think with Fi it would fit in the hair drama chapter where he shows individualistic preference, but Fe could be shown by his difficulty to express that some things about his friends annoy him).
I found it interesting that despite Nakamura’s skewed perspective he very much comes across as a pretty normal high schooler.

Then we had some more serious existential crisis on Nakamura’s side (his extroverted intuition going at full force once again, I’d type him INFP if it weren’t for that). He’s giving me very pure/innocent vibes.
The scene at the harbor was really cute, and are these hints that Hirose isn’t that oblivious?

If I’m going with ENFJ and INFP that would actually be a pairing that’s highly praised as compatible (though personally being an INFP I’d never clicked well with some traits ENFJ commonly have).


Huh, I don’t know what you are referring to. Did you read ahead or mistype, or something like that?
Edit: I went ahead and finished the book. That part is from week 4 :sweat_smile:

Same! And my problem here is that there’s only one chapter left in the book (which, considering that it was published 4 years before the other one, was probably intended as a standalone)


Actually not, I just had this impression, I thought there were like subtle looks or pauses, and I felt like Hirose is a very receptive person.

Actually yes :sweat_smile: You are referring to stuff from week 4 (I edited my post now that I confirmed it)

Ah, since I’m here, the あとがき also explains why the book is the way it is.


Ahhhh, you mean Week 3 wasn’t the end of Volume 1?

Edit: Now I now why I thought this, I read eefara’s post and thought the ‘next week’ mentioned was ‘this week’

Once again I have lost all sense of time and space

Sorry for gaslighting you :sob:


It’s alright! Thanks to you, I got to read the end of the book early, and I enjoyed that very much. The last chapter is hands down my favorite.


Totally agree!! :relieved:

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me and pashmina are on camp "yay it’s adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: "


hi readers i wanted to join a book club but all the other ones are too high for me and i only finished the main 僕らの食卓 a few days ago. I did just start reading this one just now

This level of manga might be pushing it for me though since it’s two levels up. I understand grammar structures but vocabulary is hindering me. 僕らの食卓 wasn’t bad though; there were a lot of sentences I could understand without searching up and even with searching up I could get a very good idea of it.

I’ll see if I can do a half or whole chapter a day


If you have any question about the text, don’t hesitate to ask!


Finally finished week 3 (just in under the wire :sweat_smile:). I’m starting to wonder if Im gonna not join for the second volume (even though I already bought it…) and maybe wait for the anime and hope that that makes me want to read it then. Lord knows I have enough book club reading to do that I could use that time to catch up on.

I’m not not enjoying it, but I have a lot of other things to read that I am actively enjoying…


If it helps, the content of week 4 was pretty good and the あとがき added context that made me enjoy the whole book more.


Hi! Welcome, and glad to have you! As Naphthalene said, please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have, even if they feel basic! We’re here to help!

Look at it this way: this is currently a really short series, and if you read both your library looks more complete. :open_mouth:

(But no, I understand; that’s the hazard of reading multiple manga volumes in a club, sadly. Hopefully most like なつき enough to want to read all four volumes, but if I can remember I’ll likely put out an interest check partway through for that one just to make sure we don’t accidentally lose too many people.)


Not pulling punches are you :joy:

I have week 4 that a lot of people seem to have enjoyed and I’ll figure it out afterwards. It’s funny bc I’m still excited to see this as an anime, but I agree the pacing feels a little off in the longer chapters, and I don’t like the “monster of the week” presentation of new characters who seem to mostly go away after their chapter. It’s an easy enough read, but I’m gonna hit a critical mass of bookclubs pretty soon and the second book of this series is definitely first on the chopping block :joy::sweat_smile:


Near the end of chapter 2 page 17, there a scene in Nakamura’s imagination where Hirose’s all caught up by the octopus and I guess he’s speaking to Nakamura?


I got

If you tell it to stop, (or if you say to stop)
reverse/opposite ???

ってば - Wiktionary, the free dictionary ってば expresses annoyance. やめろ is a impolite imperative conjugation of やめる

これじゃ → これでわ → this is

逆じゃんっか → 逆しゃないんですか? → this is the reverse (isn’t it)

I honestly don’t understand it either. It’s the reverse of what? I assume it’s reverse in the sense that the octopus is eating him when it was supposed to be him eating the octopus. That makes more sense than what my first thought was, which was “wtf, why would Hirose be supposed to molest the octopus.”


Checked my library for an e-book

The translation says

H-Hey… stop it already.
It should be the other way around…

The panel before that—where the octopus is gripping Hirose (not in imagination)

Oh come on…
I said stop.
We’ll cook you now.

So yea you were right.

I probably should’ve picked up that ってば was it’s own thing because I’ve never seen ば after って. って’s not supposed to be that way anyways.


Welcome to week 4 everyone! We’ll be wrapping up volume 1 this week!


So, expending on what I said previously (now that we are on the correct week), the あとがき changed a lot of my impression of the books. The story feels episodic because… it was an episodic publication! Mostly to fill in when stuff were missing in the magazine where the author was usually publishing, with even one chapter published in a different magazine, which is why the length is different :joy: In that context, I can’t really blame the author for not going for a fully developed story. I did like the last three chapters, and it was interesting to see that they came from the suggestions of someone else. That doesn’t really bode well for the second volume, though, as I expect that it will simply be more episodic stuff without a particular aim. Now that I know what to expect, though, I am fine with that (plus, I own the book already anyway…)


Done with volume 1/week 4! I did end up liking that last chapter quite a bit; I’m hoping for less episodic stuff in the sequel, but we’ll see. It’s an easy read, so even if the sequel ends up being more like the first volume, it’s not a particularly huge time commitment or anything, so we’re all good.

I can’t say that I caught any hints myself. :frowning: I would love for it to be the case, but if they were there they were too subtle for me. D: