😨 Home Thread for ガンバレ! 中村くん! ! 😃

Finally finished and I am glad that I did. I’m still a little on the fence if I’m gonna read #2 but I’m leaning more towards yes than I was last week. (It might also depend on how some of the votes from other book clubs shake out … but I’ve
flipped to a likely yes now I’d say)

I’d agree with this. I think he’s a friendly guy and he seems to genuinely enjoy 中村’s company, but I’m not sure I see much more than that. I’d really like to, and if vol 2 ends up being less episodic I can see it going in that direction, but I kinda agree w/ @Naphthalene’s takeaway…

Then again, the not going anywhere feels a lot like how actually being young and having a crush on someone is like, so I don’t necessarily need anything to happen between them (but I would like a more plotted out story…)



Page 100 on volume 1

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It’s old Japanese, used for style. It’s the same as するけど/するけれど (she is using tricks but she really does have an eye for people/talent; at least that’s what she says)


Sounds about right.

That chapter was… something. The plot was better here but the new words were a bit much


Week 5 has begun! We’re starting volume 2 today!


Shoot, just realized we’re way under typical page count this week. x.x I mistyped 18 as 38, so there’s 20 less pages to read this week than anticipated. Merry early Christmas?




What does Hirose’s Disliked Food Item say

Finished it up today. Tried to read the creator’s commentary and stopped after two panels because I did not want to spend my time looking up kanji. The beginning of the last chapter was eh at first but turned out to be really good.


Maybe ホルモン which apparently also can mean pig/cows entrails was my guess

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Week 6 is here! Almost done!

Week 6: not a bad couple of chapters. I liked the last one especially, I think.


Oops, seems I missed week 5. Catching up~

I liked chapters 12&13 except for the creepy clothes thing. :slight_smile:


Final week you guys!


Ok. That was a bit of a disappointing end.

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Well I’m glad I ditched the book a few weeks back now :sweat_smile:


That was indeed weird. I assume it’s not an end per se and that the author at least intends to continue writing episodes on the net if they’re not published… But what with the anime I guess they’ll just get published.

I was most disappointed in the hair cut episode this volume. It’s just like it didn’t happen at all, and that was a bit representative of the whole manga. Nothing is relevant, ergo there’s no real development happening throughout these two volumes.

I suppose this would be fine to read in a magazine at a pace of an episode every two months, as a fun extra to the series of interest. Reading it as a while and expecting a story wasn’t much fun for me. I liked the art style and the octopus. :confused:


I am not done yet with the last week, but I agree with everyone.
I tried to keep down my expectations since the author explained the background of this series but… it’s still disappointing.
Oh well, the art style was nice and it wasn’t the worst thing to read.


Finally finishing up.

Chapter 17: Wait, what? You’re just gonna end like that? What a strange choice. Also, on page 4 of the chapter, can anyone read the first line on sign on 中村’s regular barbershop? I’ve got most of it, but can’t figure out that second kanji.


I feel like an argument for 広瀬x先生 is stronger than anything 中村’s been able to muster, for better or worse.

Chapter 18: I’ve told myself I need to get better about asking about sentences I’m not sure about rather than skipping over them, so here we go: page 2, first panel of this chapter:


What’s the bolded saying? That for the moment he’s not sure how to become more friendly with 広瀬?

Melted blob 中村 as he gives 広瀬 his Line ID was pretty cute.

Chapter overall was kinda creepy. ^_^; I feel bad for 広瀬 somehow pulling all these stalkers into his orbit.

Chapter 19: Again, those 広瀬x先生 vibes. Can you even call them vibes now? Even the author is acknowledging them.

Overall, I’m a bit sad to see this series really didn’t do much for me. Lack of character development is the most glaring issue, and I’m curious how/if things are changed at all for the anime. Regardless, thanks for reading with me everyone!



Yeah, my impression is that the main character is not supposed to win :stuck_out_tongue: The series needs to go on forever.

一時は for a time
どうにか no matter how
親しくなろう trying to become on friendly terms (with him)
と (indicating result)
慣れないこと stuff I’m not used to do
ばっか only
してしまった ended up doing
けど but (technically connects to the next sentence here)

For a time, in trying to become closer to him no matter what, I ended up only doing stuff that I’m not used to/doesn’t fit me.

It was fun having people around to push me through the second volume too, I would have dropped it otherwise.


Thank you for the kanji/grammar help Naphthalene! :pray:

I hope everyone likes our upcoming club なつき more; I certainly enjoyed those books, anyway.


I don’t know what exactly it is about this manga but I just decided to drop it after the second chapter of the second volume. I hate to drop manga and non finish series’. Especially two manga in a row (I dropped an unrelated cat manga a while ago)

Was thinking I dislike comedy based manga with not much progression but I do like Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun so maybe this mangaka’s idea of comedy was just a miss for me

At least now I can finish that one 僕らの食卓 sequel? or bonus? That whole other manga