Welcome to the home thread for 告白! Our first book by 湊かなえ, famed for her thrillers and イヤミス
I have the ebook copy only so will be making the schedule based on percentage. There are 6 chapters in the book and 320 pages. If I recall correctly the opening of this book is the hardest part to get through (a more challenging writing style than other sections), so we’ll be starting slow and ramping up.
The club will start on April 24th as we give people 2 weeks to purchase a physical copy if they so desire.
Week 1 - Up until star break. Sentence ending in 殺されたからです。- 9% / p.29 Week 2 - Through end of chapter 1 - 19% / p.61 Week 3 - Up until star break. Sentence ending in 救われた気分でした。- 28% / p. 87 Week 4 - Through end of chapter 2 - 38% / p. 119 Week 5 - Chapter 3 - 54% / p. 169 Week 6 - up until bolded section starting with 四歳児 - 64% / p. 196 Week 7 - through end of chapter 4 - 74% / p. 229 Week 8 - through end of book - 100% / p. 301
If anyone has page numbers I’m happy to add them. Page numbers helpfully provided by @MintTea! Also I’ll note this book has an ebook available on Audible, although this may vary by what region you are in.
Without further ado:
Will you be reading along when the club starts on April 24th?
Uff, the JP embassy library has a copy, but it is still under renovation. Supposed to open end of this month, so hopefully I can get it in a reasonable time.
I caved in and got the book today, so I’ll be reading along next week.
This will be my first time participating in a book club, let’s see if I can actually stick to the schedule.
The page numbers for my version: Week 1 - Up until star break. Sentence ending in 殺されたからです。- 9% / p. 29 Week 2 - Through end of chapter 1 - 19% / p. 61 Week 3 - Up until star break. Sentence ending in 救われた気分でした。- 28% / p. 87 Week 4 - Through end of chapter 2 - 38% / p. 119 Week 5 - Chapter 3 - 54% / p. 169 Week 6 - up until bolded section starting with 四歳児 - 64% / p. 196 Week 7 - through end of chapter 4 - 74% / p. 229 Week 8 - through end of book - 100% / p. 301
This will be my first book club on Natively! This book will have the highest level of any Japanese novel I’ve read so far. I checked out the preview and it seems like it’ll be fine though.
For those who are new joiners - I typically open the weekly threads in the evening my time (I’m in an American timezone) the night before the official ‘start’ of each week. This is because a substantial number of club members are in time zones ahead of me and I like the thread open in the morning for them…and I tend to have more time in the evenings anyways
Please add character names and readings, along with any helpful details. If the helpful detail is a spoiler please spoiler tag that detail and note which week it’s for.
Ex: 田中太郎;たなか・たろう;社長、week 2: 人殺し
Hi, joining this slightly late! I see some familiar faces from the WK forums already. This seems to be more difficult than any book I’ve attempted so far, but I’m excited to be reading with a book club again
Just came back home from Japan - perfect timing to read with you all. Been meaning to read this for a while and it has recently also been released on audio. So, let’s see if the third time (it’s book 3 of the club, right? ) is the charm and I’ll like this book.
Book 4 actually (when did the time go? It seems to me like the club only started last month or something ). Did you not like any of the previous books? I only read the first two picks, but I enjoyed 十角館の殺人. And I definitely enjoyed the current pick, but read it before the club.
Finished yesterday. The final part flew by quickly. That ending is infuriating . Really enjoyed my time with this one. Looking forward to following everyone‘s comments in the final weeks.