Immersion Reader - E-Reader & Dictionary App

Option to keep screen on has been added to the latest version.

I also added a shortcut for an online PDF reader in the browser.

Thank you for your work! New Books on iOS has been a pain to use so I’ve been looking for alternatives. Thought I’d give my two cents.

  • Full screen doesn’t seem to do anything for me? I would expect not to see the black bar at the bottom and top. See the screenshot from Books below this one.

And ss from Apple Books (actually you could still use the space for the title better):

  • I can’t seem to remove bookmarks :thinking:. Or rather, it seems if don’t make a mark and close the book, it throws me back to where the mark was. I would like to continue where I left off.
    EDIT: Okay seems like I just had to find the auto bookmark setting. It’s a bit confusing having settings in two different places.

  • Maybe this is just the TTU reader, but I find that top bar option thing terrible to use. Didn’t even find it at first and seems really inconsistent to get it out or close it.

  • No tap to turn page. I end up closing the book all the time and then I also lose my place in the book, because it jumps to some old bookmark :frowning:.

Keep up the good work.

EDIT: managed to get the fullscreen working by restarting the reader. Still have the black bars, though. Ironically the status bar and white bar at the bottom are a bit immersion breaking for me, at least (also a bit annoying in dark mode).


I just installed the new update and since then all my books disappeared from the epub reader and I can’t add them back! So currently I can’t read at all. Please fix this bug so I can continue reading.

Sorry for the bug there.

It’s a UI glitch, so your books should still be inside ttu if you check your ttu library.

I submitted an update to Apple just now. Hopefully this doesn’t affect too many users. :sweat_drops:

Thanks for the fast reply! I hope the new update will go through fast. The books might be there, but I can’t access them at all unfortunately. But hopefully with the new update this will be resolved.

The books are back with the new update!! Thanks!

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Hey, just wondering on the possibility of having the verb forms pop up with the dictionary in the future? Aka potential, passive, volitional. Kind of like how yomi-chan has it:

Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 14.16.17

If this isn’t a planned feature thats ok, just was wondering if it was a possibility! :slight_smile:

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It’s definitely possible.

I wanted to keep it sleek and compact, so it would probably be an optional feature disabled by default.

Yes, I hid it because many people mentioned they wanted a more immersive full screen experience.

I could add another option in the settings in the next update to show status, but it probably won’t be enabled by default.

I thought I had found it (and thus deleted the post), but now it’s gone again even though I didn’t change anything. So if there was a toggle somewhere, that’d be great!

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When you open websites with the app, it always closes it completely when I leave the app. So I have to go back it it via a manual bookmark and then scroll down all the way to where I was again which makes it very tedious when reading lengthy webnovel chapters.
Is there any way to have it jump back right to where I left off, just like it does with epubs?
Also, would it be possible to establish a dark theme for the webpage reader as well? Or does that depend on the webpage itself?

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That will be included in the next update as the “Show Top Status Bar” toggle.

Added to backlog.

I found a way to do this by adding the dark-reader module to the app. I’ll include this as a setting in the next update as well. It does not however work with every website.

Edit: The status bar option and dark reader feature are now included in the latest release.

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In case some of you have missed it, you can now directly export to Anki mobile.

  1. In Immersion Reader, navigate to My Words tab, tap on the top right and select Export for AnkiDojo.
  2. Locate the Airdrop / Messages / …other apps horizontal menu…scroll to the right and select More.
  3. Select Anki. (Here you can also tap Edit on the top right and add Anki to the app bar for quick access next time).
  4. Choose comma as the field separator.
  5. Scroll down to the Field mapping and map the fields to your card type.
  6. Tap Import on the top right.

Unlike Anki Dojo, you won’t get word audio or pitch accent graphs, but this is much more convenient for users away from their computers.


Is there any guide on how to get the EPUB files onto the iphone and into the app? If I press the “+” icon on the EPUB reader section I just get a white screen that I can’t exit and have to close the app. Greatly appreciate any help :slight_smile:

That is definitely odd. See if anything changes after you restart your phone and reinstall the app.

If not, let me know your phone model and ios verison.

Thanks!. Restarting and reinstalling fixed it. If you still want to know I have an Iphone 11 on iOS 16.6.1

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For dictionaries, I can recommend Releases · stephenmk/Jitendex · GitHub
It is also what yomichan (themoeway) recommends.

Although, when I try to import it, it seems to load indefinitely… I guess though that the app uses to yomichan format?

I haven’t checked the dictionary you linked, but the app doesn’t support v3(?) yomichan dictionary format yet.

Bigger dictionaries do take longer time as well. I should add a progress indicator.

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Thanks for letting me know. I‘ll be looking forward for the update where that is possible. :slight_smile:
I got some words that were not in the built in dictionaries or the last yomichan v2 dictionary before the moe way tool over it.