🇯🇵 Index List of Book Clubs

I have a question you migh be able to help me with since I don’t want to ruin anything since it’s so beautiful right now, it’s also relevant to @Megumin

I was thinking of adding the informal webnovel book club since technically there is a decision on what to read there (the timetable is “we start reading at date X and date Y is the next book/voting next” and it has 4 people at best case scenerio but potentially only me playing make believe that others will read webnovels with me, hence I categorized it as an informal book club but hoped to put here to see maybe others will show interest or will remember it from the Book club suggestions thread and join in)

as of now the structure for informal clubs only allows adding by book so I was thinking of just adding the home threads for what’s being read (which tbh feels like it makes sense regardless) but I wanted to make sure it sounds legit to you guys (since you two seem to do a lot of editing and work into the index and I don’t want to ruin it)