🇯🇵 Index List of Book Clubs

Probably the only one that would be kinda needed is the one in the Informal Book Club, as that’s a jack of all trades table, and that’s where we are having the issue :sweat_smile:

But you are right, we could probably just remove the column and put an icon at the end.


Informal Book Clubs don’t have a parent club, otherwise they would be under a different header (independent might be a better word than informal). Out of the 4 informal clubs we currently have, two links lead to the book thread itself, and two back to WK. There’s nothing else to link to. We can safely remove them, I think.


Any thoughts on this @Megumin? I didn’t want to remove anything before a consensus had been reached.


I’m for it


Okay, removed the club columns for all but the Informal Club list. I’m still looking at it to try to figure out what would be best aesthetically and informationally.

Edit: what to do you guys think now? I went for the simplest option for the Informal Club, but I’m sure this could be improved.


I like it, simple and unobtrusive! :slight_smile:


I just wish we could make the columns the same width :sweat_smile:

1 Like

It looks nice if you’re on mobile, at least. :S

Added the Yuri club. It’s labled as “informal” in the home thread, but it’s been going through a pretty formal setup, so I didn’t list it with the other one-off clubs.


thank you very very much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I still don’t understand the difference between formal and informal to this very day so I’ll trust you with it :sunglasses:


Okay, I think the table should be updated now with all the new clubs and books; please feel free to add anything I’ve missed. I also re-ordered all the clubs to be in alphabetical order (except the VN club, since it’s kind of its own thing) and hid all the book details in summary dropdowns for easier navigation.

(Here’s the original post before I restructured everything:)

OG Post
This thread is intended for easy of access for the :jp: learnnatively Book Clubs. 

Maybe in the future, it will have some [integration straight into the main site](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/book-club-utility/761) and this won't be needed to be updated any more.

For other languages, please refer to the [Master Index list of Book Clubs](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/master-index-list-of-book-clubs/5068)


# Natively Bookclubs

## Table of Contents:

- [Mystery Club](#mystery-clubhttpsforumslearnnativelycomtmystery-novel-book-club-reading804-3)
- [Light Novel Club](#light-novel-clubhttpsforumslearnnativelycomtlight-novel-book-club-next3893-4)
- [恩田陸 Club](#clubhttpsforumslearnnativelycomtthe-onda-riku-book-club-reading-soon4625-5)
- [BL Book Club](#bl-book-clubhttpsforumslearnnativelycomtx5122-6)
- [Yuri/GL/WLW Club](#yuriglwlw-clubhttpsforumslearnnativelycomtinformal-yuri-gl-wlw-book-club-voting5345-7)
- [Horror Book Club](#horror-book-clubhttpsforumslearnnativelycomtthe-horror-book-club-currently-reading5449-8)
- Beginner's Light Novel Book Club
- Children's Book Club
- [Informal Clubs](#informal-clubs-11)
- [Visual Novel Reading Club](#visual-novel-reading-clubhttpsforumslearnnativelycomtx4428-12)

## [Mystery Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/mystery-novel-book-club-reading/804) 
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://gG5vDn2cupkltTleGvfXphvH8yx.jpeg)  | [十角館の殺人](https://learnnatively.com/book/e3353ddaff/) | 34 | Finished |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for-mystery-novel-book-club/1034)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E5%8D%81%E8%A7%92%E9%A4%A8%E3%81%AE%E6%AE%BA%E4%BA%BA) |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://cKNmuAHZXgnNnMQCnCZQF2QPth.jpeg) | [ 体育館の殺人](https://learnnatively.com/book/a8279750fa/) | 32 | Finished |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for-mystery-novel-book-club/1662)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E4%BD%93%E8%82%B2%E9%A4%A8%E3%81%AE%E6%AE%BA%E4%BA%BA) |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://yn7vMpgRudxlEzeeiQ8Wb6PMG2r.jpeg) | [ 七回死んだ男](https://learnnatively.com/book/fe48c74a88/) | 34 | Finished |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for-7/2738)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E4%B8%83%E5%9B%9E%E6%AD%BB%E3%82%93%E3%81%A0%E7%94%B7) |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://hKAto0fdHHFTNqPKEme9nqEt9Z7.jpeg)  | [告白](https://learnnatively.com/book/39de0a8b67/) | 33 | Finished |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for/3477)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E5%91%8A%E7%99%BD) |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://nH1wWAELc1DLUOE8iTDpsOfBvID.jpeg)  | [木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚](https://learnnatively.com/book/febaff3b55/) | 32 | Finished  |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for/4197)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E6%9C%A8%E6%B4%A9%E3%82%8C%E6%97%A5%E3%81%AB%E6%B3%B3%E3%81%90%E9%AD%9A) |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://pcZUW4ljcEO1N52KgulLd1Cu2Nz.jpeg) | [medium 霊媒探偵城塚翡翠](https://learnnatively.com/book/eb3732b766/) | 33 | ***In Progress*** | [:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for-medium/5294?u=eefara)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/medium%E9%9C%8A%E5%AA%92%E6%8E%A2%E5%81%B5%E5%9F%8E%E5%A1%9A%E7%BF%A1%E7%BF%A0) |

## [Light Novel Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/light-novel-book-club-next/3893) 
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://k0zPQlchU6L1SL2JaLtvzC6LgEH.jpeg)  | [コップクラフト](https://learnnatively.com/book/3f1fd8a1df/) | 35 | Finished  |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for/4010)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E3%82%B3%E3%83%83%E3%83%97%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%83%95%E3%83%88) |
|  ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://iKW00hXJa4dO5jdf7t7VBQIfXNn)| [本好きの下剋上](https://learnnatively.com/book/b26291e5b3/)  | 32 | ***In Progress*** |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for/4864)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E6%9C%AC%E5%A5%BD%E3%81%8D%E3%81%AE%E4%B8%8B%E5%89%8B%E4%B8%8A) | 
|  ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://5Re3xno2VHtN6erndS7rRZ9Gpyd.jpeg)| [後宮の烏](https://learnnatively.com/book/546b15e178/)  | 34 | *Upcoming* |[:house:]()  [:label:]() | 

## [恩田陸 Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/the-onda-riku-book-club-reading-soon/4625)
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://ckEL7pY3Cc0vnbluOVqW4W4IgNd.jpeg)  | [月の裏側](https://learnnatively.com/book/7c42728f20/) | 30?? | ***In Progress*** |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-for-starting-november-6/5082)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E6%9C%88%E3%81%AE%E8%A3%8F%E5%81%B4) |

## [BL Book Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/x/5122) 
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | 
|  ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://kUJCfBiD2QAIylSjB6MgaWzJ8J9)| [今日からマのつく自由業!](https://learnnatively.com/book/c18fd8e691/)  | 30?? | *Upcoming* |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/home-thread-wip/5423)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E4%BB%8A%E6%97%A5%E3%81%8B%E3%82%89%E3%83%9E%E7%8E%8B) | 

## [Yuri/GL/WLW Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/informal-yuri-gl-wlw-book-club-voting/5345) 
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://5ORO8CV7fOI4sp98fPzWVejtNCG.jpeg) | [アステリズムに花束を 百合SFアンソロジー](https://learnnatively.com/book/4e727091c6/) | 30?? |  *Upcoming* |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/sf-home-thread/5517)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%83%AA%E3%82%BA%E3%83%A0%E3%81%AB%E8%8A%B1%E6%9D%9F%E3%82%92-%E7%99%BE%E5%90%88sf%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BD%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B8)

## [Horror Book Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/the-horror-book-club-currently-reading/5449) 
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://6CCXCm6SDqDhIZZDDwFzuuxc8cy.jpeg) | [リング](https://learnnatively.com/book/e39162ae12/) | 35 | ***In Progress*** |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/informal-reading-club/5077)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0) [:chains:](https://community.wanikani.com/t/halloween-spooky-summer-reading-club-reading-soon-%E5%A4%8F%E3%81%A8%E8%8A%B1%E7%81%AB%E3%81%A8%E7%A7%81%E3%81%AE%E6%AD%BB%E4%BD%93/60625) 

## [Beginner's Light Novel Book Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/beginners-light-novel-book-club-l20-29/5601) 
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | 

## [Children's Book Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/childrens-book-club-nominations-open/5638) 
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- | 

## Informal Clubs
| Cover | Title | Level| Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://davAFwSquk66WloRp5TTIdEcPKJ.jpeg)  | [ レベル7](https://learnnatively.com/book/8716b31b04/) | 30 | Finished |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/informal-reading-club/3088)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E3%83%AC%E3%83%99%E3%83%AB%EF%BC%97) |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://ccp60vhvonbgWsehxR2WcAzKDow.jpeg)  | [ 叙述トリック短編集](https://learnnatively.com/book/f072fa6970/) | 34 | Finished |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/advent-calendar-2022-reading-challenge/1927)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E5%8F%99%E8%BF%B0%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E7%9F%AD%E7%B7%A8%E9%9B%86) |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://lRbevh56w1cHGm4vuuSxZVzSffJ.jpeg)  | [ きらきらひかる](https://learnnatively.com/book/5e10f5a2d8/) | 34 | Finished |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/profoundly-weird-book-club/5064)  [:label:]() [:chains:](https://community.wanikani.com/t/%E2%80%98profoundly-weird%E2%80%99-book-club/60942) |
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://putcQ9S6wfjRFnPfM0wgXztZ73d.jpeg) |  [痴人の愛](https://learnnatively.com/book/e9f46fc03e/)  | 43 | ***In Progress*** |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/informal-book-club/5092)  [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E7%97%B4%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%AE%E6%84%9B) 
| ![By Pixels\|88x125](upload://9tBTWTNm2OqF90PVjGjT7b1uDD5.jpeg) |  [むらさきのスカートの女](https://learnnatively.com/book/c755914d6d/)  | 27 | ***In Progress*** |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/x/5336) [:label:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/tag/%E3%82%80%E3%82%89%E3%81%95%E3%81%8D%E3%81%AE%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3%81%AE%E5%A5%B3)

## [Visual Novel Reading Club](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/x/4428)
| Cover | Title | Level | Status | Links |
| --- |  --- | --- | --- | --- |
| ![Marco & The Galaxy Dragon\|256x349, 35%](upload://8Kp5lIvgb9cRrbFYMyFwRZqhZ4t.jpeg) | [マルコと銀河竜](https://vndb.org/v26902) | ~25 | Finished |[:house:](https://forums.learnnatively.com/t/x/4954) [:label:]()|

I’ve linked @enbyboiwonder’s informal advent calendar book clubs/read-along thread in the Informal Club section; I considered making a full section for them, but given how rapid a new book club a day is and the uncertainty of any staying power for any one club, I just went with linking the home post.

If folks think that the read-alongs would be better served by having their own section, I can definitely add that!


I wonder how we’re going to handle all the other upcoming Advent clubs :eyes:
It’s gonna be chaos! :fire:


Advent calendar clubs added. I ended up adding a separate section, still under the Informal Clubs listing (though this can be moved to it’s own formal section if need be). I also added a year column for that particular table, since it seemed relevant for an advent challenge.


I’m not sure how you all keep so organized, it’s starting to be a little chaotic! :laughing:

I must say, if we grow much larger the on platform support for book clubs very well may become a necessity, not a nicety.


Haha, thank you! I think we’re still okay for a while in terms of keeping things organized here (JP- and KR-wise, at least); I am pretty curious how quickly romance languages will form their own clubs. Took a while for the JP side to have more than just the mystery club and the odd informal club here or there, but once it did the flood gates opened, lol.


Awesome work! I don’t know how you do it, really impressive organizational skills.


This is hilarious :rofl:

Part of the reason I wanted these advent clubs to have their own thread was so that they could stand as regular informal book clubs. People interested in the books (or stories in the case of Aozora) can join at any time, and don’t need to follow an advent schedule.

What I mean is, maybe the fact that these are currently in the form of an advent calendar isn’t really important information. Maybe they could just be listed as informal book clubs, and have (advent challenge) or something next to their name. How does that sound?


That’s a very good point. :thinking: I will say, though, for organizational purposes, it does help to have the books broken down a bit more instead of one big list, if only when editing, since it’s all just a glob of text. Would a good alternative be having a very large disclaimer saying that even if a club’s status is marked as “Finished”, all are welcome to continue reading/posting?

That’s a similar issue with EBW’s advent clubs: they’re planning on opening a new club every day, I believe, but I’m sure they’ll 100% still be ongoing after December ends. I put it in the Advent list since that’s where the idea originated, but it’s not 100% appropriate there itself.

I did consider removing the Status column in all the clubs, since seeing “Finished” might make someone think the threads are closed or something, but it can be handy to see which book is being currently read and what’s upcoming, since clubs will typically decide on their next book as they read their current one.

I dunno, I’m open to options. Putting everything in informal might be easiest…


Maybe in the (very near) future, when we have hundreds of clubs, we’ll need to do some reorganization, and make up categories even when none existed originally (eg. sports manga, non-fiction, Akutagawa winners, etc). The way I see it this list is there mainly for the benefit of people who weren’t there when the clubs were created, but may still want to join, or at least take a look. For these people, we’ll want to make the clubs easy to find. Having a random category like Advent (or even Informal) isn’t really helpful. But I don’t see how we can avoid the Informal category for now, so until we have dozens of book clubs that can be split in categories, it stays.

For now, and as long as the Advent clubs are active (the duration of December that is), they could be in their own category, separate from Informal. After that, I’d probably dump them in Informal so that they’re easier to find. Sometimes large categories are easier to browse than smaller but random categories. I wish I had something more useful or practical to say, but organizing is hard :sweat_smile:

It occurs to me now, maybe the main distinction should be between In Progress vs Finished clubs, so somehow have all the In Progress or Upcoming clubs visible at a glance at the top of the page? This is really way too much work for the person doing the maintenance though, so better not.



Anyway, that’s a great thought, categorizing separately from how the clubs were initially defined. I agree, not something that’s easily done without issues this early on, but definitely a consideration. :thinking:

No, you’re right; having everything in separate drop-downs works as long as we don’t have tens with only a handful of books each. While I do like the idea of merging Advent back into Informal to keep everything tidy, I would argue that all of these books are tied together by being originally read for an advent challenge, whereas the Informal category is currently mostly defined as “not being read as part of a themed club”. Maybe it would be better to just make Advent its own separate category, in preparation for those future hundreds of clubs?

…And I agree again; too much work to manually do for not enough benefit. I could potentially add a simple list than what we’re currently maintaining, something super quick:

Book Title Club
本好きの下剋上 LN Club
Aozora Short Stories Advent Informal
痴人の愛 Non-advent Informal

That wouldn’t be too hard to maintain; it would require the user to go search for the book in the formally-kept lists, but that’s fine imo.

Alternatively, I could stack stacking dropdowns inside of each other:

LN Club

This text will be hidden


This text will be hidden


This text will be hidden

Looks a bit squished when I open the top drown-down, but this way we’re not really adding any extra work to it. A row is created for Future, which can by cut and pasted into Active, which can be cut/pasted into Finished when done…