👷 🚧 Infrastructure Overhaul! Report newly broken functionality here! 🔥 🚒

I’ve also noticed that the site has been slower since the update.


I think @brandon mentioned at some point that the site would generally be slower until he had upgraded all of the pages; is that still ongoing, brandon?


I’ve noticed that setting a book to “Reading” on the book’s page is setting the start time to 00:00 again. For example, when I went to the book page for 魔法少年なつき×らびっツ 2 | L24 yesterday, I changed the status from “Owned” to “Reading”, then went back to the dashboard and updated my pages I’ve read. Despite me doing that in rapid succession, the timestamps are wrong on the update feed:

Those two updates for the books should be right after each other, not separated.


@brandon In getting more “issues with our servers” when I try to filter in my library.

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Can not reproduce? If it’s still happening might be account specific?

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This used to convert to titles in discourse, now it just stays in URL form



I had the same problem as well


It’s irregular, unfortunately. :\ I figure as long as I report it Brandon will know the core problem hasn’t been solved.

Ah, another question @brandon: do you know if you’ll be able to fix the regular grading/extra grading button not showing up on a book’s page? That’s been broken for a while I know.


@brandon, saving new providers on book pages isn’t consistently saving. I’ve been trying to add US Audible links to the books in 「死神」シリーズ | L30?? , but of the three only one seems to be sticking.


That happens on and off with so many books (and has since b4 the infrastructure stuff)… I blame discourse lol. I wonder if it wouldn’t be useful to have a separate “Links that no longer auto-format” thread?

(btw, it’s probly more helpful to put the link in backticks, like https://learnnatively.com/book/a554e042b9/, since then you can copy-paste it)

Also: it seems to be formatting now btw, assuming it’s the one in this post

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I did format it manually.

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Yeah, is it possible to investigate the “forum link formatting is flaky” problem? It’s probably my most common way of interacting with Natively and it’s just so offputting when it doesn’t work right; and it feels like it’s been flaky for forever. It does seem to be flaky rather than completely broken, because when you edit or preview a post, some links sometimes auto format and some don’t, and sometimes the same link will autoformat when posted but editing the post will break it, or vice versa.

Edit: I filed a separate bug report for this: Discourse autoformatting of Natively URLs is flaky


I get an empty display on the dashboard, after it shows for one second so as it should look (safari on ipad).


Same on desktop Chrome. Error is Cannot read properties of null (reading 'url').

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On edge mobile browser and dashboard has same issue mentioned above

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Think it might be universal given the variety here. I get the same on Chrome, Android phone.

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Sorry about that you all!

I’ve got it not so broken now, although the images aren’t working yet. Will fix shortly.

In other news, I had a rough week last week due to various things (hit by two illnesses and couldn’t sleep… other things I can’t go into).

But I’m good now and going to try to refocus this week…

I know that this infrastructure transition continues to cause problems and I need to get it done and sorted. We will redouble our efforts and try to finish it soon!


I can confirm it’s back for me except for the images, like you noted. :tada:


For me the images are visible (now?)

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Is this still happening? What filters are you doing?

Yes, this should be fixed now :slight_smile: