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Book search and the My books list are gone again.

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Really?? They’re working fine for me? :thinking:

Still not working for you?

They worked some time, probably feeling the eye of their master upon them.

But now the whole site seems to be down. A reboot?…and back again.


Ugh, I can’t reproduce nor am I getting any alerts indicating down time. Are the errors similar to the dns errors we were getting before? 500 errors? 404?

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No it probably was just that it hung in an open search at that point. The other problems are no longer there as well, now. Sorry for the trouble.

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Oh no, I really appreciate these reports, especially since I wasn’t getting any alerts about it

Not a major thing, but a book I asked recategorized took some time between the email saying it was fixed and showing the change on the book page, and even now in my dashboard it shows the wrong type still.


Getting issues with our servers when I click on Owned in My Books. All the other filter options work fine tho

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I barely buy any books in Amazon.es.
I do buy some other stuff rather regularly but I often forget to go through a LN link first or use one or the affiliate programs where I have some cash back

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If we go through LN but buy a different book, it’s still counted as a purchase right? I also often forget to use the link but I could like set a bookmark if that works.


yep! Would be greatly appreciated if you do. Doesn’t even necessarily need to be books :smile:


If I remember correctly the “link” remains active 24 hours or until purchase, whichever happens first.

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should be good now!

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FYI this is now fixed :slight_smile:

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I found the requirements for that to happen. On the top of forum sites, there is a line with Natively > Search Dashboard which I tend to use to get back to my dashboard. But from time to time the dashboard is well shown, but the web address is still that of the forum. [Usually it changes to LN’s address as the last thing of that transfer.] So when I click e.g. on My books, it then searches in the forms, where My books of course cannot be found.


After save:

I think it’s been reported, but just a bump on spoiler tags in reviews being broken. This is in 私の夫は冷凍庫に眠っている | L28 if an example is needed.


Additional context: specifically on Firefox. Also affects ruby tags.

Works perfectly fine on Chrome


I can’t seem to be able to grade anything. Whenever I click to ‘grade my items’ I get this error message.


Couldn’t add a new book to the Spanish site today (iOS, Safari, phone).

When I copied the link to the book from Amazon.Es I got this message:

When I completed the other details and submitted I got this:


My books are for some reason appearing as empty.

Edit: I can confirm that this is also happening on my computer. However, weirdly, it’s only with Korean. The My books page works without issues otherwise for Japanese and Spanish.