👷 🚧 Infrastructure Overhaul! Report newly broken functionality here! 🔥 🚒

I had the same happen with a German request (reported in the German Beta channel).

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Ok, now give this a go? I think i fixed it.


Just tried it on 優しい死神の飼い方 | L29 and it worked! :tada: I’m away from my laptop this week but I’ll try to get back to the books I’ve missed grading so far soon. Thanks for fixing it!


oh great! And apologies i didn’t get to it sooner! Thanks for continuing to note :sweat_smile:


This happened to me also when I tried to add https://www.amazon.es/Almendra-temas-hoy-Won-Pyung-Sohn/dp/8499987915

@brandon seems I can’t do any extra gradings anymore? The button is there for me to click on a book’s page, but when I click it it doesn’t give me the opportunity to do any extra gradings, just says I’ve done all available.


ok noted :thinking: :thinking:


Ugh, yeah, there does seem to be something funny going on with the ES version too. I’ve also sent a support request into them as well.


Somehow there’s a duplicate entry in this series.



I have found a couple of those cases, it’s usually fastest to just use the feedback button in the series, assuming you haven’t done that yet.

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Looks like the Amazon Kindle book and the Amazon paperback have ended up split in the data for some reason. I’ve seen this before too for other books – my assumption is that sometimes the data from Amazon has this kind of weirdness in it and Natively isn’t able to spot that the two things are really the same and merge them. (It would probably be possible to auto-find all of these by looking for Natively entries which have only an Amazon Kindle provider link and no ISBN.)


I think it happens when amazon gives them a new ASIN… which for some reason they sometimes do.


Ah, nice catch. Usually we do find these sorts of dupes, but it looks like our dupe checker missed this one.

Will make a manual note for a fix.

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Thanks. Any idea why 晴れ晴れ日和 1 (MFC キューンシリーズ) | L24?? and 晴れ晴れ日和 2 (MFC キューンシリーズ) | L24?? aren’t being grouped as a series in my list? Same with エリオと電気人形 1 | L24 and エリオと電気人形 2 | L24.

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not entirely sure… but a resynced your library items and all good now!

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So bad news you all… apparently we’re not getting enough revenue from the amazon DE & amazon ES links, so they’ve reduced my limit :scream:

Is buying books through amazon not very popular for those languages?

If any of you all are interested in buying some books, let me know. Otherwise i’ll try to buy something from those amazon sites… see if it works.

I may just need to find another solution this week :confused:


Amazon doing amazon things again. You’d think they’d appreciate people linking to them.

I almost never buy (non Japanese) books anymore and I don’t have anything else I need to buy off of amazon at the moment. Sorry. :pensive:


For Spanish books, it’s a lot easier to find them in say, Europe, over Japanese or Korean books (German is similar, you can find some books written in German in most libraries). So for my part, there’s quite a lot of choice for books in Spanish in libraries, which means it ends up being cheaper than Amazon because of the lack of shipping fees. There’s also a decent number of secondhand books, so as long as I’m not looking for a specific book, they can get very cheap, like 1-3€ per book.

Amazon is great for when I want something specific that isn’t in my local library (I think I purchased La Ciudad de las Bestias through Natively’s Amazon link 2-3 months ago), but otherwise, there are other options that are often a lot cheaper.

(Since I just bought a lot of Spanish books, mostly secondhand, I probably won’t be buying any more any time soon, barring any potential book club books.)


:face_with_spiral_eyes: What a weird system. “If you don’t make enough revenue we will make it so you definitely won’t ever be able to make enough revenue.”

I tend to be a Kobo user over Amazon, but maybe also these languages are more available on people’s home Amazon country than JP ones?

I can scope out some kindle options on ES, do you know how much they’re short?


I find a lot of French, Spanish, and German books can be purchased on amazon.com which is cheaper to ship for physical books and for Kindle books I’d much rather only have to maintain one (well, two with Amazon Japan) Amazon libraries than many across different country sites.