If you’re worried about the holidays you could also hold the vote a week earlier, while the current club is still running. Just make sure to specify that the start date is sometime in mid-January.
Book: 〆切前には百合が捗る | L28
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
Summary JP
第1巻の内容紹介: 美人小説家と家出少女の日常系百合ラブコメディ、開幕! 「〆切直前に遊ぶゲームって、なんでこんなに楽しいのかしら……」 家出少女の白川愛結は、従姉妹の白川京の紹介で、人気作家、海老ヒカリの世話係&監視役のバイトをすることになる。 原稿をサボってゲームをしたり釣りや旅行に出かけるヒカリに翻弄されながらも、そんな日常に幸せを感じる愛結。 一方ヒカリも、突然始まった愛結との同居生活の中で、これまで感じたことのない気持ちが芽生えるのだった。 社会から排斥された少女と、容姿才能家柄すべてに恵まれながらも自堕落に生きる小説家、二人の関係の行き着く先は……? “普通”に生きにくいすべての人に贈る、珠玉の日常系ガールズラブコメディ、誕生。
Summary EN (deepl)
Volume 1: Introduction: A beautiful novelist and a runaway girl in a runaway house A beautiful novelist and a runaway girl’s daily yuri love comedy begins! Why is it so much fun to play games right before the deadline? … Aiyu Shirakawa, a runaway girl, is introduced by her cousin Miyako Shirakawa to a popular novelist, Hikari Ebi, and ends up working part-time as a caretaker and observer. Aiyu feels happy in her daily life, although she is at the mercy of Hikari, who skips writing and instead plays games, goes fishing, and goes on trips. Meanwhile, Hikari also begins to feel something she has never felt before in her life together with Aiyu. A girl ostracized by society and a novelist blessed with good looks and a good family background, but living a life of self-indulgence, where will their relationship lead them …? This is a gem of an everyday girls’ romantic comedy for all those who have difficulty living a “normal” life.
content warnings
Age gap, internalized homophobia, some brief bullying at very beginning. Leads are 16 & 22 at the start, and 17 & 23 at the end. Spoiler for the end: they do start dating at the end, and there is a skipped over/implied sex scene.
Reason(s) for nominating: Plot and characters are cute, fairly wholesome, and original. There isn’t cheap, ecchi rom-com style humor. Writing style feels easier than other LNs around this level. It strikes a good balance between fun and comprehensible, while not feeling shallow. The dynamic between the 3 characters is enjoyable so far (Miyako seems like a good cousin, and as Hikari’s editor, she’s often in 鬼 mode). It’s the first age gap story I encountered that didn’t have some additional weird vibes/dynamic attached to it, which I was grateful for.
It’s my 2nd favorite romance LN series. I’ve read it twice, and apparently feel like I could read it a 3rd time!
So when are nominations open until?
December 30 will likely be our next voting date.
Is there an audiobook available?: yes or no (if so, please list where it is available, since that information isn’t easily grabbable on Natively)
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in another Natively language?: yes. I don’t know about spanish or korean. But I know the whole series is officially translated in German, whereas only some have an official English release.
Summary - Japanese
第1巻の内容紹介: ゲーム好きでぼっちな高校生、雨野景太。そんな彼が、「……私に付き合って、ゲーム部に、入ってみない?」美少女、天道花憐に声をかけられ――。ゲーム部の日常が始まると思いきや!? 勘違い錯綜青春ラブコメ!!
Summary - English
[DeepL Translation - needs review] Volume 1 Introduction: Keita Ameno is a game-loving, lonely high school student. He was asked by a beautiful girl, Karen Tendo, "… to join the game club. He is approached by a beautiful girl, Karen Tendo. He thinks that the daily life of the game club will begin, but what happens? This is a romantic comedy of youth and misunderstanding!
Content warnings if known
Why are you nominating this book: I love the anime. It’s just a silly romcom with sometimes wonky animations and objectively I couldn’t say that it’s anything special. But the humor and lovable characters make it special to me. I’m surprised that a simple romcom is L34. Either it’s overrated and we as a BC can adjust it down, or it’s the ideal book for me to try something harder.
Reminder we’ll be voting in a couple of days, so get your nominations posted before then!
akldjfioiw;kjd I completely forgot to post the poll. @.@ My apologies everyone; I’ll have to go back into work soon so I should hopefully be able to stick to a schedule better.
View the Nominations List here or here; be sure to scroll to the right; there’s a lot of information there! You’ve got 5 votes, so vote wisely! (Normally I’d bump it down to 4 since we’ve got fewer noms, but I’m feeling generous this New Year’s. Let’s see what we end up with!)
This poll should close automatically on January 13, 17:00 UTC.
Reminder that there’s only a few days left until the poll closes! 幻獣調査員 is giving a very good showing, I must say.
ngl, I do kinda hope the ungraded book without an audiobook wins so I don’t have to even have the conversation with myself about how I already have too many bookclubs to join this one…
Yeah, me catching up with book clubs (maybe including this) in mid-late February is gonna be interesting lol
Tho it would be more convenient for me if 裏世界ピクニック wins, since I already wanted to get back to that anyway
Otoh I hope the ungraded one wins, so it gets graded
…Which book are you guys talking about? All the top contenders have been graded at least once as far as I can tell?
Ah, I didn’t click in past the nomination post. 幻獣調査員 | L33 is 30?? there but has subsequently been graded. I also didn’t realize that it was one of the first nominations
Ah, gotcha. Yeah, it looks like that link never updated, so it still looks unread.
I bought it shortly after the nomination when it went on sale. Feels like forever ago now
… I really hope it wins and I can finally get it out of my TBR pile
Thank you all for voting! 幻獣調査員 will be our next read; I’ll put up a home thread this week, and we’ll get the details sorted out.
Given we only had 14 nominations, I’m not going to cut any this time after voting (unless people really want me to).
I just realised that the link to the home thread didn’t get posted yet, so let me remedy that. 🐰 Home Thread for 幻獣調査員 🦇
Just in case some of you don’t stalk the forums like me haven’t found it yet.
Shoot, thank you MintTea! I linked it in the OP, and completely forgot to call it out down here. Once more for good measure:
Book: なめらかな世界と、その敵 | L39??
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in another Natively language?: likely no
Summary - Japanese
Summary - English
Content warnings if known
Why are you nominating this book: Interesting short SF stories. Highly rated.
edit: I’d agree whether this counts as a LN is fairly debatable… As for the difficulty, it probably varies a lot across short stories.
I think this is one of those cases where I can’t tell if this a “light novel” for club purposes. I would ask you to define criteria, but… I don’t know if we have a good set, honestly. Peeking at the author’s other works on Natively, the covers seem light-novelish, at least. Doors anyone have any objections adding this to the nomination list?
(And welcome to the forums!)
I don’t have any objection on the topics /content since “light novel” is very loosey goosey anyway although I’d never read it bc that level, sheesh. I do question if a short story collection can be a light novel though…
On the one hand, 本好き has some short story books from what I gather, but could you JUST write a short story collection and have that be a LN?