ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next: 幻獣調査員

I read the first 10 pages some months ago and would say it’s more difficult than its current L33?? level. I wasn’t in the mood and put it back on the pile :sweat_smile:

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so many good options. :melting_face:



The link for the nomination for 歴史に残る悪女になるぞ 悪役令嬢になるほど王子の溺愛は加速するようです! in the poll is wrong, it’s going to the nomination for Slime.


Dang it, good catch, and sorry about that. I don’t think I can change it now, unfortunately, without wiping out the whole poll. :frowning: Here’s the correct nomination link, if anyone does need it:

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Looks like we have a winner :eyes:


whelp guess that’s another book club I’m participating in :sweat_smile:


Whoops I completely forgot I had a poll set up Congratulations to our next pick, 神様たちのお伊勢参り | L30??! We’ll begin reading on September 30!

These books are now eligible for re-nomination:

And these books have been removed from our nom list:

Thank you all!


New home thread is up!


At least you didn’t forget you had a Home Thread set up, like I did for 雨でも晴れでも :sweat_smile:


Btw I just noticed the post title says “next book Sep 30”, instead of “Now reading xyz”… I had been wondering what the club was up to, only to realize I had actually partially participated in the current book club :sweat_smile:


Good point! Updated!


Whoops, thank you! This thread doesn’t see much activity outside of voting, so if I don’t change it then I tend to forget. :sweat_smile:

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I totally understand. Same thing with the Beginner LN club… Which I need to throw in some nominations for. or maybe I shouldn’t, bc it will make the vote easier if I don’t

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Speaking of nominations…

Book: ループ7回目の悪役令嬢は、元敵国で自由気ままな花嫁生活を満喫する 1 f | L30
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese

「リーシェ! 僕は貴様との婚約を破棄する!!」 「はい、分かりました」「えっ」 20歳で命を落としては婚約破棄の瞬間にループしてしまう公爵令嬢リーシェの人生は、7回目を迎えていた。 過去の人生、商人や薬師、騎士などの生き方を満喫してきたけど、今度の人生こそ長生きしてごろごろしたい! 決意して飛び出そうとしたところ、とてつもない美丈夫とぶつかってしまう。 その男性は、数年後に戦争を引き起こし、リーシェが死んでしまう要因を作り出した皇太子アルノルトだった!? さらに、騎士人生で培った立ち振る舞いを気に入られたのか、彼から結婚を申し込まれて――!? 自分の死の原因であるアルノルトを探るため、リーシェは求婚を了承する。 ごろごろしたい決意とは裏腹に、過去の人生で得た経験を発揮し注目を浴びていくリーシェは、果たして7回目の人生を生き残れるのか……!?

Summary - English

Being reborn once may sound impressive, but Rishe is already on her seventh time around! She has had all kinds of excitement in her previous lives, from peddling goods as a merchant to locking blades as a knight, so now she’s determined to kick back and enjoy. But to savor the high life, she first has to marry the handsome prince…the same one who happens to be her murderer! It will take six-plus lifetimes of experience and skills for Rishe to break the time loop and make her extravagant dreams come true!

Content warnings if known

None known

Why are you nominating this book: This has been on my TBR in English for a while, and after seeing the @Naphthalene seal of approval recently, I’d like to formally nominate this so there’s a chance I get to it in the next seven years.

(I marked the series as ongoing in the nom list @Naphthalene, but let me know if that’s incorrect.)


That is correct in the sense that the content is ongoing. The last volume ends on a cliffhanger. At the same time, the author hasn’t posted any new content about it on なろう for a year (and publication has fully covered it). It could be that the author will directly publish the rest, though? Or it’s going to take a while.

There was an anime that came this year and covers the first two books, by the way. It’s currently 11th in the anime ranking of this year https://best100.animefestival.jp/


Ooh, yes! I watched the anime recently and was inspired to try reading the LN’s. It would be even more fun to read along with others!


Speaking of that indeed, when is the next vote? There are only 4-ish weeks left on the current pick.
Do we need to call for more nominations? (I still have more than 5 books I want to read in the list, so it’s not like I want to add more, but just in case)


I was pondering that, actually. We’ve still got four weeks left in the current book, so they’ll have wrapped up by December 23, which is right around Christmas/holidays. So I was considering holding the next vote starting on either December 30 or, if everyone just wants a chance to relax, January 6, and then we’d likely start the book mid- to late-January.

So either way we’ve got about a month to go. I can go ahead and update the title that nominations are open, but I’m not expecting much movement for a bit.


Earlier vote is better, so ppl can have enough time to get physicals, if they need it. No opinion otherwise tho


Very true. I am wondering if the holidays will affect voter turnout, though?