Linking translated books between languages

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Didn’t find anything about this, sorry of it’s a double.

I was wondering if there’s a way to link the same book in different languages.

For example of I’m on the page for the following book in Korean;

Then on that page I have a way to enter the same book in japanese;

Trello link: (leave in blank)

I think this would end up being a pretty manual process (I’m not aware of any places that have all of the translations of a book … I don’t even think world cat is that robust…) but it would be really nice to have. I know we’ve talked about it in the forums before but I’m not sure there was ever a product request for it…


I’m sure their information is far from complete, but Wikidata does catalogue translations. It seems like it would be a pain to pull information out of and accurately match it to books on Natively in any kind of automated way, though /:

Example: Yotsuba&!


There’s a page that had been started to gather books like these, translated in multiple Natively languages. I’d actually forgotten about that page, but yeah, it might be a good idea to complete it so that when the feature to link book does come, we’ll have those books ready to add.