List bug: seemingly unable to series for book/series if title is all in English

Description of your request or bug report: I was trying to add these two, one as a series, and one as a regular book, but despite being in Natively’s DB, they don’t populate when searching for a book or series on the list screen:



Trello link: (leave in blank)

Does it work if you use the same case as the titles (sotus vs SOTUS, etc)?

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Nope, doesn’t look like it.

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The first one seems it was just added today and hasn’t been approved and made searchable yet. It doesn’t show up in regular search by either title or author, either, so it wouldn’t be expected to show up.

But the second one is showing up in regular search just fine, so if it’s not showing up in list search, then something’s up.

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I’ve had similar issues before trying to search for tv shows. I would enter a translated name and no show would come up, but when I try to make a new tv show, one would already exist and my search title was listed as [one of] the English title(s).

I can’t remember off hand specific instances, but I think こっち向いてよ向井くん | L28 may have been one?