Lists discussion

Now that lists are here, I assume that people will have stuff to talk about with respect to what kind of list to make, does X list already exist, etc.

Case in point, I am in the process of making a list and am having trouble coming with a title. Instead of spamming the main Natively thread, I thought it would be nice to have a dedicated one… and here we are.


Specifically, I made a list for manga I enjoyed reading that didn’t feel like they were aimed at teenage boys. I’m not sure what to title it, though.
I went with Manga for grown-ups | Japanese List | Natively but that feels a bit aggressive?
I don’t know if anyone has a better suggestion.
(Also, recommendations for mangas in that genre are appreciated)


Same author as 7 Seeds, ミステリと言う勿れ 1 | L30
I enjoyed the tv show, only read the first few volumes of the manga, but I’m not a big manga person.

ウツボラ 1 | L33 feels aimed at adults, but while I wouldn’t call it fan service, there is nudity and sexual content. It’s also kinda horror? Ish.

Honestly manga for grown-ups sounds fine to me, but again, I don’t read much manga :person_shrugging:

Other things that came into my head:

  • Serious Drama With No Fanservice
  • No T&A Drama
  • Fully Clothed Action

That’s fine for me.

Doesn’t work with 7SEEDS (as least; there might be stuff in 鉄コン筋クリート as well, I can’t remember exactly)

But if the title doesn’t seem weird, I’ll just leave it as is, then, thanks!
(And thanks for the recs as well)


Non-男性向き manga?
Manga aimed at grown-ups?



I find the title a little off-putting personally, but it wouldn’t stop me from clicking on it either


Well, except for 7SEEDS, which is 女性, all manga are 青年, so technically 男性向け (at least in terms of official marketing audience, even though publishers tend to put neutral stuff in that category)

Heh, good enough, I guess.


I think if you change “for” to “aimed at”, it stops being off-putting. It’s kinda おかしい that I feel offput by it in the first place, considering I am in fact an adult :sweat_smile:


I see your point, but aimed at implies intent from the author.
I mean… it is technically true, since they are all in categories for adult, but it’s slightly different from what I was aiming for.
Hmmmmm I may go for that, though.


I don’t see that at all. Only implies publisher’s intent to me. Idk anything about the author’s intent until I’ve actually read something. Anyway, up to you in the end.

Btw I see you have 風の谷のナウシカ on there… I think that’s going in my next cdjapan order :slight_smile:


I like the title. Maybe it could be ‘Manga for adults’ but grown-ups is a little funny :slight_smile:

So much content recommended to language learners is material intended for children or YA, very worthwhile list. I think having too much japanese in the title is more offputting tbh haha


Since you asked, I want to make some kind of 4-koma list. Problem is, I don’t know whether to make it general 4-koma or specifically Kirara… the difference basically being whether I include ひとりぼっちの〇〇生活.

That said, I feel a bit weird making a list before series support is added, so I’ll probably wait.


I probably woulda just gone with “manga not for teenage boys” bc I’m uncreative and awkward like that, but also it depends if you’ll be including any teenage girl manga or not. Teenage girls aren’t teenage boys, but while they may be expected to behave like adults, they’re not adults either…


I’d include it, and just put (mostly Kirara) in parens or in the description

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Do y’all think it’s productive to have mixed media lists? Like if I put together a “favorite yuri” or “favorite fantasy” or something… does having manga, LNs, and anime all in the same list make it more or less appealing to browse?

Potential advantage: exposure to more cool stuff.
Potential disadvantage: more chaotic/disorganized. Not helpful if someone’s always looking for one medium.


Personally it would make the list less appealing. Manga/novel crossover is borderline and probably case by case, but I’m not sure I’d ever want to see books and videos in the same list.

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That was my original idea, but I was afraid “for adult” would be interpreted in a different way.
I mean, if someone clicked on it expecting something lewd and got disappointed, I guess it’s on them, but conversely I thought the actual target audience for the list might be put off by accident.


Since it’s supported, I’d say to go for it! It makes sense to make a recommendation list for a given topic, regardless of media.

If it’s clearly indicated (for instance in the description next to it) and they are ordered inside the list, I think it’s fair. Plus, people who only care about a given media can more easily skip the rest.


These only occurred me after seeing the way the Lists implementation happened but it could be potentially cool to have things for big lists/community interaction such as:

  • Comments (Probably some sort of discourse integration?)
  • Multi-user permissions
  • Votes/Likes within the list
  • Feature a review of the book (Not necessarily from the list owner)

I once grabbed a manga for free that is basically about the life of Steve Jobs. (It’s a series, even.) I read the first half of the first volume and I thought it was neutral in style (not particularly geared towards teens or something). It even had some complicated scientific explanations or something iirc, which made me really struggle at the time (mainly regarding the kanji, not wrt the general contents).

A friend of mine recommended a manga series about a salaryman who is very popular with women and ends up in all sorts of strange and slippery situations. I read the first half of the first volume (can you spot a pattern here? :sweat_smile:) and thought that it was more funny than lewd, but then I’m not very sensitive in that respect, I guess… Towards the end he gets into a poly relationship, which is why I got interested in the series in the first place.