Finished ソードアート・オンライン5 ファントム・バレット | L34 and 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 2 | L32 and wow, I really loved the second! Did them both with audiobook + text. I noticed that a lot of the words I was looking up were furigana words, so that feels good. I think I had plenty of non-furigana lookups too, but still. And of course, a lot of words I could get from context.
Otoh to my surprise, my listening comprehension with 星降る王国のニナ S1 | L28 has been really iffy - even in parts where it shouldn’t be. Which I’m a bit surprised/confused by, since I can do pretty well w/ both SAO and 転生王女 when I walk away from the text for a bit. This makes me wonder if I should alter my December Listening Challenge to include a minimum of audio-only or audio-only anime hours as well
I want to continue on with both SAO & 転生王女 LNs, but I don’t own the next volume for the latter. I think I’ll probly order the next ones from Suruga-ya ASAP. If vol 3 is as good as volume 2 was, then I’ll pause SAO after vol 6, and just focus on these I think (I imagine the jpdb decks will feel a bit easier at that point too). I’m definitely really grateful for the audiobooks. These would both feel so much harder without them!
Also excited for various book clubs in the next month or two. I should make a note of them here
Update: I finished November Listening Challenge at 77.6 hrs