Luna's Learning Log

Well I read a bit, but then was tired again (for other reasons), and did some more jpdb. Saw a bunch of words I looked up in the reading, plus some I hadn’t thought to look up, which caused me to misunderstand a sentence or two. Started using the Something grade again as well.

Current stats: 88% Known, 96.4% Coverage, Learning 367, Remaining 161, 106 Due.

That’s where I was with Book 10, so nice starting point. Work is actually busy today, so I might just do 10 minute rounds here and there, instead of actually reading.

Edit: I just realized I’ve been totally neglecting Tobira. Will have to get back to that over the weekend


Finished book 12. It definitely feels like these are getting easier to read, as they go on. There was a lot more I read without checking the translation this time - and in particular, the last 15-20% of the story, I just read straight through.

The physicals came, so now I’m switching back and forth btwn Kindle & physical. ちょうどいいタイミング cuz Book 12 is the first Kindle one that doesn’t have page numbers, and neither does 13 for some reason. I discovered that font size 3 is the same as LN font size, so it’s easy to go back and forth. The way I read with each is infecting the other… Normally: Kindle - immediate lookup; physical - delayed lookup (a good thing). Now: Kindle - delayed lookup; physical - tries to tap word on page… oh wait :sweat_smile:

Jpdb stats for Book 12: Known 83.8%, Coverage 93.8%, Learning 271, Remaining 501, Due 90

Book Known Coverage Learning Remaining Due
Book 12 83.8% 93.8% 271 501 90
Book 13 (start) 79.3% 92.6% 377 567 348
Book 13 (in-progress) 90.6% 97% 215 214 121

I’m tempted to go right into Book 13, but since it’s kinda late, I’ll try to at least clear the 348 reviews, or go through the deck a little and mark stuff as Known. I’m sure a lot of the reviews are stuff that I’ve gotten solid on now, due to previous books - so it shouldn’t be so bad.

Book 13 will be the first one where I don’t have a really clear memory of it from the anime (I think), so that will be a cool comparison if true. Anyway, I’m loving how comfortable it feels just reading this series one after the other. I feel like things are progressively opening up more and more, in terms of speed and comprehension - at least for L20s stuff - and that’s really nice :slight_smile:

Otherwise I watched the first 薬屋のひとりごと S2 | L34 episode. It was hard, and I had to stop a lot, but it wasn’t hard the way S1 was (I had to stop a lot and rewatch episodes, and was still ??). Of course it was only the 1st ep, so we’ll see how it goes. マリみて has actually helped with it in some ways, b/c I’m used to some of the fancier speech style, or seeing certain kanji or expressions I’ve seen there

I’m still neglecting Tobira, but it’s cuz I’m focused on マリみて, so that’s fine for now. Haven’t watched more おにいさまへ… S1 | L26 yet either, for basically the same reason. But I should get back to that one soon, so I don’t totally lose the story


Got really sick the other day, and have barely made any progress on Book 13 :frowning:

Read through the next story in 花物語 上 | L39 in my lesson, and it is way harder than the first story. Actually had to read it twice, and my teacher said she didn’t get it super well the first time around either - so apparently it wasn’t just me feeling crappy. It was a lot of extended description, and a lot of really unfamiliar vocab & expressions, including what seemed to be an author-invented onomatopoeia. Besides that the book’s quite interesting. It definitely leaves a lot to implication or imagination, with the endings so far (based on the 2 stories I’ve read)

Anyway, it’s a nice way of expanding my literary horizons a bit. I wonder if I should try reading the stories on my own, before each lesson, so I can use lesson time more effectively. Something to consider.

Still haven’t done any Tobira, and I’m not even sure where I’ve put the papers at this point (downside to physical media lol), but I’ll get to it soon 多分


What was it, out of curiosity?

ほろろさびしげ (specifically the ほろろ part) - at least neither of us could find it when we tried looking it up. Here’s the full sentence below. It’s bolded, towards the very end:


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I found: ほろろ=ほろほろ


Gotcha. Now that I’m checking the 国語 app (rather than just Akebi and google), I also found:


And actually there’s a HiNative on this exact passage that I should read later:



Just wanted to say, that’s a really beautiful passage; the writing looks lovely.


the writing is really lovely, in both stories. This one particularly had a lot of really long descriptive sentences like that.

I think next time I will try reading it from my kindle in the lesson, rather than the physical book, to reduce the vocab burden


92% done with book 13. Would have liked to finish sooner, but life. I did some more of the jpdb deck as well. This is by far my least favorite in the series so far. I want push myself to finish the remaining bit, but in really not *that" interested in the omake, especially Street that 2nd story. So I’ll finish in the morning.

Messaged with my friend in Japanese for an hour… Which went a lot better than verbal japanese. Honestly I kinda surprised myself a bit with some of what I pulled out (all that reading is paying off, yay!!), and we’ll hopefully do more of it (online or in person) in the near future

Considering working on conversation more, but not sure of a good way to do that

  • HelloTalk - I get bored/socially drained too easily, and don’t need more phone time
  • local Meetup - sounds like way too much time/energy
  • some other option? I should probably just scratch this, so I can stick with reading

Finally found Tobira papers. So I’ll pick that back up tomorrow :slight_smile:


It feels a bit weird basically only reading one series. I miss sharing a bunch of different stuff over in the what are you reading thread. I’m really enjoying マリみて though (even this least favorite book), so it’s worth the temporary abstinence, but I look forward to with I finish this & the Buddha series, and go back to reading various other things.

I haven’t quite figured out how to articulate, but I’ve been really enjoying this in a way that hasn’t been the case for a lot of yuri. Like I’m enjoying those too of course, but I feel like this has a certain literary depth(?) or maturity or something that other series I’ve read don’t. Edit: in will not sure that’s the right way to put it. Not quite sure what to make of it. I do want to figure out an accurate way to articulate it though

Anyway that’s been a large part of why I’ve been able to keep reading these, one after the other. I’ll have to think on it more


Recent マリみて job stats

Book Known Coverage Learning Remaining Due
Book 10 (start) 80.7% 94.1% 297 524 270
Book 10 88.8% 96.7% 464 198 10
Book 11 88% 96.4% 367 161 106
Book 12 83.8% 93.8% 271 501 90
Book 13 (start) 79.3% 92.6% 377 567 348
Book 13 90.6% 97% 215 214 121
Book 14 (start) 79.9% 93.3% 320 691 314
Book 14 (ongoing) 85.8% 95.3% 302 412 69

I got like 4 hrs of sleep, so this will be annoying today… But so will everything else :sweat_smile:


Partial translated 暁のルナ's review of マリア様がみてる 1 | Natively in lesson. I should really round up all the translated ones, one of these days

Got up to p14 in book 14, but sleep deprivation is affecting my reading too much rn. So I did a bunch of jpdb. Still didn’t get to Tobira but tomorrow

After I slept:

Read through latest 2 partials of 雨夜の月, and for I’ve was able to understand without having to stop and think about things anywhere. Didn’t need to look anything up either!

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