Physical Media Megathread

New manga haul!





Unsurprisingly, most of those series are already on my wishlist… 紡ぐ乙女と大正の月 is a new one for me - looks really cute!

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It’s really good! I’m a bit bummed the fourth volume is the last one (if I trust AniList), but hopefully it has a good ending. It’s also currently in second place in the WaniKani intermediate manga club poll.


New haul!

Edit: the rows didn’t look nearly as crooked on my phone screen as they do here and yes, now it’s bothering me too :sweat_smile:


Those Sailor Moon covers are nice!


Yeah it’s the rerelease that I think coincided with the newest season of Crystal (or maybe the movie?). I usually hate reissue covers but I love these ones.


Lovely to see はなにあらし - I’m planning to get those one of these months… will be great to reread! Hope you enjoy 気になってる人が男じゃない :slight_smile:

And gotta agree - those sailor moon covers are pretty nice (tho personally if I ever get into it, I’ll probly get the original ones)


I also bought them a few years back. :handshake:


Surugaya haul!

Damn some of these are hardcovers :sweat_smile: Didn’t say at all on the info, I think? But a bargain for about 3€ each IMO! On one hand they are so pretty but hard to carry around… 1Q84 is the three volume hardcover set.

Bought one random non-fiction for fun.

EDIT: I guess it did say 単行本 vs 文庫本 but they were so cheap I assumed they were all the latter :smiley:


単行本 aren’t necessarily hardcovers anyways; I have 3 that are and several times that that are softcover. A few of them do have a double-layer cover though, so I kind of figured that’s what Amazon meant by “tankobon hardcover” since none of them were actual hardcovers, but, nope. It was a surprise when I got この本を盗む者は and it was a proper hardcover.


Are those non-fiction or fiction? I haven’t seen a 単行本-sized “proper” novel with soft covers; but that doesn’t really amount to much. I guess in English they are called tradebacks?

So the Re:collection cover album series is releasing a second set and I couldn’t remember how I got the first so I checked CDJapan… They don’t have them at all (they have instead been preordered from Tower Records via proxy), but they did have a GW coupon going on, so I bought some stuff anyway! 4 Kajiwara Gakuto CDs + the next several volumes of OPM + OPMヒーロー大全

I now consecutively have thru vol 9

And my 積読 is back above 400 so I’ll be trying not to buy any more until I’ve put a dent in it…


They’re all fiction. (Non-fiction completely slipped my mind, but I have 1 hardcover [physics] + 3 softcover [sports or travel] of those—plus a single 文庫本—though the sizes vary and I’m not sure how many are technically 単行本? I’ve seen at least one other format name, but idk what it is.) I’m not sure if この本 is officially a novel-novel or a LN (and I’m not that great at guessing), but the other two hardcovers are children’s books (middle grade readers, I think they’re called in English; they’re for about middle school/preteen age). My 単行本 softcovers are a mix of LNs and novel-novels.

I don’t really know the specific names of types of books in English, I’m afraid. The closest to “tradeback” I know is the trade paperback, which are more like 文庫本: the pages are one inch taller than 文庫本, though ofc the books are thicker due to the thicker paper, and they’re cheaper than the full-sized paperbacks.

Yeah my かがみの孤城 was hardcover which I also didn’t expect because it was so cheap. Although I guess I should have realized it because there was a version that had two volumes and the one I got was only one.


Interesting, I did look at some Japanese resources and they said 単行本 has both hard and soft covers. Maybe I read a lot of prize-lit so they are more likely to have hard-cover releases.

Hmm I thought the trade paperbacks ARE the full-sized paperbacks, or what are you referring to? The other style is mass-market paperbacks, which are the smaller ones.

Here’s a mass-market vs trade reference:


It’s a bit more loose in western paperbacks, but I looked up that the trade paperbacks are a lot closer to 単行本 I think.


Oh yeah, a mass-market trade paperback. I forgot the first part. It’s confusing that the normal paperbacks and the small ones have almost the same name…

But if the regular one’s the one you’re talking about, then yeah. They’re the same width as a 単行本 (well, there is a difference, but it’s negligible, same with the mmtp and 文庫) but only about a half-inch taller, as opposed to the small one’s about one inch compared to the 文庫本.

Well, with this size, at least. I’m not sure what the “standard”/average page size for a regular paperback is, actually, since I have several that vary by less than half an inch in height and/or width, and I only grabbed the one I did because I think I have the most in that section of my shelf with that page size…

(I tried to position them so you could better see the height difference in the photo, which of course bothers my obsessive-compulsive tendencies, augh. But both JP books are aligned at the bottom with the EN books.)

(Aside: I haaate how inconsistent the sizing within formats is for EN books. There’s a little bit between publishers with JP books, which is annoying, but they’re still pretty easy to stack. Stacking EN books is a freaking nightmare. There’s even a size that’s the same width as the mmtp but with an extra inch or so in height, and it’s so gross… I’ve only had the one and I’m glad I found the story obnoxious lmao I was so glad to be rid of it.)


I only bought light novels so far, but you got me tempted with that picture!
Specially the 1Q84 set for 1000 yen (I think it’s the one you got), looks great!
But Green level and physical looks rough.


赤髪の白雪姫 | L26 finally arrived!! I finished it earlier this week, and am so looking forward to rereading it!!

With obis:

It disrupted my 暁のヨナ | L28 shelf, but I made the best of it, so my two 花とゆめ princesses can hang out together :slight_smile:


Latest haul of books arrived from amazon!

Adding these to my pile of books, I probably have more books than I can read for the rest of the year :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


:eyes: I see three books I really enjoyed in that pile

You might already know this but きらきらひかる had an informal book club on here (so post any time!) and 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 was a Mystery Book Club pick