Physical Media Megathread

New book order for me arrived today :stars:


Has anyone ever, as a foreigner, mailed in an order form w/ bank transfer receipt to a Japanese company, and had the item directed to a physical JP mail address then shipped back home? I’m wondering if this is more or less of a hassle than waiting for the item in question to show up on secondhand sites and hoping sellers don’t charge an arm and a leg for it. :thinking:

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Is it not possible to do online with a proxy service? (That’s basically what they do, minus the paper part). That sounds like quite a hassle, not to mention the possibility of your order form and receipt getting lost or mishandled (not saying it’s terribly likely, but no way to know if it occurs)

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Not as far as I’m aware, no. :frowning: You send in a form from two different magazines plus a small fee and they send you the item (a 図書カード in this case); I don’t think any of the proxies I’m familiar with are able to do something like that for me.


Gotcha. There’s mail forwarding services that would handle the physical address + shipping part (maybe that’s what you had in mind already?)

Anyway, I don’t have anything useful to add, but hopefully someone else here will. Good luck! Edit: I do sometimes see stuff like that show up on Suruga-ya - tho that’s a total crapshoot, but may be worth checking there when ppl start reselling, depending what it is.


Yep! I think I should be good on the physical address part at least, it’s mostly the payment that has me wondering.

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3 weeks feels so long!! No I don’t have a problem, what do you mean??


The obi for 徒然日和 was slightly damaged, but it was not from the packing

Anyway, quite the small order (for me), but I have some more on the way from Cdjapan. I’ll take a full pic of my whole collection, after those get here :slight_smile:


I guess the way to make my Cdjapan orders arrive early is to post pics of my Suruga-ya orders :joy:

close-ups + 帯アリ

full collection, including close-ups

I finally have 4+ rows of yuri (オレが私になるまで | L21 is in with them bc it’s borderline (there is a possible romance, not the main focus), and the yuri LNs wouldn’t all fit)

The mini-shelf beneath them is mostly doujins, mostly ガールズバンドクライ + the asexuality book, and an 暁のヨナ | L28 one about ユン母さん and the 腹減りたち. There’s a single Animedia magazine missing bc I forgot it was in my room :sweat_smile: Edit: including ガルクラ Blu-rays & CDs (not pictured) that puts me up to 707 unique things, of which I’ve used 43% (tho I have read/listened to/watched the vast majority digitally already)


I spy an awfully familiar sun bleached dictionary :blush:


Sry to say it hasn’t gotten quite so much usage lately :sweat_smile: Maybe if I leave it by the kotatsu…


What are the vibes for this series? AniList says psychological and horror, which I wouldn’t get from the covers…

I’ve given up on trying to organize them quite so perfectly, so I have them more generally grouped as LGBT and adjacent manga. Basically that means yuri, trans, gender bending, and crossdressing series. I’m close to filling up three rows with those, though I’d have probably twice that if I bought all my manga physically. I’m not one to rebuy digitally and physically very often, but I’d consider getting 乙女男子に恋する乙女 | L26, 現実もたまには嘘をつく | L21, and 君に紡ぐ傍白 | L21 again to fill out the collection (for the former I just like 4-koma and the latter two being full color would make them nice to own).


For once, I’ve only read the first volume (a year ago)… but that seems accurate? It’s horror in the sense that it involves various youkai, some of whom want to eat the MC, and various encounters ensue. The series blurb on here + dokushoclub's review of 私を喰べたい、ひとでなし 1 | Natively both give a good gyst of what I got from the first volume. Definitely has slow burn vibes. It’s not like a horror story :tm: - at least, I wouldn’t think of it that way. (In the same way that like Inuyasha isn’t a horror story, but has horror in it)

That probly makes the most sense (and I did want to put きみのせかいに恋はない | L27 in along with them at first). Otherwise I basically only own yuri, the ace manga, and ボクガール | L23 … which felt better up in shounen land, despite being TSF/gender bending. (I have considered that maybe I should venture out of my yuri bubble occasionally, but can’t quite bring myself to do it, most of the time :stuck_out_tongue: )

I’m trying to do less duplicate buying. It’s tricky tho, due to a mix of my reading habits + my rule of only buying things I know I’ll read at least once. Color stuff is so wonderful to own tho! 乙女男子に恋する乙女 | L26 and 現実もたまには嘘をつく | L21 both made it onto my wishlist forever ago, but I’ve never read them. Can totally see why you’d wanna purchase them tho!


I just read vol 1 & 2, and yeah that’s totally on point. Honestly I’m not even sure it’s a slow burn at this point (it probably is). The art is gorgeous, and it’s decently creepy (and a bit gory at times) with some enjoyable drama so far. Also a very light read (semi-low text-density), despite the youkai vocab


Latest Suruga-ya order

I’m sad I mixed up the order w/ 転生王女, so I’ll still need to get 6-7. If anyone wants those extras of 4-5, I’m happy to mail them

帯アリ + different cover

転生王女 3 has the anime-related cover. Idk why I got it, cuz I always prefer the originals (no exception this time, tho the bonus cover isn’t bad either)


Let me know how this is! It’s been on my list for a while but I’ve been on the fence from the preview.


Also curious what you think about the manga, I know it’s supposed to be a totally different story than the show (which got real weird at the end), but I’ve been meaning to check it out for a while


I’m not sure how soon I’ll get to it, but I’ll report back when I do


There was a big used book sale near me this weekend and there’s also a fairly decent size Japanese population in my area as well so I got quite the haul of Japanese books. All of these for $15 :exploding_head:

I actually own the audiobooks for a few of these so that will make for nice read alongs, and a couple have been on my ‘maybe’ list for awhile and it was hard to turn down the prices :sweat_smile: Some, like Make Me Sick I bought because the title was funny or 女子刑務所 because the topic was unique (although why 泣き笑い?)

I bought 穴 because I know @omk3 liked it, but tbh I remember nothing of the plot summary :joy:

Anyways, my partner was egging me on to buy more books and commented after I was done that while my hobby takes up space at least it doesn’t cost much which is true!


Picked up some new physical books! :blush:

Excited about the 赤川次郎 book since I’ve never read him before. Also happy about the 豊饒の海 trilogy and the nonfiction book about Russia written by 司馬遼太郎, author of many very famous historical books!

Hardcovers :slightly_smiling_face:


ウイーンの冬?? Wien mentioned?? :eyes: :eyes:
I read the reviews for this on Amazon, and I was very amused that even though the blurb says it’s part of the “中欧三部作”, someone kept calling it “東欧三部作”. I mean… I know. :laughing: