Please help seed the initial audiovisual database! (movies/tv shows/anime)

I have some shows and movies half finished yet :sweat_smile:


Including some anime series I watched recently!

Aikatsu! - JLPT N3 (24?) - subs - link
Shadowverse Flame - JLPT N3 (25?) - no subs - link
Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush - JLPT N3 (26?) - no subs - link
Digimon Ghost Game - JLPT N3 (24?) - subs - link
anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day - JLPT N3 (23?) - subs - link
Aoi Hana - JLPT N3 (23?) - subs - link
Bocchi the Rock - JLPT N3 (25?) - subs - link
Crayon Shin-Chan - JLPT N3 (23?) - no subs - link
D4DJ First Mix - JLPT N3 (23?) - no subs - link
Gleipnir - JLPT N3 (23?) - subs - link
Idolish7 - JLPT N3 (25?) -no subs - link
Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - JLPT N3 (23?) - subs - link
Sora no Woto - JLPT N3 (26?) - no subs - link
SSSS.Gridman - JLPT N3 (23?) - subs - link
THE iDOLM@STER - JLPT N3 (25?) - subs - link
Tropical-Rouge! Precure - JLPT N3 (22?) - subs - link
Tsuredure Children - JLPT N3 (24?) - subs - link
Yesterday o Utatte - JLPT N3 (23?) - subs - link
Yofukashi no Uta - JLPT N3 (24?) - subs - link
Tomodachi Game - JLPT N3 (25?) - no subs - link
BIRDIE WING: Golf Girls’ Story - JLPT N3 (25?) - no subs - link
Dance Dance Danseur - JLPT N3 (24?) - no subs - link


I realized that for shows I rewatched, I didn’t have the dates I watched them with Japanese subs since AniList doesn’t track dates for rewatches. So I went and clicked “Load More” on my activity feed until I got back to March 2021 and grabbed all the dates that way. I think I upset AniList’s servers doing that though, based on how long it took to load towards the end. :joy:


コタローは1人暮らし - JLPT N2 - w subs - Kotaro Lives Alone (TV Series 2022-2022) — The Movie Database (TMDB)


My two cents…

Ones that I’ve watched, immersion mode
The Peanuts Movie - JLPT N4? - w subs - The Peanuts Movie (2015) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
結婚できない男 - JLPT N2? - w subs - He Who Can't Marry (TV Series 2006-2019) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
魔女の宅急便 - JLPT N3? - w subs - Kiki's Delivery Service (1989) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Beautiful Rain - JLPT N4? (except medical terms) - Beautiful Rain (TV Series 2012-2012) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

Ones that I want to watch again/see without English subs
ロマンティックキラー - JLPT N3? - not watched - Romantic Killer (TV Series 2022-2022) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
隣りのトトロ - JLPT N3? - not watched - My Neighbor Totoro (1988) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
千と千尋の神隠し - JLPT N3? - not watched - Spirited Away (2002) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
ぼくだけがいない街 - JLPT N2? - not watched - ERASED (TV Series 2016-2016) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
ワンパンマン - JLPT N2? - not watched - One-Punch Man (TV Series 2015- ) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
弱虫ペダル - JLPT N3? - not watched - Yowamushi Pedal (TV Series 2013- ) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Spy x Family - JLPT N2? - not watched - SPY x FAMILY (TV Series 2022- ) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
はたらく細胞 - JLPT N3? (except medical terms) - not watched - Cells at Work! (TV Series 2018-2021) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
はたらく細胞BLACK - JLPT N3? (except medical terms) - not watched -Cells at Work! Code Black (TV Series 2021-2021) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
ダメな私に恋してください - JLPT N3? - not watched - PLEASE LOVE ME! (TV Series 2016-2016) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
下町ロケット - JLPT N2? - not watched - Shitamachi Rocket (TV Series 2015-2018) — The Movie Database (TMDB)


@Biblio I encountered an interesting dilemma in the final stages of this launch. I marked Case Closed (TV Series 1996- ) — The Movie Database (TMDB) as finished for you and marked all the episodes as finished in season 1… but it seems that there are 1100 episodes in season 1 :joy:.

I’m assuming you only watched a few of them? I do have a ‘manual progress’ mechanism which allows you to independently select episodes and not do the episodes in order… which was intended for use cases like this. Just curious how many episodes you watched :slight_smile:

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You underestimate me. :sweat_smile: I have in fact watched 1066 episodes plus all movies so far (I think the TV series is currently on 1073 episodes). It’s not all 1 season, though… :flushed:

Apparently we are currently in season 28. :see_no_evil:

and the 26th movie will be released in April.


Oh my, you are an absolute champ! Well, I will mark it as complete then. I’m not entirely sure what to do about your stats as it’s a lot of hrs that will be applied at launch.

As for how the seasons are broken up, unfortunately I’m pretty reliant of TMDB for these things and they just have one massive 1100 episode season and a ‘specials’ 52 episode season :confused: I think they’re usually very good about these things, so somewhat surprising… but i’ll have to leave as one season for now.

Thanks for chiming in!

Edit: It seems that they concur with you about ~1073 episodes having aired… they just have listed some episodes into the future, up to 1100. Perhaps it’s budgeted for 1100? Or TMDB is just getting ahead of the curve adding items to be filled. Regardless, i’ll only mark the ones released as watched.


Been a while since I wrote this, and I’ve watched a lot more anime since, and considering the audiovisual update appears to be pretty soon, I figure I might make an update post on what I’ve watched.

桜Trick - ~L18 - Without Subs - link
Do It Yourself!! -どぅー・いっと・ゆあせるふ- - ~L18 - Without Subs - link

よふかしのうた - ~L20 - Without Subs - link
千と千尋の神隠し - ~L20 - Without Subs - link
けいおん! - ~L20 - Without Subs - link

異世界おじさん (9 Episodes Watched) - ~L23 - With Subs - link
学校の怪談 - ~L23 - Without Subs - link
アナザー - ~L23 - With Subs - link
ゾンビランドサガ - ~L23 - With Subs - link
ぼっち・ざ・ろっく! - ~L23 (I forgot to rate the difficulty of this when I finished it. Probably around here) - With Subs - link

ナルト (100 Episodes Watched) - ~L27 - With Subs - link
リコリス・リコイル - ~L27 - With Subs - link
DEATH NOTE - ~L27 - With Subs - link
チェンソーマン - ~L27 - With Subs - link
刻刻 - ~L27 - With Subs - link

はたらく魔王さま! - ~L29 - With Subs - link
サイバーパンク エッジランナーズ - ~L29 - With Subs - link
機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女 - ~L29 - With Subs - link

メイドインアビス - ~L31 - With Subs - link
ヴィンランド・サガ - ~L31 - With Subs - link
呪術廻戦 - ~L31 - With Subs - link


Awesome, I’ll include your updates @DancoreDanny and @seanblue. Thankfully I’m confident you shouldn’t have to update your post again before we release :slight_smile:


Blue Spring Ride / アオハライド - N4/N3 - with subs
HAIKYU!! - N3 - with subs
Ace of the Diamond - N3 - with subs
Ace of the Diamond act II - N3 - with subs
Skip Beat! - N3 - no subs
Chihayafuru (Anime, S1-S3) - N3 - with subs
Chihayafuru (live action movie) - N2 - with subs
Snow White with the Red Hair - N2 - with subs
The Great Passage / 舟を編む (Anime) - N2/N1 - with subs

I’m slowly going back and re-watching a lot of my favorite anime with Japanese subs instead, but definitely watched most of these first with English subs, so may be rating them a little easier than some others would. Still, I would say the relative ratings are accurate.


I’ve got an extensive list of movies I’ve watched in cinema here, will get around to listing them when I have some spare time.


Hello! I would like to share the nice website Rakuten Viki for watching asian and a lot of Japanese movies and series for free if a little ad is acceptable.
I have watched some series with English subtitles and could not say what level it has. So I have looked up in the Internet and found some information. The level should be ranked between intermediate and advanced level. Moreover it is said:
“… Viki even has a Learn Mode , where you can enable double subtitles and use arrows to move back and forth between them, as well as replay the segment you just watched to better grasp what was said…”
I hope the site is of use. :slight_smile:


Yes, Viki is pretty good for Asian live-action dramas, I agree! I’ve even used the learn mode you’re talking about (albeit for Korean dramas, which they have many of) and it’s pretty good.

There’s not a whole lot of great Japanese dramas on there, but we’ll definitely be incorporating it. When we incorporate providers, it looks like our data source, TMDB, includes Viki in their streaming options (see this series which shows Viki as a streaming option).

Appreciate the note @Misaki, you’re right that it probably deserves special mention when we incorporate it :slight_smile:


Ignore if this is too late, but I felt bad complaining about other ratings without posting my own, so guilt got the best of me:


ラブライブ!スーパースター! - 18
ラブライブ!虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会 - 18
がんばれ同期ちゃん - 18

やがて君になる - 20
響け!ユーフォニアム - 20

映画 五等分の花嫁 - 22
徒然チルドレン - 22
心が叫びたがってるんだ。 - 22
クズの本懐 - 22
B型H系 - 22

青春ブタ野郎はゆめみる少女の夢を見ない - 24
ジョゼと虎と魚たち - 24
白い砂のアクアトープ - 24
その着せ替え人形は恋をする - 24
よふかしのうた - 24

推しが武道館いってくれたら死ぬ - 26
神様はじめました - 26
アナザー - 26
ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン - 26
青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない - 26
冴えない彼女の育てかた - 26
無能なナナ - 26

下ネタという概念が存在しない退屈な世界 - 28
リコリス・リコイル - 28
かぐや様は告らせたい-ウルトラロマンティック- - 28
ダーリン・イン・ザ・フランキス - 28

サマータイムレンダ - 30

機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女 - 32
ぼっち・ざ・ろっく - 32

まちカドまぞく - 34

(This I didn’t finish… it was a lot harder than any of the above)
四畳半神話大系 - 38

The exact number I listed is maybe not as meaningful, but the ‘gaps’ mark where I’d say one group is harder than the previous with anything grouped together as “similar to”


@Bijak appreciate it

TBH, I probably won’t launch with that data just because it’s a bit of work for me if there’s no TMDB urls in the post and we’re very close to launch… but after launch I can come back and try to find all those on TMDB.

The request process should also be quite easy too, if you don’t want to wait for me. :slight_smile:

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Definitely don’t hold up the update for even a minute on my account (I might have people knocking down my door if you did that :sweat_smile: ). Added the links for after the release though

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@deliana @Bijak

I wasn’t able to add all your items yet, but I’ll try to get them added for you today :slight_smile:

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@deliana @Bijak

Both are added! :slight_smile:

@deliana since you didn’t mark tmdb links, I had to take a few guesses on some items, but I think it’s right.

@Bijak you didn’t mention if you watched with subs or not… so I put them all as subs.

In any case, enjoy.

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