It happens to me sometimes, but indeed I’m not sure how common is.
Is not because I’m actively looking for subs/no-subs for that specific episode, but sometimes finding a version with subs for example is harder than just a plain raw/soft-sub.
It’s something that’s happened to me several times. Viki, for example, often only has Korean subs for the first couple episodes. So in those cases I start watching with KOR subs, and continue with no subs.
I’ve encountered it a few times - particularly with older anime, they’re not always consistently available from a single source, and sometimes subs just don’t exist (eg .hack//sign with JP subs).
More importantly I sometimes decide midway through a series that “actually, I’m up for the challenge of doing this with no subs”, and switch like 3-5 episodes in, or vice versa.
I wish I had tracked all the shows I found recently like this. The only one that I can think of that I stuck with is Naruto. Japanese Netflix has jpn subs for the first 1-3 eps and then none after.
I would +1 this (and its converse) for a reason in a product request. Especially if we had rewatch capabilities and you could see that you watched with subs last time and raw this time that would be neat.
Since difficulty ratings don’t really take into account how you watched it, I don’t feel that strongly about how I log series despite having strong feelings about how I log everything else
Difficulty rating does kinda take that into account, iirc. Pretty sure grading only ever has me compare the same type (subs to subs, audio only to audio only)
Ah yeah, that is a good point. I guess I mean the overall grade doesn’t take it into account, but it does matter for your comparisons.
I went and made a product request for the individual episodes subs vs audio tracking, and incorporated the comments here. (hope that’s alright)
Personally I don’t have super strong feelings about it, so feel free to chime in there, if you do!
But this only takes into account how you yourself watch something. The rating of other people might be based on audio only for something that you watched with subs.
The result might be some rating fight between people watching with and without subs, or a mixed rating, depending on LN‘s rating algorithm.
That seems a bit hyperbolic to me.
The way I understand it, it balances out regardless bc nobody is rating difficulty level in the first place. We’re grading (comparing) relative difficulty, which the fancy algorithm then compiles (along with other data?) into a rating. I’m not sure there’s a meaningful difference btwn eg “subbed SAO vs subbed Fate/Zero” and “audio only SAO vs audio only Fate/Zero”; and certainly not between “subbed SAO vs subbed K-ON” and “audio only SAO vs audio only K-ON”.
In any case, I’m gonna bow out of further discussion on this, bc I don’t really care about the finer points of the grading system. Feel free to continue without me.
Minor bug report, i rated a book when it had a temporary image (amazon’s ‘no image available’, must have gotten injested at that stage) and reported it to be image updated (sync doesn’t seem to do this automatically). The book got updated after I had completed and logged it, so the images on those past activities don’t seem to have updated in line with the book.
I don’t think past update items ever get retrospectively adjusted for that kind of thing. Title changes are similar - occasionally I send in a feedback note when I see in the activity feed that a book title has accidentally got a publisher name stuck on the end, and the fix doesn’t propagate back into the activity feed entry.
@brandon I’ve come across a server issue, I can’t update progress on a book.
Did you try putting a 0 in hrs?
I’ve come across that sometimes. In some forms it can be ignored, and in some forms it returns that error if hrs is not filled.
Yeah, I tried that as well, still can’t update progress
It might be related to this:
But not completely sure. We will have to wait for @brandon to check.
Oofta. This was a relatively large bug (apparently 18 users had encountered it in the past week), so appreciate you telling me. I’ve made the process more resilient so it won’t bug out now. Give it a try.
This week has been an unfortunate bug-squashing, data-cleaning, and infrastructure fixing week
Good news is that I got my async processing server much more resilient now, so I don’t expect those errors happening anytime soon.
I must say, the auto uploader forced me to really scale up a lot of processes in the last few months which has been a big pain in the background… but I’m pretty happy with the current state we’re at. We’re adding a lot of books these days
On at least this book (迷い猫オーバーラン! 拾ってなんていってないんだからね!! | L30??) the aspect ratio of the cover image doesn’t seem to always be right. Both screenshots here are Firefox for Android on a tablet; left is in portrait orientation and right is landscape (screenshots not full width; cropped to make the aspect ratio difference clearer). The portrait version seems squashed horizontally; at any rate it’s definitely not the same aspect ratio as the landscape one. Third screenshot is of the image downloaded from the server with the URL the page uses ( (Side note, why does it ask for a width that’s not a whole number of pixels?)
I have a super weird issue as well. My username is partially covered in my Korean dashboard, but somehow the font for the Spanish dashboard is different so this doesn’t happen.
On at least this book (迷い猫オーバーラン! 拾ってなんていってないんだからね!! | L30??) the aspect ratio of the cover image doesn’t seem to always be right.
Ah nice catch. Pushing out a fix for this now (should be out in 5 mins).
(Side note, why does it ask for a width that’s not a whole number of pixels?)
Ah I guess I could round down… I just have the original aspect ratio saved and convert it to a width of 240.
My username is partially covered in my Korean dashboard, but somehow the font for the Spanish dashboard is different so this doesn’t happen.
I have not seen that and cannot reproduce. I also have no idea how that’s possible…
What’s you’re browser? Safari?