Sale and Promotion hunting

I may have just found my next LN w/ audio read for the August challenge! Sounds interesting


same over on bookwalker, as well as the rest of the series being 50% off until August 22nd.


Nice! The first 8 volumes of 新クレヨンしんちゃん can also be picked up for next to nothing!


First three volumes are free, and some later ones seem partially discounted as well. I’d never heard of it before, so no idea if it’s any good. (I was looking for new 4-koma and this one showed up on a recommendation list.)


Free is free :blush:


i have so many of these rando twitter artists collections cos they just put them as free and slap a decent cover on them. but they make decent reading practice, so eh

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I don’t mind the digital library being bigger than it needs to be. It’s my physical library that I really need to be better about not filling with junk :joy:


BW is having another 50% coin-back thingy:

also ポプラ文庫 is having a fair:

as well as 双葉社

which includes stuff like a special priced set of the first 3 volumes of 京都寺町三条のホームズ which is the current LN bookclub pick:


First issue of がっこうぐらし! is ¥72 at Amazon and a number of the later ones are discounted as well.


All volumes of the 薬屋のひとりごと light novel seem to be free to try for a few more hours (for all of August 29, but keep in mind the time difference). Two volumes of the manga are also free to read.


afaict, Amazon doesn’t have that deal, but some of the earlier manga volumes are 25% points back.

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The deal was already over by the time you posted, so the point is moot anyway :sweat_smile:

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There seems to be a few 後宮-type series that are 50% off on booklive for a few days. I haven’t checked if the promotion also exists on other platforms though.

I enjoyed both of those.
Both of them being discounted at the same time is probably just a coincidence though, since I can’t find any other 後宮 stuff with a discount.


Looks like same deal is at Amazon at least.しきみ-彰-ebook/dp/B07RMT7PWG/雪村花菜-ebook/dp/B00XIZN34O/


Picked up 紅霞後宮物語 | L34; the covers are just too pretty. :eyes:

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Quite a few 少女漫画 volumes are free to keep (I think) at the moment:
Edit: I thought wrong and they are only free to read not to keep… apologies. :see_no_evil:

including the first 3 volumes of ちはやふる(マンガ(漫画))の電子書籍無料試し読みならBOOK☆WALKER

and I don’t know what this is but it looks very cute

I know this mangaka, but I can’t remember from what, but my brain tells me I like their work. :sweat_smile:

There seems to generally be a lot of manga currently with a volume or 2 free to read:



The first 5 volumes of the light novel of わたしの幸せな結婚 are 50% off.


BW is under maintenance right now, so I can’t check the details, but this just says “free to read” not free to keep.

The next one is even worse, just providing an extended free preview for a time.

Oh, I thought it was 限定 in the sense of, only free now… I didn’t think they’d take it from you once you have it in your library. :scream:

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Yes, that’s correct! The problem is what is only free now.

お試し版: trial version (i.e., free to read for now, but gets removed once the period is over)
試し読み増量版: extended preview version (so, more pages in the preview, will revert to the normal amount of free pages afterwards)
無料版: actually free to keep (sadly, none of those seem to belong to that category)


TIL. Thank you. :slight_smile:

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