If it’s approved, what does voting or commenting help with?
Increasing the popularity of the request. Approved just means it will happen someday™, but a lot of activity might bump it’s priority to soon™.
For instance, content tags and favorites were consistently top of the lists for product requests and gave them a bump. Commenting just would be nice to make sure the JoJo series use case would be covered. Also bumps it to the top of the forum, so perhaps more notice.
I see. Thank you both for the explanation!
I disagree with this. If I open a short story entry and it says 300 pages, I know it’s probably a collection and not 1 story. If I open a novel with 300 pages, I’d assume it’s one long story and not a collection of short stories.
I’d be happy to help, if you still need someone.
Is there some notification functionality, so volunteers don’t miss something?
Will there be some guidelines or is it up to the volunteer to decide for now?
Might be a good idea to have volunteers from different timezones. (I am CET aka UTC+1)
This feels like it really comes down to personal preference.
Having collections classified as “Short Story” does make the stats harder to interpret. And for me personally, when I browse short stories on Natively I am looking for a single story I can read in a day, not a collection of stories. So for me “classify as novel and add a short story collection tag” would work. But of course with this tags could be forgotten/overlooked etc.
The cleanest solution would probably be an extra type for collections, but I can also understand not wanting to add yet another book type… Unfortunately I don’t think the one perfect solution everyone is happy with exists.
I’m thinking of going through anilist and adding any tags i can find for manga / ln / anime. We won’t override any tags you’ve already added, just additional. They’ll start at the confidence level of anilist, but the first vote will change it.
There is a “Not relevant” entry where the percentages are shown, resulting in 0%. Could the tag be removed if a tag is not relevant? Or could you add a “remove” entry in that pop-up menu?
That would be great.
By the way is there a way to add a 50% value to the tags? Currently it goes Main 100%, Major 75%, Minor 25%… And I keep feeling stuck btwn major & minor on things.
Not a huge deal, just a “nice to have”
I think a great idea once more books have been tagged is to add a search by tags option so that you can easily find new content in a specific genre.
Also as others have said the scrolling takes a long time through the tags because clicking the side bar doesn’t work;
Happy with the update though I like the voting system on the tags, it adds a level of community interaction more than just the star ratings
Am I the only one who votes on my own tags? I choose a tag and then I vote on its importance for the specific book. Isn’t that the correct way to use voting?
It’s the correct way if it’s not a “main element” (100%) tag, in which case voting won’t do anything if it works like I understand it. Like the “add tag” popup says: “Additionally, we will mark this tag as a ‘Main element’, which you can alter after creation.”
So I’d assume each new tag you make starts with a vote on “main element” by you, and by voting on it afterwards, you replace this with a vote for “major element”, “minor element” or “not relevant” instead.
That would be a wild use case.
It reminds me of an old French parody movie that starts with a “content warning” stating that the movie does not involve cycling.
I actually marked an accidental tag Not Relevant thinking it would delete it
I forget who suggested it, but yes I am planning on changing ‘Not Relevant’ to ‘Remove Tag’ if there’s no other votes on it.
Also, I’ve begun backfilling some books from AniList data, so you’ll start to see some precise looking percentages on tags. However, since there are no votes on those AniList tags as soon as you vote on it, it will immediately go to your value. For example, you may see a tag go from 36% → 75% if you mark a major element.
On the topic of tags, what would be a good way to name “Medieval China-like”? I have read a bunch of those, but AniList doesn’t have a tag for that (just put “historical” and “foreign”). Book descriptions in Japanese use 中華風 instead.
China-inspired? I don’t even know if that’s correct English
I’d probably just say Ancient China cause medieval (for better or worse) makes me think of Europe mostly
If it’s a big subgenre in Japanese, I think it’s also ok to just add a tag with 中華風 in romaji? Just make it Japanese specific and in the description write 中華風 along with a description. Ancient China could also work too
What does voting mean in this context. Like what’s the effect of it?