Is there an equivalent “Korean-Inspired/setting” term in Japanese? (Thinking specifically of 暁のヨナ, but I I’m there’s other series too)
So, voting first impacts the percentage on the tag, which impacts the ordering.
Secondly, I will eventually use that number for search… i.e. only items with a tags > 50% for a tag search. So if you search ‘Ancient China’ only items with a tag of ‘Ancient China’ > 50% would show. I’m not sure 50% is the correct limit yet, just an example.
An explicit “Mystery: 0%” on a detective novel which you thought was really too obvious
I’m not sure how much sense that makes without being configurable during the search. Even a novel with minor elements (25%) still has more to do with “Ancient China” than all those items that aren’t tagged with it at all, right?
Agreed, I think a checkbox for ‘include minor elements’ might make sense
But it’s not “historical” ancient China, it just has the look-and-feel of ancient China. Like 薬屋のひとりごと is set in the fake country of 茘, 後宮の管理人 is set in the fake 杏津帝国, 紅霞後宮物語 has something like this:
Maybe the description of the tag could mention just having those elements/inspiration while not being actually set in ancient China?
If something were set in ancient China, I think tags for “historical” and “China” would be enough, rather than making another tag.
“Fantasy China”
But yeah, Sino-inspired is probably the closest but also not sure that’s a term people would reach for in either searching or tagging.
edit: I got it! China-y. Case closed. Wrap it up.
It’s also a perfect match for 中華風
In the end, I just went ahead with Ancient China, since English wikipedia says that 薬屋のひとりごと is “set in a fictional country modelled after ancient China“ (and added that to the description)
That being said, isn’t it “modeled” instead? I didn’t think about it because it was a copy/paste but my spellchecker is complaining.
American vs British spelling (source)
Seconding the need for change spoiler status. I saw some tags not marked as spoilers but they 100% are, so that sucks for people hoping to go in blind and just updating their stats to see.
Few UI updates:
- Fixed bug with scrollbar where you can’t click the scroll
- Tag search now searches descriptions (can put alternative key terms here)
- Allow you to delete recently created tags / tags with no votes. Just click the tag and you should see ‘remove tag’
- Lots of items are anilist backfilled… will be continuing over the next day or two.
Next up:
- Create separate tags page, start to build out admin utilities, chat with volunteers
- Allow you to submit request for (spoiler status change, item tag removal, etc…)
- Add tag section to mobile header nav on book pages, fix tag description tooltip on mobile
Yeah, one thing about AniList is that the tags aren’t at the top of the page, so you have to intentionally go looking for them. I’m not sure their current position (on desktop) is good on Natively since it’s easy to see by accident.
Does that mean we should wait until that finishes for adding more tags or recommending deletion/change of existing ones?
Yeah, I’m certainly open to suggestions. We could put more stuff in that sidebar to push it further down. For mobile it’s at the very bottom for all the reasons you both are laying out.
It is now finished! Even when it was running, it was only ever additive… so you could always add tags to items. As far as the current tag options, those were loaded a while ago and people have been adding. I haven’t quite set up a process yet for suggesting edits, but feel free to type them here. Hopefully will get a process up and running this weekend!
How about making it a drop down on desktop?
There is some risk in importing all this from AniList because they just have an insane number of tags. Hopefully it doesn’t end up being too much.
Also, I’m not sure how I feel about genres having percentages. Those are usually not controversial, so either they are or are not that genre. There might be some exceptions, like when a series mixes slice of life elements with more serious elements, but I would generally expect them to be all or nothing.
There are some that have some romance, and while it’s relevant it’s not the main focus, so it makes sense in that case for romance to be on there at a lower percentage. Or I’ve read a few now that were romance first, whatever other genre second, rather than them being afforded equal importance.
I on the other hand, am never entirely sure what genre to assign to most of my books. Many are just literature (with elements from several genres, but not enough to put them in that category), and there are others that are supposed to be one genre but definitely have elements from another. Prime example all the supposed horror books I’ve read, which are often more of a mystery than horror. In those cases I choose both and adjust the percentages accordingly.
I’m kinda with @enbyboiwonder too. I actually quite like the percentages
I think the only friction might come on search, but I don’t think it’ll be an issue, we’ll see.
Well, the backfill for books is already done, outside a few strange series. AniList, since it’s manga & light novel only doesn’t have total coverage as i’m sure you know.
Let me know what you think, but I think it looks good!