🐺 Week 1 | 人狼サバイバル 1 絶体絶命! 伯爵の人狼ゲーム 🧐

Week 1 November 16
Pages 4-15
Chapter 登場人物紹介 + 序章 + 1 (part 1)
Read until …大きな洋館だった。(paragraph end, shortly after the first picture)
Next week Week 2
Home Thread 人狼サバイバル 1

We’re reading this book as part of the Children’s Book Club.

Book Cover

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur/hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, the story, cultural things or literally anything else related to the book — ask! There is really no need to be hesitant. If it’s something you are wondering about, chances are someone else will be thankful you asked first, lots of people enjoy answering questions, you learn something new, and the thread gets more lively. It’s a win-win on all fronts!
  • Please don’t eat too many participants if you are a werewolf.

Participation Poll

  • I’m reading along :wolf:
  • I have fallen behind and I’m planning to catch up later :paw_prints:
  • I’m reading this at my own pace :face_with_monocle:
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished :spiral_calendar:
0 voters

I’m loving the extra mile with the rules and participation emojis!


Week 1 starts off strong. I’m left wondering what kind of parents name their kid ウサギ.


In the Preface, I love the it’s not a wolf, it’s not another person, definitely not a bear, must a be a werewolf! The only logical explanation. Really enjoying it so far. :smiley:


Maybe they are big fans of sailor moon? :sweat_smile: The kid is embracing it tho

I’m really curious how the stakes will be established later on, will someone actually be killed and then they have to figure out who the werewolf is? Or can they establish that there is a werewolf without someone dying first? :thinking: Seems like a rather small cast to immediately kill someone off.


Don’t worry, we’ve got all those kids in the back seat; one can be the sacrificial lamb.

I was a little surprised that we’ll be reading in the first person; seems to immediately disqualify ハヤト as being the werewolf, right?


Yeah, I was surprised about that too. But I know too many pieces of media where the main character still was the bad guy as a twist although we heard their inner voice theoretically.

But I don’t feel like the book will go in that direction. Unless werewolf-mode is like a split personality/some sort of curse and ハヤト meant no harm and can get cleansed of it or something! But from the prologue it didn’t seem that way?


I was also surprised by this, although not for werewolf reasons. I think it’s the first time I’ve read in first person in Japanese so I had to get used to it.


There’s only so many things it could be! :laughing:
It’s Occam’s Werewolf!

I’m also curious about that. Especially since from the book description it seems like the one who dies is the one the group votes for (i.e. they try to find the werewolf via voting, and if they fail, the werewolf eats who they voted for instead), which seems like something that the group would need proper motivation for. So maybe they’ll refrain from the first vote, and then somebody random is “eaten”? Possibly an adult, considering that it’s a children’s book and they probably wouldn’t want to shrink their children cast immediately.

Also, on that matter… how the heck is there a traitor in their midst anyway? Does the count plant one into every summer camp in the hopes that at some point they are forced to make a stop at the death game murder mansion? Is the landslide also part of the plan? :laughing:

Anyways, lot of mysteries, looking forward to how it continues next week!

And yeah, I also wouldn’t have expected it to be written in first person. It’s not unwelcome though. It’s been a while.

More importantly though, I already like how much of it is dialogue! Me and my aphantasia are very thankful.


Alexa, play “Over At The Frankenstein Place/There’s a Light”.


Wow you haven’t been reading middle grade romance books targeted at young girls or bad high school LNs then because that’s the only perspective I’ve read in ages :joy::sweat_smile:


I was just thinking the same thing :joy:


I have a question, on p. 11 (at least on my Kindle edition), how did you translate this sentence? むにゆむにゆ、と誰かが起き出した。I’m mainly interested in the first half of the sentence.


Unhelpful response: jisho didn’t have a definition for むにゅむにゅ so I ignored it when I read it. :sweat_smile:

Helpful response: Here’s a hinative thread explaining the meaning! It’s the sound of people waking up/talking in their sleep.

p. 11

The repetition and と afterwards point to an onomatopoeia.

My first station for that is usually The Jaded Network. No entry for むにゅむにゅ, and the one for むにゅ doesn’t fit the situation.

So, next station: Google Image Search. Nope… just more “squishy”.

So… I guess maybe it’s less an onomatopoeia and more just some wake-up mumbling.


@soggyboy and @Legato thanks! I got “stuck” on the squishy explanation and thought that it made no sense in this context. :sweat_smile: Clearer now!


I read it as “with a myah someone suddenly woke up”, i.e. the むにゅむにゅ is more of a sound effect than a word


This week’s reading was such a little tidbit and I am not at all familiar with this genre, so I don’t know what to make of anything yet! Except that they obviously should NOT knock on the door of that mansion. :joy:


Is the mansion actually a really nice place? Will our starving ウサギ get a proper meal? And how many werewolves can fit into one really big room?

Find out the answers to those questions*, and more*, in the next week’s reading:

*) All claims for answers are presented as possible content examples by someone who hasn’t read the next chapter yet, and come without warranty of any kind.


A good start to the story.

I’m with Ori-san. A hotel in the mountains seems a bit strange.

Was curious about the phrase in the sentence 俺は答えられず、 目を泳がせた. Sounds like eyes are swimming as if they are floating around.

Maybe he was darting his eyes around because he couldn’t answer her question.


The whole phrase can be found at Jisho: 目を泳がせる - Jisho.org and is simply defined as

to avoid meeting someone’s gaze; to not look someone in the eyes

​ But your interpretation isn’t that far off!