Week 1 - 徒然日和 - Yuri/GL/wlw book club

Welcome to week 1 of 徒然日和 1 | L21 :smile:

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Week 1 Jan 5, 2025
Chapter 1
Pages 3-44
Next week week 2
Home thread thread

Discussion ground rules

  • Any spoilers, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Always mention where you are in the book when discussing, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting! But please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week :slight_smile:
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That can be part of the discussion too and I’m sure some folks would be happy to help.
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.
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  • I’m reading along, but at my own pace
  • I’m just following the discussion
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Looking forward to reading with everyone :slight_smile:


fyi, the series is on Manga Kotoba if anyone wants to pre-study the vocab.


The obi is spot on!


I’m rereading this for the n-th time (I’ve read some chapters in fan translation, some in magazine, some as eBook and everything in physical, and I think I reread it in one medium at least once, so n>=3, making this the 4th or 5th read? You’d think I know this by hear now, but no.).

So I decided to make an effort to read everything, not just the speech bubbles. Like the katakana sounds, background conversations, signs. I’d even read the afterword (which I usually skip because it’s harder to read and often in hand writing). Luckily there isn’t an afterword… I’ll also try to pay attention to speech style and stuff.

So, my first language note is from the back:


I thought, "what is リスクールライブ. Re-school? Re-schooling sounds something like re-education. An interesting word with many meanings (see Wikipedia, in Germany it apparently can refer to the de-nazification though the allies). But no, the リ is actually hiragana り from まったり meaning “laid-back, relaxed, comfortable”.

I think I’ll need to hold back a little on observations regarding personality and stuff not to spoil anything.

Chapter 1

I think the name 小春 fits her very well. 小 As in 小動物. And maybe 春 for her bright personality.

真冬 has a season kanji matching 春. The winter kanji matches the cool-beauty impression in her first appearance.

実里 fruit and country side? She is the slightly taller one of the duo with brighter hair.

I don’t think ななちゃん has her proper name revealed in this chapter. Spoiler: it’s 七椰 (ななや). I can’t find anything interesting to say about her name.

Their excitement to see each other again matches my own excitement to meet those characters again.

I stumbled a little on the use of ん instead of の. I’m more used to this for the の ending particle. It also sounds a bit rough, isn’t this more typical for male speech?

I’m always confused when I read the beginning. How come they are bestest of friends even they only meet once on a camping trip, years ago? (I assume there have been other occasions).

As I understand it なな and 実里 were the only pupil in their school, kind of like in のんのんびより, and they occasionally joined 小春s school?


Didn’t recognize 廊下 in hiragana at first.

Who is Karin?

I didn’t understand this panel. I’m not sure who is speaking or what なった means here.

I think this is a wordplay based on paste-based food and 練 meaning “to kneat”?

And so they resolved the drama in one panel that other series spend more time on than this one runs in total. Which makes this very iyashikei in my mind.


I accidentally kept publishing my post early. Sorry about that. I’m done now.

I would like to talk a bit more about the facial expressions. But that would involve spoiler talk. Although the fact that this is Yuri and the cover image probably gives everything away

.But I think the faces are quite expressive. Not as much as Yotsuba, but enough to remind me of it.

I’ll also keep referring to 七椰 as なな, as my phone won’t change なな to 七椰.

Comic below the paper cover of volume 1

This is hard for me to read.

So, Nana is the Banchou (top delinquent) and starts a fight with Haru because she has better grades than her (implying that the top position in this school is determined by grades rather than fighting strength). The class-rep (who doesn’t seem to look like anyone, but maybe is Minori?) tells everyone not to bully Haru. They start a fight. But Mafuyu appears, beats everyone up and saves Haru.

No idea what フクロにして means.

Haru walks home after school, thinking how scary the school is. She observes Mafuyu rescuing an abandoned dog (out of sympathy because the dog is alone, just like her) in the rain and is touched. What she probably doesn’t hear is that Mafuyu names the dog “emergency rations”.


Was a bit intimidated that there was little to no furigana but I’m glad I can read it with no problem. I like this so far. I feel as though they should have known they were going to lose Koharu. It’s funny that they think that Tokyo is some foreign land to the point where Mafuyu is questioning if they think Tokyo is some fictional place or something.


Honest. I have no idea which one is Mi and which one is Nana. I just finished it 3 minutes ago and I don’t remember what they look like.

Searched up “Karin自動販売機” but Kirin showed up so it’s probably just based off that company’s products, especially with the large text on the side and the small text on the front near the top.

Initally I searched up “自動販売機高校” (vending machine (the long way of writing it) + high school) and then got confused cause none of the photos from the first two rows had Kirin but there actually have been Kirin machines used in high school. From what I can tell, a lot of vending machines used in high school are from Seven-Eleven. I cannot tell what other companies distribute these.

I think the なっ is conjugated なる. So translated literally it’s kinda like “There, we got together and had a chat/talk” but the tone to me is more like “We met over there and talked.” Spoilered for “I wanna figure it out myself” reasons but if you need more of a clarification, please ask. Koharu was speaking there; forgot to clarify.

I did not think jisho.org had 一緒になる listed as a phrase. Probably explains it better than I do

Crazy nitpick but not sure why Koharu used “there”, they barely moved from the vending machine


I don’t know that it’s rough, really, but it’s familiar. Definitely more common in men’s speech, but I think that’s changing with younger female speakers… I definitely didn’t think twice about it there until you mentioned it.

Changing a company/product’s name in fiction is pretty common, so I’m sure this is just an allusion to Kirin like @PrinceSugarBun said. Incidentally, I keep a folder on my phone of name changes that crack me up… Karin didn’t make the cut :joy:

I went through all 13 volumes of はなにあらし without being able to keep any of the freinds straight… I don’t have a lot of faith in myself for the 3 volumes of this series to figure out who is who :sweat_smile:


It’s not like I stumbled on it because it’s masculine. I was wondering what it means exactly. It seemed a little unfamiliar to me in writing and for this type of の. I also had the silly thought the ん might be for えん in 学園. And as I was thinking about it I noticed that it’s a little masculine.

Oh sorry, I read your comment and thought you had figured it out! It is short for の, but it’s the possessive の, not the ending particle. 俺んち(=俺の家) comes to mind as the most quintessential contraction of this, but for another example off the top of my head there’s the manga あたしンち ベスト | L19 that uses this same contraction with あたし.

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Oh, no I did figure it out. But thanks for the explanation.

It’s just something that I couldn’t understand the exact grammar involved at a glance, and so began thinking about it. 俺んち is indeed sometime I’m familiar with from sound, but I don’t remember seeing it in writing or in many other situations. And の being shortened to ん is something that I think my textbooks only explicitly taught for の as sentence ending particle.

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I think manga (especially in speech bubbles) is written much closer to spoken language than written language. So I’d be surprised to see that in a novel (but maybe not within quotes) but don’t think twice in manga.


I decided I wanted to write down some impressions I had from re-reading this. I’m going to put this behind a spoiler warning for the whole series. Even though there aren’t really any big secrets here.

Complete series (all 3 volumes)
  • I’m very impressed by Mafuyu’s expressions.
    • In the beginning, when she was alone, her expression was so cold and dark, that it made you almost worry for her
    • when she is with Nana or Mii, she looks a bit sleepy or bored, but still like she might have fun
    • when she is with Koharu she has a a pretty big smile.
  • I remember Mafuyu being somewhat shy, introverted, lonely. There isn’t really much to give that impression in this first chapter. But I did have the impression the way she looked out the window during the ride that sitting next to those two strange girls was maybe a bit much for her.