Week 1 🍭 ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂 👵 이상한 과자 가게 전천당 🍬

I’m caught up! This was fun. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but this feels somehow different from my expectations, whatever they were. Lookups varied wildly by page … on “regular” pages it was like 3/page, on pages with lists of types of candy it was more like three per line haha.

I’m glad I broke through the block that prologue was giving me! (I think it was all those numbers kanji making me feel unmotivated.)


Unfortunately I’m still reading another book and can’t start with this one yet but I I’m trying to follow the discussion with curiosity. :smiling_face:


I have enough reading to do, so I think I’ve decided I’ll be good and read along at the book club pace. For now :joy:

Spoilery stuff

I loved the imagery! All of the jellies and gummies that were red and green like poison. All of the strange names (which like, Mayumi is not genre savvy), the store feeling like it had been there forever but she had never seen it before. I love it all!
Also Beniko’s「幸運をもとめる幸運な人だけが、見つけられる店でござんす」
omg, run kid! :joy:

Speaking of all of the names of the candy, I think I this section would have been a little miserable without the audiobook… :slightly_smiling_face:

I didn’t go digging for an answer to this because I knew someone would have asked this already :joy:
Yay for bookclubs!

I’ve heard it, but only in anime :joy:
Usually as a sinister character’s name, so that tracks :joy:


This book is so cute!

Read through this section only occasionally using lookups, now I’m going through it more carefully since we have a book club.

page 12 (physical)


Haha okay nevermind as soon as I typed it out I thought of what to search and found the answer to my question. I’ll say anyways in case it’s helpful. I was going to ask about いっぱい here because I wasn’t coming up with a good meaning for it…then realized I didn’t search 頭がいっぱい as a phrase.


imo even if you don’t search the whole term, いっぱい means “full” so metaphorically that could mean “having a head full (of thoughts)” → obsessed/preoccupied.


Yep, for sure, it makes sense now. I just in the moment was like, she is becoming head full?? Huh??


Oops meant to say she hadn’t seen it in real life!

Like you said understandable, but I’ll remember it now as a phrase since you highlighted it, thanks!


Just finished reading - the Korean version followed by the Japanese + audiobook. :smiling_face:

I’m guessing some of the sweets mentioned will have their own stories later on! :candy: