🐺 Week 4 | 人狼サバイバル 1 絶体絶命! 伯爵の人狼ゲーム 🧐

Week 4 December 7
Pages 42-50
Chapter 2 (part 2)
Read until End of chapter
Previous week Week 3
Next week Week 5
Home Thread 人狼サバイバル 1

We’re reading this book as part of the Children’s Book Club.

Book Cover

Discussion Guidelines

  • Please blur/hide any major events in the current week’s pages (however early they occur), like so: text here (that’s [spoiler]text here[/spoiler]).
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, the story, cultural things or literally anything else related to the book — ask! There is really no need to be hesitant. If it’s something you are wondering about, chances are someone else will be thankful you asked first, lots of people enjoy answering questions, you learn something new, and the thread gets more lively. It’s a win-win on all fronts!

Participation Poll

  • I’m reading along :wolf:
  • I’ve already read ahead and I might or might not be a werewolf :running_woman::wolf::wolf::wolf:
  • I have fallen behind and I’m planning to catch up later :paw_prints:
  • I’m reading this at my own pace :face_with_monocle:
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished :spiral_calendar:
0 voters

Dang, there goes my chance to make an “I’ve already read ahead and I might or might not be a werewolf” poll option…


Redo the poll; I don’t mind re-voting. :wolf:


Done! :saluting_face:

(You’ll also have to re-vote, @soggyboy, @shitsurei.)


Lol, those emojis :rofl:


I’ll leave it up to the voter to decide what the combination means and whether the voter is a specific one of those emojis :wink:


End of the chapter:


I don’t remember a ton of what was supposed to be last week and what was supposed to be this week, so I’m waiting for all of the not-werewolves rest of the group to remind me :joy:


If you want to, you can talk about your impressions of the whole chapter - after all you probably held yourself back last week to ensure you’re not spoiling anything.

Chapter notes


The only thing more scary than a werewolf - a cavalcade of katakana. (A katakanacade.)

「キャンプの晩飯が何だったか、とかか? テントの張り方とか、キャンプファイヤーで何歌ったかとか。オリさんの投げてたフリスビーの色とか。」

I’d immediately be identified as a werewolf due to my bad memory :laughing:

Also… goodbye ハヤト. It was nice knowing you. I guess it’s hard to hear a piano when you are drugged, huh? I wonder if this was planned to make him more suspicious. Drug one child so they are fast asleep and then do something that is usually impossible to overhear so that almost all of them have a shared experience with an odd one out. Before this bit I assumed that everyone got a drink with a sleeping drug to make sure that they don’t make trouble before the setup is done…

Voting is gonna be interesting.

Side note:



Hmmm. So they can’t access the second floor at all? Very suspicious, and would be the first thing I go for. How did they reach the third floor without landing on the second, though? Was this house specially built so the stairs skipped that floor?

Also, I was wondering how the 伯爵 was going to push them to vote when they’ve got so little to go on. I’m guessing piano music was piped into their rooms somehow, to make sure they heard it?

Wait, was he drugged? I can’t remember from previous weeks.

Yep, 100%, same here.

“Wait, you guys bothered to pay attention to that?” Either that, or I would think I remember something, then immediately start doubting myself when someone says that saw something different.


Considering that they all seem to agree that it was very loud - yeah, probably.

It wasn’t mentioned explicitly, but I assume so from this snippet:


He is worried and restless, pacing around the room. Then he drinks a bottle that was prepared on the table in his room, and “a short time later” sleepiness assails him. Follow by a paragraph end and him suddenly waking up the next morning, making it seem like he immediately fell asleep.

Maybe it’s just exhaustion finally overwhelming him, but then why not mention that, and why mention that bottle at all? Might be a really weird red herring I guess. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it…


This was my assumption reading through it the first time, but yeah, it’s a lot more suspicious now that you point it out with the context of all of chapter 2.

I was actually pretty happy that I was able to recognize most of those as words and not as long strings of katakana I needed to sound out.

But lest I get too big for my katakana reading britches:


I read トレイ as トイレ and was VERY confused for a few seconds.


Aaaah, thank you, I do remember that vaguely. I think I assumed the same as @shitsurei, but that’s a good clue to point out, and wouldn’t surprise me if you were right, Legato. :eyes:

Same, haha. I had to wrench my brain back from :question: and re-read it again.

Grammar Q, page 43

I’m confused by this line:

おれたち全員が知っているはずのことを知らない 奴が狼。

The one who doesn’t know what we all expect to know is the wolf?? I think the two 知る’s in here are throwing me off

Page 43

That’s pretty close actually - looks like you are more confused by the はず?

The translation would be: “The one who doesn’t know what we are all expected to know is the wolf.”

Does that help, or do you need a breakdown of the sentence?

1 Like

Actually, I got it now, I read the next page and realized she’s talking about how the wolf shouldn’t know… what they all know. I think just the repetition of ‘knowing what we know’ threw me off the first time. And yeah, maybe the はず in there too.


When they were talking about running away from the werewolf and ヤマネ was all like ‘noo’ I was half expecting her to be like ‘i can’t run away because i’m wearing a 動きにくい dress’


Me: wouldn’t it be funny if they start naming Clue rooms, like billiard room
[continues reading]




Quick, start pulling all the book spines to see if there’s a secret passage!


伯爵 is like the annoying kid making you play an imaginary game. ‘And then I’m a big werewolf that kills you!! No, you CAN’T build a barricade!! The werewolf can break through the barricade! :rage:


Japanese harry potter prepared me for this with all the descriptions of the feasts and having to endlessly sound out, like, ‘shepherd’s pie’ in katakana. I did wonder in this book why there was so much said about salad dressing, though.

:open_mouth: Good catch! I missed the mystery bottle of water.


The Count, with the werewolf, in the billiard room? :laughing:

Hahaha. Yeah, he really needs to learn a “Yes, and…” attitude! No way we’re gonna let him play improv with this kind of nonsense.

page 42 speculation


What child sees a full breakfast buffet and chooses to eat a salad with tartar dressing. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m calling it! ツバメ is the wolf!