Ah, the joys of actually reading something exciting. Reading it all in one go still takes some time, but it’s hard to put down anyway
Chapter thoughts
Yes! Thank you!
Kinda curious for what reason this 大室さん (I guess a classmate?) “escaped their tent in the middle of the night”. Seems like it was big enough to be discovered at least.
Damn. Ice-cold, ツバメ. And so quick to decide. Just as if she doesn’t care, like, let’s say, a werewolf.
Definitely not a smart move though, being the first to point your finger to somebody, because…
…yep. Because of this. Whether you are a werewolf or innocent, you definitely don’t want to appear overeager unless you have solid proof.
「伯爵。このバッジ、全色混ぜていいか? 今回はしょうがないけど、このままだと誰がどれを取ったのか丸分かりで、すげえ投票しづらい。」
That one confused me for a bit. Is he mixing them so that in future votes it’s more of a secret who takes which badge?
(Why would he think that’s a good idea though? Seems like that only benefits there werewolf, but nobody calls him out on it, huh.)
I had to read this thrice. The whole table? Not just the box, or the chips in the box? What a madman
「ヤマネ!! ……っウサギ、先に行け!」
Oh no. This is really brave, and I really hope that it doesn’t turn into a “If one of us is the werewolf, and Hayato was the last one to be with her before she vanished, then…”.
Welp. And there goes ヤマネ.
I like that both ハヤト and ウサギ wanted to help her despite being in a scary situation, even if a portion of it might’ve been guilt over being party responsible due to having voted for her.
I wonder if they will try to shelter the victim in one of the rooms next time. The rules say that you have to be in your own room (or you will be eaten), but they don’t say anything about not having somebody in your room. (Although I guess what could happen is that the room just doesn’t close, and the werewolf comes and eats the victim while ignoring the rule-abiding, not-voted-for sheltering person.)
Btw, since the doors are so close together, the whole game could’ve been given away right there and then by ヤマネ loudly going like “Oh, 〇〇さん, you managed to open the door?! Please let me in!” when the door unlocked, before seeing that a werewolf comes out of it…
Seems like you were right on the money with the “piping sound into rooms” theory, @eefara.