Week 5 | Achtsam morden 🪨🔪 Krimi Book Club


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Week Start Date Chapters Pages
5 August 5 21-26 54

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur. Remember to mark clearly what the spoiler is referring to, so people know when it’s safe to open (eg what part of the book it’s referring to, whether it’s speculation, etc)
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • Similarly, if you fall behind you’re still very welcome to post in this thread whenever you get to this week’s reading. Many members will have the thread on watching and will be happy to see your posts and reply, even a long time after the club has ended.
  • Questions on vocab, grammar, nuance, and the like are both welcome and encouraged. We’re all here to learn, and questions very often lead to interesting insights. No question is silly or too basic.
  • Participate: post about anything that comes to mind: how you like the book, how easy or hard you’re finding it, speculations about future developments, thoughts on specific plot points or characters, questions on comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, culture, anything! Lively book clubs are more fun, and every question, every opinion is valid and welcome, as long as it’s phrased nicely and respectfully towards others. :sparkling_heart:


Are you reading along with us?
  • Yes! :smile:
  • I’m reading at my own pace :smiling_face:
  • I’m just here for the discussion :popcorn:
0 voters

(The above poll is for measuring club participation. The poll below is so that you can mark your personal progress regarding this week’s section if you want. You can update whenever and as often as you like:)

  • I have finished this week’s section
  • I haven’t started this week’s section yet
  • I’m currently reading this week’s section
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A bunch of very short chapters. I somehow liked the longer ones better, but I guess we’re in some sort of wrap-up mode now, wrapping up lots of loose ends…

The content is still quite confusing, but the writing style is really refreshing. Halfway through this week‘s reading I realized that the style reminds me of an acquaintance of mine: Peter Kröner, who gives conference talks in exactly the same style. Check him out if you’re interested, and please say hi from me if you get the chance :blush:


I was listening to this while commuting and… well… I accidentally finished it. :see_no_evil:

Very much enjoyed it but I have no idea what happened in what chapter, so I’ll just continue to lurk from here on out. :melting_face:

I think I might continue with the series. :eyes:


I have to say the book has been in a bit of a downward slope for me after the actual murder. While the mindful way he goes about all things is entertaining, I ultimately find myself not caring about the mafia stuff.


I’m also finding the details on who is who in the organization and who might be betraying whom a bit boring, but thankfully they don’t last too long. I guess we need to have some idea of what is going on in the local mafia, or the next murder (when is it coming?) would have no justification.

The idea of torturing someone for quiz answers is interesting :thinking: An idea for a new TV show maybe?

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reminds me of a Doctor Who episode…

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