Week 6 | Achtsam morden 🪨🔪 Krimi Book Club


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Week Start Date Chapters Pages
6 August 12 27-31 62

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  • Participate: post about anything that comes to mind: how you like the book, how easy or hard you’re finding it, speculations about future developments, thoughts on specific plot points or characters, questions on comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, culture, anything! Lively book clubs are more fun, and every question, every opinion is valid and welcome, as long as it’s phrased nicely and respectfully towards others. :sparkling_heart:


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The ending made me put a hold on book 2… I am curious enough to give the series a try and I didn’t know how much my brain enjoys listening to German for once. :face_with_peeking_eye:


I was supposed to ask about fish in the Schwarm thread, but what’s a Pappfisch? Ein Fisch aus Pappe?

Can you give context? I am pretty sure you are correct, but almost anything in German can also be an insult in the right context. :rofl:
But I’m assuming you are likely in the kindergarden?


Let me see how I can type in German without adding yet another language to my keyboard :sweat_smile:

Auf jedem Stuhl lag ein Namenskärtchen in Form eines Pappfisches.

And yes, in the kindergarden.

Yeah, that would be a Fisch aus Pappe, I guess.

Hahah, “Fisch” immediately catapulted me to Der Schwarm, then I read your example sentence and went like “Kindergarten”?!?? :crazy_face:

It indeed sounds like an insult :rofl: “Du alter Pappfisch, Du!”


From 31:

"Sie sind die tollste Frau der Welt und ihr Mann, der ebenfalls der tollste Mann der Welt ist, hat auch den tollsten Beruf der Welt. "

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I quite like this Sascha character. Although I wouldn’t necessarily be happy to trust him with my kid’s education. No one seems even remotely worried about a mafia-run kindergarten. The kindergarten situation in that town must be truly desperate.


I got a work email today titled “mindful mondays” and it immediately made me think of this book.

…It’s not even monday!


It’s kind of only half a meme. People will genuinely ask pregnant parents if they have already registered their child in a kindergarden. :sweat_smile: It’s not necessarily that there aren’t enough spaces, but usually parents want a kindergarden near their flat/work, so options are limited and fill quickly. Especially the free/affordable ones (not to mention that certain parents don’t want their kids mixing with certain other people. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I am happy for those poop parents to get stuck with no kindergarten.)


Now that I actually finished these chapters: I really enjoyed them. The kindergarten helping with the police problem was fun as was turning the rest of the gang against Toni. Especially when they all made the silent fox at him.
This is the second time I’m randomly hearing about the silent fox the past few weeks. I went to kindergarten in germany, but that was not a thing in mine. I also don’t think there was such problems getting me accepted into one but I might need to ask my mother :sweat_smile:

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I just remembered that I found it a little disappointing that the recorded confession randomly playing back in front of the investigating officer came to nothing (apparently). I mean, it’s not like it would stand as good evidence in a court of law, but I was hoping it would be even awkwarder. Maybe it still will somehow, who knows.

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Chapter 28:

“und ließ sich dort die Bedenken wegblasen.”

Wow, that wordplay is truly chef’s kiss :rofl:

Also, the bird awoke and repeated the phrase in front of the policeman, of course :grin: But the result was much less dramatic than I had expected. Or maybe more dramatic even, as it further demonstrates the policeman’s conviction to ignore the obvious :woman_shrugging:

I think this is a rather new thing… I checked Wikipedia (Leisefuchs – Wikipedia) and the oldest reference is from 2008. (But now it is being frowned upon :woman_shrugging:)

This is also a rather new thing. The government has established the right for each child to have a kindergarden spot from age 1. And more and more parents are taking the offer… Also there are less and less people working in childcare as the pay is bad and the conditions are stressful (just like with care in hospitals and the like). So you have two opposite movements, and that has become a problem…


There definitely were fewer full day kindergarden spaces when I was a child but back then they were not needed as much. (aka more stay-at-home moms) Also, usually kids did not start kindergarden before they were potty trained (around age 3) [again: more stay-at-home moms]… you had 1 kindergarden teacher and 1 assistant per group of 20~25 kids. But now you often need 1 teacher per 5~6 children or something because they start at like age 1. It just puts a lot of strain on the system.

Edit: Just in case: I am not blaming women for going to work. I was just stating a fact. I do dislike that today’s world requires 2 (close to) full-time working parents and all the issues that brings, but that’s a whole different debate.


As a mother of a 2-year old (soon 3) toddler I can tell you that it is a great problem at the moment (I don’t know about the past though). Especially if you want to get a place for your child in a Krippe (= for children under 3 years old). You really have to be lucky to get one - even more so if you need a place for a full day.
It is somewhat less difficult to get a place in a kindergarten (= for children 3 years old and older), but I think this also depends on where you live.


It being a recent problem explains things; I went to kindergarten in the 90s. Thanks for the information, it’s interesting how a seemingly positive policy can have such effects.