What are you reading today?

Because you ppl kept talking about this story, I read it just now… WHY? WHY?! I did not expect that end…


わたしの幸せな結婚, I need to finally continue reading that one… I need to re-read vol 2 and then go from there… I wonder if it has a proper ending… :pray:t2:

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I am currently making my way through 十角館の殺人 for the bookclub and ももこの21世紀日記〈N’04〉(which is part of ももこのよりぬき絵日記 2). I also still have 夜カフェ 2 going but it has kinda fallen to the side


Also working on 十角館の殺人 | L34, though very slowly so far; I’ve read the prologue, but I think I’m going to re-read it before starting chapter 1. The language used was really evocative, so I want to make sure I’m in the right mindset before pushing ahead. 薬屋のひとりごと 2 | L37 is currently on standby while I read easier reads; my goal is to have it done before the end of the year, so I’ll probably start it back up in November at the latest? I’m hoping that gives me a better chance of having a smoother reading experience.

@Drinos I have two 吸血鬼 recommendations for you. :eyes:
First one is PURE BLOOD (series) | L25; a short, two volume manga series. Slight BL, shoujo, some found family themes, episodic in nature; I thought it was rather sweet in general. Could be a good palate cleanser between other things.

Second is 吸血鬼と愉快な仲間たち (series) | L24??. Four volumes of manga (so far? not sure if completed or stalled atm), definite BL. American turns into (incomplete) vampire (he turns into a bat by day and is only human at night) and is accidentally frozen with meat being shipped to Japan. He ends up there, no clue what’s going on, and is taken in by a mortician. There’s a novel series it’s based on (which is currently not yet on Natively) that I haven’t read, so can’t speak to how well it’s adapted. I have enjoyed what I’ve read of the manga, though.


Currently rereading the first 古見さんは、コミュ障です。 Noting the vocab that I need to look up

Just want to add that I love their punny names sooo much :smiling_face:


Iv’e yet to read any manga you’re making me want to! The sheer amount of 吸血鬼 manga out there is tempting. This might sound very, very petty, but one reason I’ve avoided reading manga is because I think it’s stats getting mixed with everything else on the site would bother me. Though, bradon did say that he would add filters, so maybe I should stop worrying about insignificant things and just read what I want.

There’s also the problem that my wish list would probably double (or triple) in size. :smiling_face_with_tear:


I, too, have not been adding my manga to Natively for the exact same reasons, so fear not, I totally understand! Perhaps others will be inspired to give these two series a shot; I aim to spread good reading experiences all around! :wink:

I’m kind of curious now, though; how many here have abstained from adding a book type to their lists because of stats/wishlist or unread or would be enormous/etc?

  • Yep, I don’t add certain book types
  • Nope, I add everything
0 voters

For those who vote yes, I’d be curious to hear what type(s) of books and why!

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You really gotta ask why we’re not adding certain book types? (lol)

Aside from that, I guess I add everything, if it’s a published thing and I’m actually reading it. I’m not tracking my page count or reading speed, so I don’t care if manga affects the numbers. I don’t think my reading speed has really changed anyway, because as soon as I get better I just read harder stuff and it cancels out.


Eh, I guess I’m just curious if there’s any other reasons than the usual why someone wouldn’t add this or that.

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I just remembered that I have a few other things I haven’t asked to add because they’re hard to categorize, and also hard to read.

For example, I have a couple of these Junior Aera current affairs prep books for middle school entrance exams. The vocab level is pretty intense so I don’t read these consistently. But if the fiction books I picked for my everyday reading turn out to be at a comfortable level and I’m not getting much vocab, I’ll read some of these current affairs articles to make sure I’m still learning something.

I haven’t asked to have them added to Natively because they’re mooks and new editions come out yearly. Also, I might never actually finish reading one cover-to-cover.


Oh, true! In that sense, I don’t add everything either. For instance, I have read a book about あやとり(cat’s cradle?) recently (and did all the figures in it :crazy_face:) but I’m not planning to add it. The text is very repetitive, from a Japanese learner’s point of view too. I also read some sewing stuff, but not cover to cover, just the parts I needed.
Ah, now that I think about it, I also don’t add magazines (because I also just read the part I care about, so it’s not “completed”) or books for toddlers or young children (which I obviously don’t read for myself).

So, huh, I guess I am not adding everything. That being said, I am adding manga, since the whole point of using Natively for me was to have a place to track everything. I am using Bookmeter for books only stats.


Some things I just don’t want showing on my book page. Some embarrassing, some too dark for me to think they’d be useful to add. I already felt iffy about adding 遺書 | L41 to the database and I own at least one book which is just as, if not more, dark and likewise nonfiction.

I track my stats separately, in a spreadsheet, and have since before Natively was a thing - so to me having it track ‘perfectly’ is meaningless.

Also textbooks. I have no desire for books like 論理的な文章の書き方 to be in my library. That would just annoy me.


Technically I don’t add textbooks, but I don’t really count textbooks, so I still voted in the poll that I add everything. There is a one-shot manga that I want to read which won’t be in the database, so I wouldn’t be able to add that if I ever got around to reading it. But generally speaking I don’t read manga in magazines or LNs on narou, so I don’t have issues with “unpublished” volumes or anything like that. (My general philosophy is that there’s so much available to read that has been published that there’s no reason to read the magazine/online versions. I don’t watch anime that’s still airing week to week for the same reason; I always wait for a season to finish before watching.)


I have even added BL smut to my list, so… I have no issues adding everything. XD tbf, I mostly add stuff after I read it but if I come across something interesting on here, I put it in my wishlist for future reference… I’ll never finish my TBR, so I don’t bother even trying to limit it to an achievable amount of books. :rofl:


Good day, native content enjoyers, I hope you are all having another exciting day staring at words.

Recently, I finished the first three volumes of ヴァンパイア大使アンジュ (series) | L23 I was checking jpdb.io the other day and noticed that their algorithm puts the book at 5/10. That immediately seemed odd to me. For reference, コンビニ人間 | L29, 夜市 | L31, and キッチン | L31 are all considered 5/10. It feels nothing like an orange-range book to me! My ratings put it at 22, but I guess it could be 23-24 AT MOST. It’s times like this where I have to wonder if the bot overrated the book, or I’m just insane and severely underrated it. I can’t trust robots! I will, however, trust my fellow Natively graders! :slight_smile:

For those who wonder what those books are actually about (you probably aren’t), it’s about a girl and her brother who suddenly find out they are 吸血鬼(1/4)! They become 大使 of Japan for the WFA (World Fairy Alliance). Their job basically consists of dealing with all the gaijin 精霊 that don’t know how to behave themselves. I found it interesting that despite it being stated that 大使 and 精霊 are also in Asia and America, so far, all the troublesome ones have been from Europe. I wonder what the author meant by that. :thinking:

tldr - Easy, fun kid’s books about 妖怪. Recommended beginner book. (Unless jdpb is actually right abut the difficulty, and it’s way harder than I think it is)

I’m almost done reading カフェ・ド・ブラッド 魔夜中の眠らない血会 | L32. I bought it a while ago but didn’t read it because I am really not the type of person who should buy things in advance. It’s felt harder than anything I’ve finished before. Definitely spent a good amount of time in the dictionary. It’s very bloody at times (good!). Truthfully, I didn’t even know what I was getting into. I just knew it had something to do with 吸血鬼 and a cafe. I didn’t even read the Amazon description when I bought it. I thought it might have just been some calm slice of life (I was wrong). The first quarter wasn’t that bad. However, at some point it just goes full 男性向け and it starts feeling like a shitty romcom for a while. The dialogue degenerated from being about 吸血鬼 to 巨乳 for way longer than it needed to be. It really takes away from the main story. Still a better read than 吸血鬼の劣等感 | L31. :rofl:


I for one really appreciate the write-ups! Your summaries are always so fun to read and make me want to open the books as well, haha.


I recently came across

The anime is very cute and super easy to understand.
For the light novel, the sentences are really straightforward and tend to be short with an easy to follow the plot.
There is nearly zero furigana so even for non-school taught kanji you are mostly SOL. I guess it’s a good kanji test, and it’s the stingiest book I have read when it comes to furigana. It seems pretty easy to read, but the lack of furigana probably makes it more difficult than it should be. I guess they assume it’s more of a book that appeals to a more mature crowd.

The first 111 pages (lol) are readable on bookwalker.
It used to be on syosetsu for free, but it seems like the author took it down when the series was completed.


Just taken a look at that. It’s easy, but I think childrens books with more kanji are overrated on jpdb. Like 名探偵クリス is also highly rated, but it’s easy too.

From what little I read, somewhere near 時をかける少女 seems fine to me.


I’ve been reading Red Data Girl, as voted by these forums. It was slow for the first 20 pages or so, but once I got past that it started getting more interesting. Now I’m about 50 pages in (near the end of chapter 1) and I’ve been enjoying it.

I’ve also been binge reading 五等分の花嫁, which is a bit unusual for me since I don’t typically binge read manga. I finished volume 4 yesterday, so now I’m caught up with what I watched of the anime (season 1). I plan to keep reading this series, and at the rate I’m going I’ll probably finish in the next 2-3 weeks. :joy:

Finally, I’ve been reading volume 4 of きんいろモザイク, which I haven’t particularly been enjoying, so I’ll probably drop the series (again!).


Oh, hey, I almost picked it up as my current book, but went for reducing my 積読 pile instead (which is, as usual, just over 20 books… 解せぬ). I’ll probably pick it up next.

A few other people I follow here and on bookmeter also read it… Based on your knowledge of the stuff I read, do you think I would enjoy it? :sweat_smile: To be honest, my uneducated opinion (based on the title and covers; I know literally nothing) is that it feels like it would be quite fanservice-y…