That could be an upgrade to the tag system - the ability to filter tags out of the content stream
/edit although tbh you probably only really need the adult filter in reality. Idk, but maybe you don’t like sports manga, who am i to say
That could be an upgrade to the tag system - the ability to filter tags out of the content stream
/edit although tbh you probably only really need the adult filter in reality. Idk, but maybe you don’t like sports manga, who am i to say
Should have gone with “The most perverted book you can find” in the bingo.
Then you would have the excuse “The bingo made me do it”
I think the ideal behaviour would be
1.) the option to tag something as “adult content” during request (making a note is OK, but adds additional work to whoever creates the book entries on the backend)
2.) anything tagged with “adult content” immediately blurs the cover
3.) option in personal preferences to exclude “adult content” from search or feed or both.
Stuff like 娘じゃなくて私が好きなの!? (series) | L25 would still show up, though. Maybe Ecchi should also be included in the blurring stuff.
In the long run, saying “not interested” or something on series/books/content, so they don’t show up again (like blocking), would be nice.
Perversion slider filter in the account settings and during the onboard process
How hentai are you on a scale from 1-10?
Answer: Yes.
“Error: 69420 is not a valid number on the 1-10 scale.”
I’ve been waiting for this Hide Items / Series to come into fruition since it would solve all my problems and I wouldn’t have to rely on a potential adult filter to be correctly applied to the cover
Thanks for that note @yukitanuki, I appreciate it. I agree, the default is that you shouldn’t need to look at it if you don’t want to. AniList by default toggles all adult content off unless you explicitly turn it on. That would mean it’d be hidden from search & activity feed, which would cover the worse cases.
Although i imagine it’d still be on user profiles. The cover blurring may be a better global solution rather than hiding, not sure
I think the only problem with that could be that some ecchi stuff that could look as bad would potentially be still be visible But I’m not sure how much of that is out there, it has been a while since this above manga made me turn off the global feed, so I am not sure how much is “out there” that I would not want to see.
In case of biblios example, I also would like to hide this series 娘じゃなくて私が好きなの!? (series) | L25 (but this one bothers me way less than my example above… just mentioning, in case I can make a wishlist now how this potential feature behaves haha)
BUT if Ecchi tags work well, then maybe there could be one setting for adult and one for ecchi and one could hide/blur both? I would be very happy about that
Personally, I am also not too concerned with seeing those adult series on users profiles (since I then know and can just close their profile), but when it’s on the activity feed I can’t really hide from it unless I turn it off or wait till enough people did some activity to “hide” it
Alright, I requested 今日から魔王様は勇者のモノです and 后宮のオメガ.
At least those have okay covers (in fact the latter is really pretty and has amazing drawing).
There’s more I want to add, but I’m stuck with my phone…
TIL there’s an adult content tag
Interesting: there are several books marked as adult, by now, but just one anime series
Edit: maybe one should add the tag to the Another series, too, as there are quite some blood shedding scenes in it, IIRC.
So I started 異世界のんびり農家 03 | L30 while continuing the audiobook at the same time of 本好きの下剋上~司書になるためには手段を選んでいられません~第一部「兵士の娘3」 | L30 .
Gotta say one of the worst things of such massive books is seeing the % not moving even entire digits while reading for a long time
Not that I don’t think that there are lots of adult anime out there, but most stuff is usually made to still be able to be broadcast, even if it does result in beam-of-light spam lol
Random question for you folks: does anyone know what “cut” stands for on a magazine cover, denoting the illustrator for (in this case) a (light) novel? Example:小説Chara-vol-48-2023年-07-月号/dp/B0C3WHXS24/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&crid=2YPKQFCRXSMFQ&keywords=小説chara&qid=1699909491&sprefix=小説chara%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-1
So, according to Google, カット(in magazines) refers to a side panel or box with an illustration (or possibly handwritten text)
Wikipedia says that it’s specifically for illustrations:
- 挿絵のことをカットと呼ぶ。かつては、本や雑誌などの印刷で、本文は金属の活字を用いたのに対して挿絵は木版(wood cut)で組んでおり、その名残でこう呼ばれている。
(my guess was that it was a “cut” in the flow of the text, but I was wrong; TIL)
Found here: 漫画の仕事|大阪総合デザイン専門学校
Oh, like a cut-in panel
Well, especially since, having checked, a lot of the stuff I read were just random free stuff from Booklive… Most of them are not worth remembering nor adding to the site. (I have in fact removed quite a lot from my Booklive library even and I don’t really see the point in tracking them down).
Very interesting; thanks @Naphthalene and @Biblio!