Audiovisual initial feedback and requests

Fair enough. Really I should probably follow anilist, easy enough. I’ll split it then. You’re right it doesn’t hurt to have it split.

I’m not sure I quite follow. The episodes are <13m long… you’re saying they’re subdivided even more? Is it really a nightmare to only be able to track in ~13m bunches? Hopefully that situation is a rare case.

Ah. Yeah. It won’t switch to ended until 21 days have passed I don’t think. I probably should allow you to toggle statuses ongoing / finished rather than just hitting sync.

I don’t think there are a ton of people using it for that purpose. But they have to be able to accommodate deleting duplicates.

The episodes are standard 24 minutes, but for some reason TMDB is splitting the episodes within the chapters inside the episodes.

Both and MAL list it correctly as 13 episodes

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This is another fun update :slight_smile: This only allows filtering on the search page, not your library yet. There’s a few more things I should do with watch provider info (surface on the TV series / Movie page) and auto set the location based on your IP info… but figured I push the basic version to you all!

I’ll get back to the more nuts and bolts things for audiovisual tomorrow.


Huh, very strange. I think it’d be best to resolve this with TMDB if possible, hmm. Would you mind reporting it to them? I wonder if there’s some rationale there… althogh I hope not because I don’t think i’d build something to fix this on my end :confused:

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Tomo-chan is 13 episodes long, but most episodes are split up into multiple “segments”.
As you can see in this screenshot from the Wikipedia page for Tomo-chan, episode 1 consists of two segments: I Want to Be Seen as a Girl! and A Terrifying Challenge. Seems like TMDB goes off of the “segments” instead of the actual episode count.

It’s still weird, because in every other case with episodes having multiple segments that I’ve seen, it just goes off the episodes rather than segments. Examples: イジらないで、長瀞さん S1 | L22, and SPY×FAMILY S2 | L27. (note how some episodes have multiple titles, divided by slashes)

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I’ve submitted a report as they don’t allow editing of the episodes themselves.

Not sure what will happen though, but I understand not wanting to edit that series particularly if it’s not a common occurrence. It’s a can of worms I wouldn’t want to open.

I just got a reply,

They are not going to bother and we should expect this weird criteria from time to time:

Disappointed on how they are handling this, is to say the least.

I guess there's no point in having an account there or try to bother submitting corrections



Wow, that’s a heck of a thread! :confused:

Really unfortunate. They do seem quite inflexible… and in this case the ruling seems to go against their own guidelines.

I could build out an override mechanism where I take control of the series content and do not allow syncs. I’ll probably wait until there are multiple reports across a few series before I implement something like that.

I agree though, this does probably signal that overriding the TMDB data in the future will probably be necessary.


Here’s another one: うる星やつら S1 | L30?? ( (only 23 episodes anywhere else)

Which has its own similarly mind-boggling thread where they decided not to change it



And it’s the same moderator…


… i’m getting the sense that if the episodes are <24 mins, I should be suspicious. Whyy TMDB…


Small bug. On the Videos list page the item types are treated as “and” instead of “or”. It doesn’t matter much since there are only two options, but I accidentally selected both Movie and TV and was surprised to get no results instead of everything.

And now I see a bigger bug with genres. If you select a genre with no results, then the page gets stuck in a state of no results, even after unselecting that genre.

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Something wonky happening here

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See Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion - #865 by brandon for an update!

@Megumin I’ve changed the UI away from a progress bar to a simple episode number with an ‘ongoing’ tag next to it. I don’t really count ‘unaired’ episodes in the dashboard as you can’t watch them yet… but I agree it’s a bit confusing.


I do prefer it this way but take in mind you will need to eventually find an alternative color for the dark theme.


The size of the /xx and color makes it very hard to read, even if it’s the same color as “TV Season”


Should I write up an official bug report for this one?

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  • Now allow grading tv seasons after 4 episodes have been watched
  • Added a ‘Providers’ section on every Movie and TV Season page
  • @seanblue fixed that bug (I think) for video libraries where they would get stuck after you filter to zero results

Next Up

  • Improve TV stats (will be posting and discussing tomorrow, as there are concerns we should talk about)

Maybe a slight bug here? I’ve watched 12 episodes of HunterxHunter and 4 episodes of D. Gray-man, but neither will allow me the option to grade:

Also, would it be possible to alphabetize the Watching In list in the new Providers section? (Which I love; I can never figure out what place is streaming what.)

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Dunno if this will help with debugging, but this is what’s currently recorded on my dashboard for D. Gray-man:


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Ah, i see. So this will be fixed if I make the ‘Min’ input optional, but the system works best if you put the current episode as episode 5 minute 0. Right now, the system still thinks you’re watching episode 4… which is why you haven’t reached the limit.


Yeah, I think it’d be nice to be able to surface ‘favorite locations’. But alphabetical makes sense…

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