初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29 - NOW READING 明日の世界で星は煌めく


Is there an ebook available?: yes

Is there an audiobook available?: no

Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: no?

Summary - Japanese

武道は奥深く、恋はまだほのか。弓と自分、あるのはそれだけ。 ドラマ化『書店ガール』著者の新シリーズ。 (あらすじ)高校入学目前、矢口楓がふと足を踏み入れた神社の片隅にみつけた弓道場。おとなたちに交じって弦音(つるね)を響かせる少年の凛々しい姿に魅せられ、そこの弓道会に入門することに。人見知りの女子高生が日本古来の弓道の奥深い魅力に目覚め、新しい世界の扉を開いていく青春エンタテインメント小説!【書き下ろし・講談社文庫50周年記念作品】 カバーイラストはアニメイターの新井陽次郎。

Summary - English

[DeepL Translation - needs review] Martial arts are deep and love is still faint. The bow and myself, that’s all there is. A new series by the author of “Bookstore Girl,” which was made into a TV drama. (Synopsis) On the eve of entering high school, Kaede Yaguchi suddenly steps into a Japanese archery dojo in a corner of a shrine. Fascinated by the dignified appearance of a boy playing the strings among the adults, she decides to join the Kyudo club there. This is a coming-of-age entertainment novel about a shy high school girl who awakens to the profound fascination of Japanese traditional archery and opens the door to a new world! The cover illustration is by animator Arai Arai. Cover illustration by animator Yojiro Arai.

(Translator: DeepL)

Content warnings if known

No clue

Why are you nominating this book: It’s a book centered around 弓道 (Kyuudou, JP archery)


Book: さよならすべてのブルー | L28 (Kindle exclusive)

Is there an ebook available?: yes

Is there an audiobook available?: no

Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: no

Summary - Japanese

アイドルを目指し名門芸能校に通う春は、 メジャーデビューがかかった学内オーディションの予選に臨む。 パフォーマンスには自信があったにも関わらず、 ある審査員に最低点をつけられ、結果はギリギリでの予選突破だった。 なんとか予選は通過できたが、このままでは本選の合格は絶望的。 途方に暮れ気晴らしに入った映画館で、映画を観ながら涙を流す女子高生玲に出会い、その涙の透明感に衝撃を受ける。 素直で裏表がなく、笑顔を絶やさない玲に、次第に惹かれていく春。 本選が近づくにつれ、二人の距離も近づいていくが、二人の関係に変化が起きてーー。 素直で裏表のない一般人×有名校の芸能科に通うアイドルの卵の、切なくも爽やかな青春百合小説。

Summary - English

[DeepL Translation - needs review] Haruha is a student at a prestigious entertainment school aiming to become an idol, Haru, a student at a prestigious showbiz school, is about to enter the preliminary round of an on-campus audition to make her major label debut. Despite her confidence in her performance, one of the judges gave her the lowest score, She was given the lowest score by one of the judges, and she barely made it through the preliminary round. Although she managed to pass the preliminary round, she was doomed to fail in the finals. At a loss and in need of a distraction, he entered a movie theater where he met Rei, a high school girl who shed tears while watching a movie, and was shocked by the transparency of her tears. Haru is gradually drawn to Rei, who is honest, open and honest, and never ceases to smile. As the competition draws near, the two grow closer, but their relationship changes. This is a sad but refreshing coming-of-age yuri novel about an honest and straightforward ordinary person and an aspiring idol who attends a famous school’s entertainment department.

Content warnings if known

No idea

Why are you nominating this book: it seemed like a good and hopefully lively mix of idol + romance. The reviews were good, and the hook sounds interesting. Also it’s apparently really short (96 pgs / ~46k characters), and I thought it might be cool to get through something a bit quicker

NOTE: This is a “Kindle exclusive” book, meaning it can be read on either the Kindle app, Kindle devices, or in-browser only.


Be careful that it’s a kindle exclusive book. It makes a bit hard to trust the page count, and it might prevent people from joining.


The book seemed promising to be, but I was a bit worried whether I’ll like it because I’m also not really into the zombie apocalypse setting - so I’m glad to read that it’s the same for you, and you liked it!


One of the reviews also mentioned it being short (~46k characters), which is the whole reason I noticed the pg count at all. Fwiw, the pg count matches on my tablet’s Kindle app, and that’s usually either identical to, or 20 pgs shorter than physical books (depends how many lines per page the author used, I guess)

Anyway, if the Kindle exclusive thing is an issue for anyone, plz let me know. Worst case, I can drop it from the nominations - or just let the vote handle it

Edit: I added a note for now. Thx for mentioning that


I’d recommend adding a note directly next to the book title in the poll, i.e. “[title] (Kindle exclusive)” to make sure nobody misses it. But yeah, apart from that I think the vote can handle it.


On the plus side, it’s available internationally. No need for a Japanese account. And it’s on Kindle unlimited.

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

Optional! Check Anilist or similar site to see if they’ve got an English summary. If not, use a machine translator like DeepL or Google Translate.

I’m nominating this because it’s the only unstarted book I own that has any ratings. And since it’s a Yuri novel, those ratings are obviously by 暁のルナ. Though I suspect some of the other books would turn out to below L30 as well.


Glad to be of service. I’ll try to do more in the future, tho all my current/recent ones have plenty of gradings already

I’m in, no more info necessary :face_with_peeking_eye: :bow_and_arrow:


Since you asked, I definitely won’t join in reading anything that is kindle exclusive. But I’m currently not joining any clubs unless I already own the book so it won’t make a huge difference for now.

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Note so self: add section for “off cooldown” later, so ppl can easily renominate things

ぼうふり and くまくま, and probly others

Also また同じ needs to be added to “already read”

It’s one of the few I have pending on my TBR pile, as that was never translated as far as I know.

I’ve read all the novels that Tokyopop translated back quite a few years ago. I’m probably missing that one, and the one that is included in the magazine.

In any case, judging by the rest of the ones, is probably not something for beginners, and it will include a lot of references to the .hack// universe.


Awesome, I’ll leave it out then. Thx for the info.

As an aside, if I was gonna start with .hack novels, anywhere good to start from? I’m familiar with all the anime, but haven’t played the games

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The one you linked would make sense, timeline wise, but it was actually released afterwards some other novels.

Personally I’d start with .hack//AI Buster and .hack//Another Birth.

And while you mentioned that you didn’t play the games, I highly recommend if you haven’t already, watch .hack//Liminality, which is what came with the games. You might miss some of the story, but nothing too deep. You can probably cover the hole with .hack//Another Birth, as that it’s basically the games, but from the point of view of another character.


3rd Novel Vote!!

Voting closes December 3, 0:00 UTC (get your vote in by Dec 2, 23:59 UTC), so vote by then! You can vote for up to 5 books. Nominations List, for easy reference

Since there are 15 books, we won’t be culling anything at the end of this round (will only cull for 16-20 going forward


Now that Silent Witch has won in the WK Intermediate Book Club, I’m kinda hoping that my favourites here won’t win - reading an L31 will probably be impossible enough without adding more book clubs to my plate :cold_sweat:

But I’m looking forward to voting and hopefully joining again next time!


Do you have an idea when they might start? I looked at the thread there, but don’t see even a vague mention of how soon it would be. I might want to join


I might as well drop the link here for others who might want to join… and maybe that’ll actually also answer your question, since it seems there is one place where you forgot to look :smiley:

Jan 4th - it’s in the title, but yeah, apart from that the whole thread doesn’t mention it I think


Ahh yeah. I completely missed that… And it says it on the main club pg too :sweat_smile: