Inspired by the fact that the ライトノベル読書会 Light Novel Book Club picks have all been L30+ so far, it seems like there’s some potential interest in having a book club dedicated to L20-29 light novels. Assuming all goes well, we will probably start reading in Jan 2024, since November & December tend to be busy for people.
(I’m shamelessly stealing the format from the original club, thanks @eefara )
Now Reading: Home Thread for 明日の世界で星は煌めく - Started on Jan 19th!!
How it works:
- People nominate books using the template below
- At a set time after the previous book finishes (one or two weeks after, probably) we will hold a vote on the nominated books. There will be a week to vote.
- Upon that poll closing, a new poll (and thread for the specific book) will open to vote upon cadence for reading the book (ex: 30 pages a week, 1 chapter a week, etc.)
- A new thread for each week of the book club will be made to separate out spoilers and discussion into manageable chunks.
- Books between L20-29 only are welcome for nomination
- Since light novels vs novels is a bit vague, please nominate things that are in the LN category, or that seem/feel like they could be. Feel free to ask, if you’re unsure
- Unless there’s an exception, we’ll probably only read the first volume of a series in order to keep things snappy.
Discussion ground rule suggestions
- Spoilers behind spoiler tags
- Always mention where you are in the book when discussing, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
- Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting! But please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week
- If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That can be part of the discussion too and I’m sure some folks would be happy to help.
Template for nominations
**Book**: Put a Natively link here! (put it on its own line, for the fancy card view)
**Is there an ebook available?**: yes or no (buying options are visible on the Natively book page)
**Is there an audiobook available?**: yes or no (if so, please list where it is available, since that information isn't easily grabbable on Natively)
**Is there an all-furigana version available?**: yes or no (optional; if you know if there is one available, please link it here)
**(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?**: yes or no
[details="Summary - Japanese"]
you can copy/paste this from wherever you'd like. Please have it in a drop down like shown.
[details="Summary - English"]
Optional! Check Anilist or similar site to see if they've got an English summary. If not, use a machine translator like DeepL or Google Translate.
[details="Content warnings if known"]
You can't be expected to know all the content of a book you haven't read yet, but if you know it deals with specific heavy topics, or the author is known for doing so, please include it here.
**Why are you nominating this book:** This section is also optional, but it's nice to know why someone else is interested in reading a book, and might sway others to vote for it!
Simply copy and paste the above text (not quote) into a reply to nominate!
Previous books: