初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29 - NOW READING 明日の世界で星は煌めく

I personally don’t care about number field and page count, but everything else (especially the Natively link) seems pretty useful to me.

I’d be alright if for Releasing books it would just say e.g. “12+ vols.” and is never updated. I’m more interested in the general impression of “Ah, it’s been running for some time and has lots of volumes” than the exact number.

By the way, is there a reason why we’re waiting with voting until the previous club ended? If we’d vote earlier (e.g. 6 weeks before the book club ends) we could start right away or with a short break, and people who want to get physical books still have enough time to order them.


I also find the direct link useful - tho I’m considering putting it behind the book cover. I’d just love for the table to be less unwieldy

I didn’t want to split focus, and I was just following what other book clubs do (I think). Plus it seemed appropriate to have at least a small break. If people wanna do it sooner I’m the future, I’m ok with that. I’ll still leave some time for ppl to get books anyway


I don’t think voting takes away focus from reading (or where do you think the focus would be split?), and we can still have a break if we want to. Although I’m not sure if a long break is really necessary.

I’m not sure how other clubs do it here, but pretty much all book clubs on the WK forums have been in the “voting 6 weeks before current book ends, 1 week break between books” camp for years now. It works really well - lots of time for people to order and to attract more participants into the home thread with minimal downtime for the club.


It’s also important to remember that every book club doesn’t have the same participants. There’s no reason to make new potential members wait an additional 6 weeks by delaying the poll. That’s largely why the one week break used on WaniKani works so well: it gives a small break to those reading both books back to back without making new members wait too long.


@Legato @seanblue - Ok. I’ll keep that in mind for the future. Thx for the feedback/info.


A bit late to the reply, but the ライトノベル book club here (which you branched out from) starts voting 3~4 weeks before the end of a book, then has a one week break between books.
(E.g., voting for the current pick started on May 5, ~20 days before the official end of 後宮の烏 and ~4 weeks before the start of NHKにようこそ)

Edit: at least that was the case before, but the last message disagrees. I guess the schedule got messed up?

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Oh, I apparently I have a bad memory then lol. Good to know

Actually, maybe that rule changed, since it says in the first post:

I don’t remember that ever being a thing before, though. This time around, I feel like the lack of nominations is a reason to delay the poll, but I’m not sure.

Edit: and it was never enforced before. As I remember, polls were always held before the end of the previous book. Maybe something changed in the club while I drifted away :thinking:


Ahhh it even says that at the top here :sweat_smile: I think it was probably a relic from the mystery club, where @eefara adapted most of the template from.

In any case, I definitely see the appeal to doing it sooner rather than later, so I’ll give it a try next time around



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: :woman_shrugging:t4:

Summary - Japanese

「髪染めたんだね」 「ああ」「どうして髪染めたの?」 「お前なんでって……、昨日お前が……」 僕の隣の席に座る金髪から黒髪に染めたヤンキーJK・清水さんは声が少しずつ小さくなり、少し顔を赤らめて机に顔を伏せた。 その後も僕、本堂大輝が友人との恋バナで「女子と一緒に料理したい」と話すと、翌日、いつも授業をサボる清水さんと一緒に料理することになったり、「女子の手料理食べてみたい」と話すと、なぜか二つあるお弁当を分けてくれたり……。 学校で一番怖いヤンキー、実は恋愛に不器用で乙女な清水さんとの青春ラブコメ。

Summary - English

“You dyed your hair.”
Why did you dye your hair?
“Why did you …, yesterday you …?”

Ms. Shimizu, a yankee JK who had dyed her hair from blonde to black sitting next to me, her voice became a little quieter and she blushed a little and fell face down on the desk. After that, when I, Daiki Hondo, talked about love with my friend and said that I wanted to cook with girls, the next day I ended up cooking with Shimizu-san, who always skipped class, and when I said that I wanted to try girls’ home-cooked meals, for some reason she shared her two lunches with me… …
This is a coming-of-age romantic comedy with the school’s scariest yankee, Shimizu-san, who is actually a maiden and clumsy in love.

Translated with DeepL.com

Content warnings if known

None known.

Why are you nominating this book: I bought this book physically recently because it sounded amusing enough and I wanted to challenge myself to read a book without as many lookups as I normally do digitally. I know that’s not super relevant to the rest of the bookclub but…


Yeah, that was just me losing track of time this time. :sweat: Work’s been busy. I normally do like setting up voting ahead of time so there’s minimal downtime.

I might’ve forgotten I wrote that in the rules originally. They were pulled from the mystery club. I should really go update that…



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: ?

Summary - Japanese

小説が書けない文芸部員・シュウ。ある日、彼のスマホに、詠名という少女から謎のメッセージが届く。そして、ふとしたことから、シュウと詠名の交流が始まった。互いの趣味である小説の話などを通じて、親しくなっていく二人。だが、いざ二人が実際に会おうとしたとき、衝撃の事実が判明する。詠名が生きているのは――現代ではなく、なんと五年前だったのだ! 五年ぶんの夜にさえぎられた、時を超えた二人の恋愛の行方は……!?

Summary - English

Shu is a member of the literature club who cannot write a novel. One day, he receives a mysterious message on his phone from a girl named Eina. Then, by chance, Shu and Eina begin to communicate with each other. Through talking about novels, which is a mutual hobby, the two become close friends. However, when the two are about to meet in person, a shocking revelation is made. Eina is not living in the present day, but five years ago! What will happen to their timeless romance, which was interrupted by the night of five years ago?

Content warnings if known

None known

Why are you nominating this book: This is one of the lower level light novels on the site. I thought it’d be a good option to have for some of the newer readers to have to join in on the club.


Sounds like some plot detail was pilfered from 君の名は, or v.v. :wink:

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lol, right? :joy:

Added the most recent nominations, and also simplified the nominations table a bit. Hopefully it’s easier to read now.

We still have 5 nomination slots left. Nominations will close June 16 11:59pm EDT or if we reach 20. Voting will go from June 17 until June 24 0:00. Edit: I seem to have put the poll up a day early… :sweat_smile:


Vote for our second book!! Voting is open until June 24 Midnight EDT (UTC-04:00), so vote by then! You can vote for up to 5 books. Nominations List, for easy reference

Edit: I just realized the link for クラスで2番目 below is wrong… But I don’t wanna accidentally reset the table, so: nomination post for クラスで2番目可愛い女の子に友だちになって


So I seem to have mixed up days, and put the poll up a day early… if anyone did still have something they wanna nominate, in the next 23 hrs, I’ll add it to the poll… actually that would reset the poll. Nominations are officially closed. Really sorry if anyone had a last minute nomination they were trying to get in .


That would reset the poll, which I guess wouldn’t be the worst with the small-ish amount of voters we are expecting, but still not ideal


ahhhhhhh of course it would :slightly_frowning_face: … in that case, I guess I’ll close nominations then. I’m really sorry if anybody was planning to get something in last minute.


Speaking as a perpetual procrastinator, I think someone planning to get something in at the last minute would understand not being able to :grin: