赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う 🐺 Home Thread 🔪

Chapter with their corresponding position to see characters per chapter

Chapter 1 has 8 sub chapters
Chapter 2 has 10 sub chapters
Chapter 3 has 7 sub chapters
Last chapter has 14 sub chapters

Each chapter has a lot of small sub chapters (from what I see the audible audiobook follows those small sub chapters in terms of breaking up the audio files, one small sub chapter has approx. 3000 characters), so it looks like it should be pretty flexible to make any schedule with sensible breaks because there are several big chapters with lots of sub chapters inside them.

I won’t have time until later today, but I will look into it more closely then!

Edit: Sorry, will only have time tomorrow to look more closely into it!!


Found an image of the 目次 for the 文庫本

The chapters seem all pretty much the same length (~ 28k characters), so we could potentially do 1 chapter per week. :thinking:


Hoping my copy shows up soon! But I’m not sure if it will realistically turn up by next week :woman_shrugging: still, I did watch the movie which covers the first chapter, so I can happily lurk on the threads anyway :grin:


I figured we could do any of those options or something else. Please let me know if I made a mistake with the pages, it’s really early and I’m still sleepy :see_no_evil:
When we decided for something I can define the final breakpoints.

  • 4 weeks: Read one chapter per week (~70 pages for 3 weeks, ~100 pages in the 4th week)
  • 8 weeks: Split all chapters in half (~35 pages for 6 weeks and ~50 pages for the last 2 weeks)
  • 6 weeks: Split the first and second chapter and then one chapter per week (~35 pages for 4 weeks, then 70-100 pages for 2 weeks)
  • 5 weeks: Only split the last chapter as it is the longest (~70 pages for 3 weeks, ~50 pages for 2 weeks)
  • Something else
0 voters

… well, if we go for one chapter a week the schedule will be fairly easy to make :laughing:


That’s quite an aggressive schedule but I’ll go with whatever the votes say :sweat_smile:

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It should be about 2-3 hours per chapter. Doesn’t seem that aggressive to me but it definitely depends on how much time someone has for reading. :face_in_clouds:

I think compared to past schedules it is aggressive?
And 2-3 hours probably aren’t too bad, the trouble begins when someone gets sick or is busy and then suddenly has 2 weeks worth of reading to do in 1 week, meaning 4-6 hours :thinking:


just need to git gud. :muscle:

j/k - I honestly don’t mind going for a slower schedule. I can always just read every other week to not have to break in the middle of a chapter. :+1:


Sorry for the delay in opening this thread! I usually try to get them ready the day before on my end due to being in a late timezone, but I forgot this time :sweat_smile:

Week one is open
. We didn’t have many voters in the poll, but one chapter per week did win.


I belated remembered I won’t be at a computer to post the second week in a few days (I’m already away from my computer and won’t be near it again for about a week).

Would someone be willing to post the second week thread? You’d just quote my post to get all the text, then modify the dates, week number, and what chapter is being read.

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I semi regularly check if titles I’m interested in reading have been added on unlimited. Sadly, no. :frowning:
But! There’s a murder mystery game based on or inspired by this book! I think that’s great, would love to be able to play it.


I’ll do it come Monday, cat, if no one else has done so already.


I had planned to be in the office today, but since I am working from home, I can do it. :hugs:

:running_woman:t2: :running_woman:t2: :running_woman:t2:


Week 2 is open

I hope, I made all the necessary changes, but if you see anything that’s not correct, please let me know. :hugs:


thanks for making the thread!


Thank you for posting! I appreciate it :heart: :pray:

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I edited the main post to include the schedule we settled on. I took the book pages from biblios post, but whoever is reading physical feel free to edit if that’s wrong! :slight_smile:


Week 3 is here :wolf: :european_castle:

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Final week is here!