ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next book Sep 30

Paul Nation, a language learning researcher, cites research that says using two skills at once improves learning outcomes, ie, reading + listening. I track how my vocab v changes with my reading and the fastest it ever improved was during the time when I consistently used Satori and I always listen+ read with Satori.

That being said everyone is different, so I’m sure there are other ways of taking advantage of audio, or different strategies being effective depending on someone’s particular goals.

At the moment I like to have the practice reading first to puzzle it out for myself, then reread with the audio, and maybe the next day just listening to that section again, and then reading further etc

For me this depends on how tough it is. If it’s very tough I’ll read intensively first, then listen and read. But at some point I discovered its a good skill to try reading longer and longer passages without doing lookups. Then I discovered if I go back to read again, either I understand enough not to need any lookups, or at least many fewer. The better I can read the less patience I have for looking up every little thing, I just look up what seems most key, or something I feel like I should know. In general I like to read first before listening because my comprehension doesn’t always keep up with the pace is the audio. Also, one trick is to pause liberally! It saves a lot of lookups! Listen plus read, or just do one, then pause as sometimes the brain just needs a moment to get it, then go on. This is helping my listening a lot because overall it disturbs the process less

Also, maybe just keep going and don’t worry. Aside from Satori where the reading is a lot easier and the audio less cumbersome to manage, it wasn’t until a book at around level 23 felt easy before listening to an audiobook was fun or helpful.

So important not to make everything study!


I did this with the ミラーさん novels but I have read them several times each until I could understand without looking anything up (not re-reading as soon as I finished but re-reading several times across the space of a few years) and did notice a vast improvement in my reading that way but then jumping to the next thing, if I didn’t do the same, I couldn’t understand as much as I needed to at least understand the general story. Though I do find now, I have less tolerance for re-reading passages, whole pages or even chapters, several times within a few days.

Thank you. I think for some of the lower level stuff, I might try this way, read > re-read alongside audio and then re-read again but might have to do it across a longer period. :thinking:


That’s a good point, it’s true for me, too. I think it’s natural, to be honest, a sign we’re getting better! I tend to only reread selected passages now - if it was really interesting or if I didn’t quite understand it all and need lookups


We’ve got about nine hours left! Get in any remaining votes before then!


All right! Our next book will be 京都寺町三条のホームズ | L30??! Congratulations! :tada: We will be starting on July 8th! I will unfortunately have limited free time in July, so I’m looking for someone to host this next book for me; would @MintTea, as the nominator, be interested? Or anyone else?

Since we only had 15 options to poll from this time around, I’ll only be cutting the final three books in the poll:

We hardly knew the last two; I’m particularly sad over No. 6’s loss; I’ve been wanting to read that one for a while.

On the other hand, these noms are available again for those who’d like to see them get a second chance:


:pleading_face: Clearly my taste does not align with people’s taste. :see_no_evil:

Oh well, maybe next time. :rofl:


We simply need a Biblio-approved LN club!


There’s just sooooo many good choices. I think I’ve had mixed success on mine (tho also sometimes my taste didn’t align with my nominations either :sweat_smile:)

Interestingly this is the second round in a row that 裏世界 and 神様たち have been in 2nd & 3rd place… Maybe 3rd time will be the charm?


Thanks for asking!
I’m going to be travelling without access to a computer for quite some time, so it’s probably best if someone else hosts the club.


Well, since @MintTea can’t take care of it, I don’t mind helping. Plus, that book was my 6th ghost pick, so I am planning to join anyway.


Excellent, thank you @Naphthalene!

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What is a ghost pick?

We only had 5 votes, so the 6th one was ethereal.


I have put up a home thread with a tentative schedule!


Well, let’s go! First week of the club!

By the way, @eefara, I noticed that the link to the club in the first post redirect to the book page on Natively, while the other clubs link to the home thread.


I’ll fix that; thanks for letting me know!


Well, there’s less than a month left on the current pick and only 11 nominations (or actually 10, if we remove サマーウォーズ since it got picked by the beginner LN club already). Maybe it would be time to look for more nominations?


My nominations have a bad track record, but hope dies last. :rofl:


Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

After hitting my head and recovering memories of my past life, I realized I had been reincarnated as a duke’s daughter. Wait, hold on! Isn’t this the world of that otome game I played in my previous life? And I’m the villainess, Katarina, who gets in the heroine’s way?! The only possible endings are either exile or death!? To avoid a bad end, I decided to start by peacefully breaking off my engagement with the prince… But now, it seems like I’m heading down a reverse harem route filled with handsome men?! A love comedy about avoiding doom, full of romance flags! ★

Why are you nominating this book: It’s on my TBR and it sounds like a silly quick read.



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

I absolutely hate the typical “goody-two-shoes” lines that classic heroines always say. So, imagine my delight when I got reincarnated as a villainess!! To become a villainess that no one can criticize, I’ve got to train my body, study hard, and master my magic skills! But despite all my efforts to become a proper villain, it seems like the more I try, the more everyone around me likes me!? Fine, as a villainess, I’ll do my best to completely betray their expectations!

Why are you nominating this book: Again it’s on my TBR and again, it sounds like fun. But I am a bit amused I have 2 books with a similar premise on my TBR. :rofl:


Last one from me for this round (unless we need more)


Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: yes
Is there an all-furigana version available?: n

Summary - Japanese

幽霊すらも常連客!? 美味しく切なくほっこりと、「ばんめし屋」開店!

Summary - English

Young and handsome actor Kairi Igarashi is forced to suspend his career due to a fabricated scandal. Losing everything, he returns to his hometown of Kobe, but even his family can’t offer him help. In despair with nowhere to go, he is taken in by Ruji Natsugami, the owner of a small diner. Natsugami’s diner, “Banmeshiya,” is a mysterious place that opens at night and closes around the time the first trains start running. Kairi begins working there, but soon encounters some extraordinary customers… Even ghosts are regulars!? A heartwarming and bittersweet story begins as “Banmeshiya” opens its doors!

Content warnings if known

there potentially could be… these types of books sometimes deal with sad/dark topics but with happy ends…

Why are you nominating this book: It has handsome guys on the cover and an audiobook. :flushed: