ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next book Sep 30

I have read most of that series and I can confirm! I like it, but it is slop a very light novel (so, perfect for a club like this?)

I own the first book, for some reason (I guess it was discounted at some point?)
I own, have read, and have on my wishlist so many books like that.
I just can’t get enough 悪役令嬢.

Strong points. Also the story sounds fun.

I mean, if you keep making recommendations like that, I for one would like to see more of them :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s already more than 5 books I want to vote for, though :thinking:


Oh, I think this literally just got picked up for an English license a few days ago. Surprised to see it pop up here as well all of a sudden, haha.


Are you following English publishing info??

In my case, I apparently bought the book more than 3 years ago, so seeing it pop here feels less sudden :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep! I follow most of the big English manga and LN publishers, partially as a habit from the days when my Japanese wasn’t good enough to be much of a factor, and partially because I enjoy seeing what gets popular and picked up. Sometimes it’s nice to be able to read a series I’ve had my eye on in English rather than Japanese, just in terms of time, as well. I’ll also find new stuff this way, haha, and if I’m interested can add it to my Japanese pile, since new English licenses can take up to a year to hit store shelves.


Oooh that’s a great idea! Maybe I’d stumble less on poor quality stuff if I focused on content that was good enough to get exported.


I’m always surprised to see what gets picked up for English publishing (I don’t actively follow, but it shows up on Reddit at times). For example, Yen Press just picked up わたしの百合も、営業だと思った? | L28 - which I had trouble getting into back in June. They also picked up アネモネは熱を帯びる | L22 but that’s not surprising, since it’s pretty popular (tho I’m curious how American English readers will react to the student-nurse side character relationship)

Maybe I’ll give the former a try again?


It’s definitely another avenue to discover stuff, but keep in mind that popular trash is always popular trash; English publishers don’t necessarily always consider taste, haha.


Please do let me know if you ever come across info of Flesh&Blood being translated. :face_holding_back_tears: I will not stop hoping. :triumph:


100% I will. :ok_hand: I desperately want my sister to read the series as well, but there is 0% hope of her learning Japanese at any point in the near future. :face_holding_back_tears: I’ve really wanted to sit down and translate the series myself, honestly; it’s mostly just an issue of lack of time at this point. I did start translating the drama CDs this past summer, since they’re pretty faithful to the main books, but a work trip + tons of overtime have momentarily stalled me.


Checking in with you Megumin; as @Naphthalene pointed out, サマーウォーズ was picked for the beginner LN book club, would you like to keep your nomination here? There’s not necessarily any reason to remove it, just depends on reader demand, but I wanted to check with you.

1 Like

I’m going to go ahead and nominate a book or two myself, I think.

H・K ドラグネット

Book: H・K ドラグネット1 | L30??
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese

君は、今日から香港マフィアの巨大組織「開心」の後継者候補だ──。ケンカっ早くて気は強いけど、ごく平凡な高校生・伊庭隆之に訪れた激変の運命。それは、莫大な財産を相続する代わりに、敵対組織に殺された父の仇を討つこと!! しかも、同い年の義兄アーサーと「香主」の座を争う羽目に…!? 血で血を洗う香港黒社会に生きる男達の、恋と劣情を鮮烈に 描くピカレスク・ラブロマン開幕!! ※電子版には、紙版に収録されている挿絵は収録されていません。

Summary - English

From today, you are a candidate to become the successor of the giant Hong Kong Mafia organization “Kaishin”… The fate of Takayuki Iba, an ordinary high school student who is quick to put up a fight and has a strong temper, has undergone a drastic change. Instead of inheriting a huge fortune, he must avenge his father’s murder by a rival organization! He is also forced to compete with his step-brother, Arthur, who is the same age as him, for the title of “Shang Master”…? This picaresque love romance vividly depicts the love and inferiority complex of men living in the blood-soaked black society of Hong Kong!

Content warnings if known

None known; likely a good bit of violence if there’s mafia

Why are you nominating this book: This is by FLESH & BLOOD 1 | L36 's author, and I’d like to read more of her works.


One more:

contract between specter and servant

Book: 妖魔と下僕の契約条件 1 | L30??
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese

その日、足達正路は世界で一番不幸だった。 大学受験に失敗し二浪が確定。 バイト先からは実質的にクビを宣告された。 さらにひき逃げに遭い瀕死の重傷。 しかし死を覚悟したとき、怖ろしいほど美形の男が現れて言った。 「俺の下僕になれ」と。 自分のために働き「餌」となれば生かしてやると。 合意した正路は生還を果たすが、 契約の相手で、人間として骨董店を営む「妖魔」の司野と暮らすことになり……。 ドキドキ満載の傑作ファンタジー。 「妖僕シリーズ」、新たな装いで角川文庫化!

Summary - English

The worst―and last―day of his life! Masamichi Adachi left his hometown in the country to study agriculture at university. He prepared diligently for the exam, got his own apartment, and landed a part-time job to pay rent and support himself. He’s doing everything right, so why is it all going horribly wrong?! He’s failed the entrance exam twice, lost his job, and to top it all off, a hit-and-run leaves him a lonely, bloody mess on a dark road. Just as he accepts his fate and goes toward the light, an unlikely savior approaches, drawn by the smell of his blood. A contract with this stranger could give him a second chance at life, but will he agree to terms that include being eaten alive?

Content warnings if known

Early on there is a fairly graphic description of Masamichi’s injuries after being run over, and later there is discussion of rape.

Why are you nominating this book: I nominated this over in the 癒し系 book club as well, but since I think that club tends to favor lower-leveled books and is currently on hiatus anyway, I wanted to nominate it here as well.


Hypothetically, assuming it stays and also wins, would you wanna use the same threads, or create new ones? For me, the more the merrier, and it would probly save a bit of confusion and work… we could just update the home thread name, and add the new schedule, if that were to happen. Of course it’s fine if you want to do separate threads.

Also I’m open to a mutual “remove nominations that were selected by the other club” policy in general, to keep things less confusing. (I doubt we’ll have that much overlap in selection, but ya never know)


That’s a good question. :thinking: I also wouldn’t be opposed to re-using previous club threads; less work overall, like you said. We’d need to fix up a few things in each home post, but that wouldn’t be too bad.

I think we’re a small enough community that that’s probably pretty reasonable. If it keeps coming up then I’ll put an official poll for here in the LN club at least.


I’m fine with it getting dropped. I saw it got picked but due to RL stuff it didn’t work out for me the timing.

Thanks for checking in though :upside_down_face:.


I’ll go ahead and remove it, then. Thank you!

We have 5 open nomination slots for anyone who’d like to toss in a nom!


Seeing as there are three weeks left in the current book (including this week), it looks like it’s just about time to vote for our next pick. We have five nomination slots still open; I’ll set the new poll to be open from September 7 (this Saturday) until September 15; we’ll have a week break in between books (unless there’s demand for a longer one) and start our next book on September 30.


Small reminder that voting will begin tomorrow, so please submit any last-minute nominations!



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in another Natively language?: no

Summary - Japanese

顔見知りすらまともにいなかった俺・前原真樹に、初めてできた友だち・朝凪海。 男子から『クラスで2番目に可愛い』と噂され、天真爛漫なNo.1美少女・天海さんを面倒見良くフォローする朝凪さんは―― 金曜日の放課後だけ、こっそり俺の家に遊びに来る。 映画にゲーム、漫画の趣味も合う彼女との楽しいひととき。 無邪気で甘えたがりな素顔は、普段のしっかり者の姿からは想像できないな。 「早く隣に座りなよー、一緒に漫画読むんだから」 「ここ俺のベッド……」 「今だけは私のベッドなの。ほら、おいで?」 距離近くないか、朝凪さん? 日陰男子と2番目ヒロイン、等身大の“友だち”ラブコメ!

Summary - English

From MAL (originally web novel description):

I, Maehara Maki, someone who couldn’t make any acquaintances or friends in high school, finally had someone to hang out with outside of school. A girl. Her name was Asanagi-san. The boys in my class called her “the class’ second cutest girl” behind her back. On Fridays, she would refuse her best friend, Amami, “the cutest girl in class” invitation just to hang out in my house with me. Together, we played games, watched some movies, read some manga while eating junk foods like pizza and hamburgers, and chugging cola without a care in the world. To others, we may seem sloppy, but it was a precious, secret time together for Asanagi-san and myself.

Natively translation (DeepL) adds:

It’s a fun time with her, who also shares my taste in movies, games, and manga. I can’t imagine her innocent and pampered face from her usual firm and solid character. She says, "Hurry up and sit next to me, we’re going to read manga together. This is my bed. … It’s my bed for now. Come on, come here. Aren’t you too close, Ms. Asanagi? A love comedy between a loner boy and the second heroine, a life-size “friend”!

Content warnings if known


Why are you nominating this book: it’s my favorite romance series, and a very slow, wholesome burn. The characters, relationships, families, settings, etc are very organic and believable. They’re very self-aware, respectful, levelheaded, and caring, while still making mistakes, having challenges, etc. Overall, it’s a very refreshing read that avoids cliches. It also has lots of healthy relationships. The two characters on the cover (Yuu & Umi) are childhood best friends, and a lot of the story is about their relationship, and how Maki coming into their lives affects and challenges it. Linguistically I found it very approachable, when I read it almost a year ago.


Whoops, completely forgot to put up the poll yesterday. My apologies, everyone.

View the Nominations List here or here; be sure to scroll to the right; there’s a lot of information there! You’ve got 5 votes, so vote wisely!

This poll should close automatically on September 15, 17:00 UTC.