Manually specify favorite books and series

Yes, but not add.

Oops, you’re right! Forgot about that. Added a bullet item.

Yep, figured out the issue. Try again in 5 mins and it should work (updating some data). If not, let me know :slight_smile:


It’s working now. :slightly_smiling_face:

A minor thing: can ‘favorite comics’ be changed to ‘favorite manhwa’ for Korean? Or is it going to be ‘comics’ regardless of the language?


Honestly, I probably should switch everything from manga/manwha → comics… but yes fix is going out as we speak :slight_smile:

Edit: The problem with switching to comics for Japanese is that I lose out on that sweet, sweet SEO keyword… which ‘manga difficulty list’ and ‘n4 manga’ are some of my bigger terms… so perhaps i won’t change.


Favouriting a series in ‘my books’ when collapsed expands the entry to show all volumes. Expected behaviour…? :thinking:

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Good catch, should fix that!

Do note too that I don’t do anything fancy wrt preventing from favoriting items if you’ve already favorited the series & vice versa. I thought it added a lot of complication to handle that case and it’s not a big deal imo… so didn’t do any smart handling there.

Edit: Upon further reflection, I do need to do a bit of series handling, as specified in my additional points #4 & #5 above.


Thank you so much for pushing this out so quickly @brandon! One small observation before I go through and realize I have no idea what to favorite:


Seeing the heart on a book page, I at first thought it was in a disabled state or something due to it being grey. Normally I’d expect a heart with no fill color in it to show something as not favorited; does it blend too much into the background in that situation, though?

Also, do you think it would be worthwhile to add someone favoriting something as a status update that would show up on Dashboard activity?

Edit: might be worth adding a temporary pop-up when you favorite something that says something like, “(Book/Series) added to Favorites” or “(Book/Series) removed from Favorites” when de-selecting it. There’s no real feedback when I click the heart to make me thing anything happened anywhere else on the site.

Ah, and just to double-check: nothing’s stopping me right now from favoriting a series and and then a book in that series, right? At least, nothing seems to happen when I try:

Man, seeing the extra rows, one for fav books, one for fav manga (thinking about it, should Favorite Books be changed to Favorite Novels? Since manga are books too) really shows how long a user’s profile can get… I feel like we need one of the rows to become a sidebar or something.


I am thinking of responsive design and a sidebar would cause issues on mobile devices, methinks. Or am I misunderstanding what you mean by sidebar?


Nah, you’re right; I always forget mobile for whatever reason. Which is strange, given that I do a ton of browsing on mobile like most (I would imagine). :thinking:


Something tangentially related to Show average score for series in list and Improved book series page is what favourite series currently display vs. what they should display. I guess right now the score and review are from the first volume, but when the other suggestions are implemented these will change?

And a little typo in “manhwa” :stuck_out_tongue:


So exciting!! :heart:

Small bug: Finished individual seasons and books say “Finished” instead of “Go to”, and have menu dropdown:

Edit: also happens with Stopped items


I would like books to include children’s books, but would like to split movies and TV shows.

But on second thought the current situation (one category for read things whatever and one for watched things whatever) is probably best.

Oops, I didn’t think mangas and books were separated.

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Responses to all your comments

Yeah I thought so. I tried white didn’t like it.

Nah, I think there’s already enough noise there :sweat_smile:

I think that’s a good idea, but I probably won’t implement. Lots of stuff to do.

Yes not right now, #4 &. #5 will address this.

Lots of non-novel book types though, so I don’t think so. In general, I’m not really fussed about a long profile… and I don’t think it’s that long! If someone has grand ideas on how to make it more engaging, i’m all ears.

This is true, but honestly I figured for people’s favorite series, they’re mostly going to be 5 stars, so didn’t bother. At some point it’d be good to figure out. And yeah, when we get series reviews that first review would change.

And here I though I knew some korean :man_facepalming:

So, that’s actually consistent with the UI for the other swimlanes. Basically, the thought is that if you’re viewing another persons profile, you could add that book to your library.
However, perhaps I should just remove that status toggle from the overview page items… it’d save room and probably look cleaner. Hmm. I’ll see.

I’m just trying to consolidate rows where I can, as we don’t want too many rows. Lots of different opinions here, not sure.

Thanks everyone for the quick feedback!


Ohhh, that’s kind of cool. I hadn’t thought of it in the context of viewing other people’s profiles. That makes sense now.

I like it for the Currently Reading/Watching, bc it’s useful for updating status. For Favorites, I don’t have a super strong opinion one way or the other, but would lean towards leaving it. I don’t think the room you’d save by removing would be big enough to be worth it.


Responding here, to keep this organized. I’ve made the opacity 0.3 for those ‘series-favorited sub items’, which I think is intuitive. Let me know if you disagree.

I’ve also added a filter in your user library for favorites.

Only remaining outstanding favorite issues are reordering/editing favorites on overview page and placeholder when there are no favorites. Will get out today!


Ok! Should be done. Will try to get the blog article out soon to formally introduce, but please play around.

Isn’t it fun how things always take so much longer than you expect… or perhaps I’m just that bad at estimating…


We are all bad at it. Blame your brain. Our brains are really bad statisticians. 9 out of 10 times in the past, the best-case scenario did not turn out to be the actual case scenario. Does our brain take those 9 times as its example to base future estimates on? No. Of course not, why would it? It just remembers that that 1 time, it was right. :rofl:


I’d also just chalk it up to unknown unknowns. Like, I knew series were going to be favorited, but I didn’t think through all the consequences that would entail (marking subitems in that series with a faint heart, updating all the subitems ‘favorite’ value for your user library search… etc).

But yeah i’m definitely an optimist at heart like you’re describing. Always just think about that one time out 10 :pleading_face:


This ticket is now done and dusted :heart_eyes:

@Megumin we can close.

(btw, should I just close these in the future @Megumin ? I’m not sure of your whole process)


Time to check the favorites of everyone I am following :person_cartwheeling: