🧙 Multilingual Harry Potter Book Club 🪄 Home Thread

You’re all good, no worries!


Since I have a work thing coming up in July that’s likely going to severely limit my free time for the majority of the month, I’m going to try to push on through and finish a few of my book club books ahead of time. Harry Potter will be my first one, I think; I got behind listening to the JP version some time back, so I’ll only be going with the Spanish version going forward.


And done! I blasted through it; feels pretty good, honestly, compared to a more sedate chapter a week. I even did audio-only for several chapters, and I was surprised how much I understood, actually; slightly less than following along with the text, but not that much less, all things considered.


How is the reading going everyone? I’m still keeping to the original schedule in Spanish and read chapter 12 this week. @eefara and @Biblio have gone ahead and finished the book so I think I’m the only one still on the original schedule now! :sweat_smile:

I’m finding this a pleasant read in Spanish. I think that’s a combination of my Spanish experience and the fact that my native language is English, so there’s a lot of unfamiliar vocab that I can guess the meaning of.

I’ve also been reading it a bit in Japanese. It seems so much more difficult in Japanese, and I’m not convinced that’s just because it’s my weaker language. I’m finding it more of a chore to read in Japanese, but trying to keep going.


sorry. :see_no_evil: When I am juggling too many books at once, something has to give and that was the quickest/easiest to finish.


Don’t worry I know that feeling!

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I am reading the Japanese version and I’m more or less on track - starting chapter 13 now. HP is the favorite out of the book’s I’m reading right now. I just got back from a 2 weeks vacation actually, and this is the only book I’m still up to date in (which means I have some reading to catch up to… oof)

Chapter 12 comment

The name and inscription of the Mirror of Erised is interesting in Spanish. My understanding is that when it was first published it wasn’t obvious that Erised was Desire written backwards. So in the first Spanish editions the name was retained as El Espejo de Erised.

Once it became known that the whole inscription could be read backwards (if the spaces between words are changed) then later Spanish versions called the mirror El Espejo de Oesed - oesed being deseo (desire) backwards.

In my edition the inscription on the mirror is “Oesed lenoz arocut edon isara cut se onotse”. When read backwards with the spaces changed this becomes “Esto no es tu cara sino de tu corazón el deseo” (this is not your face but your heart’s desire).

Chapter 14 comment

Charlie’s letter finishes with the sign off “Love, Charlie” in English. In Spanish we get “Besos, Charlie” - literally, “Kisses, Charlie”.

It obviously carries a similar sentiment to the original English but sounds quite a strange way for a young man to sign off a letter to his brother when translated directly!


So revisiting this thread, it looks like we’ve got three weeks left until book 1 is done (the final week is July 22). Is there any interest in reading book 2 as a group?

  • Yes, I would be interested
  • Maybe, for a reason I will post about
  • No, no interest at this time
0 voters
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Finished this week’s chapter (15) in Spanish. Listened to a bit of the audiobook last week and was surprised that while Hermione is written the same in Spanish, it is pronounced in the audiobook as “ehr-mee-yon” with stress on the “yon”.

Spotify also had a computer generated transcription of the audio - it wrote Hermione as “el 1000000” Confusing? That is el millón

Two new words that I liked this week: zaino (jet black) and zafiro (sapphire).

Thanks for the poll @eefara, while I’ve enjoyed reading HP I have lots of other things I want to read so I don’t think I’ll be carrying on with the series.


How’s everyone’s reading going? I see we should be in Chapter 16 from the schedule. I just started Ch 16 today and it feels since last week that thing’s are really ‘picking up’! I was surprised to see there were only 2 chapters left, but maybe it’s been just too long since I watched the movie. Since I don’t remember the details, I’m really excited about what will happen in the last parts. It’s been very enjoyable to read so far!

PS. I really enjoyed the book and the reading, but I have so many book clubs going on, and HP is also a time investment, so I am not planning to continue reading now.


I wrapped up the last two chapters in Spanish this week. Have really enjoyed reading this in Spanish, it became a classic for a reason. Agree there seemed to be a lot of the story left coming into the last two chapters but it all got wrapped up!

Thanks to @bibliothecary for kicking us off on this one. My first multilingual bookclub!


Did you finish volume 1 yet? I’ve picked up reading it in Japanese again the last few weeks, just got to the end of chapter 8.

Has become less of a slog and more enjoyable in Japanese now. I don’t know if that’s because I’ve forgotten how much harder it is in Japanese than Spanish, or if I’m getting more used to the style in Japanese. Hopefully the latter!

Chapters 5 and 6 were both quite long, it’s been nice getting to shorter chapters again.


Yes, I finished a few weeks ago and definitely enjoyed reading it in Japanese. Now I’m debating if I read the second book, but I might take a month or two as a break before I do so.


Goodbye Maggie Smith. Even when I was reading Harry Potter in Japanese it was your voice in my head for McGonagall!