Physical Media Megathread

I received となりのロボット | L20?? yesterday. It was my first time ordering through Manga-Republic and I’m still pumped that they even had this specific title available!


Oh, I’ve ordered from their sister site doujin republic before. They’re expensive, but sometimes you find some hard to find stuff!


That’s how it came off to me too! Great availability, but the prices can be kind of up there. Nice to know that their other sites are similar in that aspect, I’ve been thinking of checking them out.


Picked up some more Jojo books! I really need to invest in a bookshelf instead of more books. Got them all from Surugaya, and Im shocked they had the Crusaders LN in stock considering it’s old as hell… either way, I’m so pumped to read it

The undercover of Rohan au Louvre especially is so pretty…

List of Books

岸辺露伴 ルーヴルへ行く - Rohan au Louvre [Lv27]
クレイジー・Dの悪霊的失恋[Lv26?] 2&3, they didn’t have the first in stock : (
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 [Lv30?]
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 2 ゴールデンハート[Lv30?]


  • 雨でも晴れでも 2 (vol 1 & 3 were out of stock)
  • 私の百合はお仕事です 2-3, 5-8, 10-12
  • コミック百合姫 2024年7月号 (800 pgs!!)
  • NEW GAME Complete Edition 2 (ie vol 3-4)

At 800 pgs, 百合姫 is the longest book/magazine I own!! This is last month’s, so I’ve read a decent amount, but plan to reread some, and the sections I didn’t get to as well

Yuri shelves:

Whole collection (Ranma 1/2 not pictured, cuz I put it in the small bookcase)

New Game color photos (note: some have revealing outfits or partial nudity)

Mandarake order arrived today!


ビューティーポップ 全10巻 - I remember reading this one in like junior high or high school and really liking it, and I even had vol 1 in EN and still liked that when I reread it recently, so why not when they’ve got the whole set for ¥1,200? Only vol 3 had any damage, but the worst of it wasn’t anything a little tape couldn’t fix, so def a good deal.
月刊少女野崎くん    公式ファンブック
宝石商リチャード氏の謎鑑定 BluRay vol 1 - I bought the series off YesAsia a while back, except for this one because despite being listed as in stock, it was not. Ay. I only looked there because CDJapan didn’t have it at all, and then anywhere else I looked that did it was more expensive than YA! Finally looked here and they had it cheap, thankfully. I’ve been wanting to rewatch this for a while.
・これからのはなし (月刊少女野崎くん|堀鹿|あかきいろ) - Saw this and the official fanbook while seeing if the location had a vol of the main series that CDJapan didn’t have when I checked last (14, I think?) and got it on impulse. It’s pretty cute, no regrets.


Anyone else having trouble with Suruga-ya? I’m trying to order from them rn (free shipping till Jul 4), and after I enter my card, it redirects me to the Address pg, and then I get back to the payment info page, and same deal.

Edit: problem seems to be limited to Firefox. Worked fine on Chrome


ガールズバンドクライ ブルーレイ

Puts me up to 493 items owned. 35% used physically, 81% used physical and/or digital. These are gonna keep me busy for a good long while :slight_smile:

I had to move all my books into my bedroom, due to humidity - so no full collection pic until I’ve finished re-arranging.


The 百合姫 books are criminally beautiful.


On the inside and outside!! They really nailed the covers this year :heart_eyes:


They look pretty cool lined up next to each other too


百合姫 is a magazine, right? Dang it looks nice. Is the paper the usual thin, cheap stuff used in magazines?


Yup. Monthly magazine with many of my favorite manga series! The paper is indeed thin, but consequently it feels really light and comfy when you’re reading it, and the art quality of a lot of the series in there is really beautiful. So it’s nice to see it at magazine size


You mentioned the covers this year look particularly nice; were you referring to the ovals with characters in them, or the covers in general? If the latter, does the magazine change it’s look every year?

It changes the look every year afaik. Last year the covers looked like this

I like this year’s much better


Oh, how interesting. Yeah, I definitely prefer this year’s as well.

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Todays CD Japan delivery! I must stop buying books since I’ve also just sent another order for 9 books :sweat_smile:

Decided to start collecting ふしぎ駄菓子屋・銭天堂 so picked up book 2 & 3.
Saw the new ふらいんぐうぃっち manga was out so picked that up too.
I picked up モンスターハンターライズ & モンスターハンターワールド since it’s a favourite game series and I thought these may help me with some of the vocabulary for the light novel series I have.
ひげを剃る Another side story 下 is part of the set, just missing one of these now.
ゆっくりおやすみ I’ve heard is a bit easier on the grammar and vocab side, leaning more towards slice of life and has short chapters so thought it would be a good book to try.
ウィークエンドドラゴン was a light novel I picked up by chance, only seen 2 parts to this so the other is coming from Amazon (was cheaper than the proxy service).
And Arknoah 1 & 2 by 乙一 I thought might be a good shout since I found his writing more straight forward to read (as long as I knew the vocab) and these are a fantasy set.


I’d be interested to hear how the Monster Hunter books are once you get to them. I’d like to play the game in Japanese one day, and also they would be generally helpful with fantasy and jrpg stuff in the future.

I have three full series in the mail (50+ volumes) and I still managed to buy 3 more full digital sets :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
They were 50% coin back. I’d be losing money not buying themだって!


What series? And where did you order from?


I ordered from Mandrake. I think they’re the better answer for full sets over Surugaya, even with free shipping. Even with shipping being half the cost of my order, they came out to roughly $2.30 USD per book, which is just stupid cheap.

I got 夏目友人帳 (which was the reason for the order) and then impulse bought 俺物語!! | L18 and グラビテーション(バーズコミックス スペシャル) | L24?? because they were both less than ¥1000 for the full set and didn’t increase the shipping costs.