Sale and Promotion hunting

First one is free for 戦国小町苦労譚

Not free, but there’s a sale on the 薬屋 LN series with 25% points back


All volumes ¥99 each:


Oh, I’ve been meaning to try this series for a while!


The whole series is half off:


First LN and first 3 manga free:


First 7 volumes of 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 | L33 are about half off on Amazon. Unfortunately I haven’t read the first volume yet to know whether I’d even want to read 7 volumes, but at that price I’ll probably get them all. I liked the anime well enough and I will need a new series after I (eventually) finish 本好きの下剋上.


十角館の殺人, which we read with the mystery club, gets a live-action release on Hulu today, and the whole series (apart from the first volume) is on sale until April 4 on Bookwalker. Combined with the 50% coin back sale going on until March 25 for purchases over 1500 yen, it’s probably a good opportunity to get them now if you’re interested.


Oh, nice; is it Japan-only, do you know?

Interesting that first volume isn’t on sale… Has anyone read any of the others? I really enjoyed the first, so I’m tempted to pick another one up.

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The yuri-ish fighting game series Why Can’t Young Ladies Play Fighting Games 1 is 70y. (NB: You are really going to want to learn about FGC lingo to read this one, because some of the rants I cannot follow even in english)

Wandering Son 1-15 (LGBTQ manga I believe, haven’t read) for 99y each, so about 1,600 for the whole set.

A few old hands still have their first few vols on sale like Kimi ni Todoke and Boku no Monogatari


The first 13 volumes of 姫様“拷問”の時間です are 20% off as a bundle on Bookwalker.

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There’s even a character named 白百合さま :rofl:

For anyone else wondering, FGC = Fighting Game Community. Lots of detailed lingo here (EN only):

Anyway looks like I’ve got my next digital manga… 放浪息子 is tempting too tho


damn, and 50% coinback? ugh… i might get them…

This dictionary also has a lot of jpn terms


I kind of suspected it, but didn’t even check. I only mentioned it because it was the reason there was a promotion in the first place.

It’s supposed to be renewed and revised or something? 新装改訂版. No idea how a new edition would be different.

I haven’t read any of the next volumes, but looking at Natively every book in the series has at least one reader who finished it. Only the first two books have ratings though.

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This looks like fun:

Predict the winner of the 本屋大賞 until April 3 on Bookmeter and get 2000 coins for Bookwalker. Predict the correct order for all nominees and get 10000 coins. And whether you win or not, get 200 coins for participation.


I’m glad I habitually leave things in the BW basket to cool off and then forget about it and by the time I remember they’re off sale; I need to remember to only buy things I can actually read at my level lol (or want to dedicate the time to struggling through, like DanMeshi)


I already own the series physically, but at the price of about $10 I had to buy it digitally as well.

If any of you have even the slightest interest you should buy the whole series at that price. It was the first series I read completely in Japanese and it’s still one of my favorites. I definitely recommend it!


I ended up buying them, read a chapter, then started reading 青い花 instead :sweat_smile: (I got curls about the difficulty).

It’s nice that it’s actually a comfortable level now… tho I don’t wanna get too far, cuz I’m gonna order the physical 青い花 next month, I think

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青い花 is good too (I’m halfway through), but I definitely prefer 放浪息子 from a story perspective. What made you switch?

I’ve loved 青い花 since I saw the anime, but put the manga down 6 months ago bc it was too hard - so it’s been in the back of my head. I started reading this and was like “why does this feel so much easier than 青い花?” So I opened 青い花 and the answer was “6 months really makes a difference”.

青い花 is on my “really exciting” list, 息子 is on my “this could be interesting” list. So 青い花 won.