Sale and Promotion hunting

What is tl in this case

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Teen’s Love which is basically what in English would be Romance.

“a genre of erotica fiction in Japan created by and marketed towards women.”


I cannot vouch for quality, in fact, I added it to my wishlist due to the purported lack of quality haha, but this book is available for free :slight_smile: GET!1 (BL宣言) 電子書籍: 金沢有倖: Kindleストア (BL manga)

Back in WK days when we shared yaoi anatomy, I saw this one shared in the mega thread. With hands like those, you know it’s gonna be a wild ride. :sunglasses:


I’m actually kinda worried about his goiter… someone should get him some iodized salt :joy:


First two volumes are free to read for the next 10 days:

I guess it’s to celebrate the series getting an anime adaptation. I really really like the original light novel, but it’s been on hiatus for ever :sweat_smile: I hope the anime does well, thus pushing the author to write some more.


First 3 volumes of

are at Amazon for ¥33, and the whole series is on KU.


転生した大聖女は、聖女であることをひた隠す 1 | L30 is currently heavily reduced. Book 1 is ¥11 on amazon, subsequent books are also cheaper but haven’t checked them in detail.



Bookwalker is celebrating 14 years and giving 50% coinback for purchases over 1,500 yen (excluding R18). (These coin backs usually work in addition to the first time 50% coinback, which gives you a 100% coinback, if you are new to bookwalker, so you basically get your stuff for free. ;))

In addition, every day a different publisher is on sale:

12/12(木) 東京創元社(合計約50点)
12/13(金) マイクロマガジン社(合計約200点)
12/14(土) ホビージャパン/ ワニブックス(合計約2,650点)
12/15(日) 早川書房/ 一迅社(合計約480点)
12/16(月)~12/17(火) 双葉社(合計約250点)


There’s gotta be a limit, right? Otherwise people would just create a new account and get thousands of titles for free.

You sure it’s additive and not multiplicative to become 75% off?

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I have used it in the past and it was 100%, the only limit being that you only get to use it once per account. I know ppl who create a new account everytime but I can’t be bothered keeping track of multiple accounts. :see_no_evil:

They even mention it on the site:




Why are you telling me about this? My physical backlog is already out of control, do you want me to start a digital hoard as well? I just set a limit on new books which I promptly exceeded :see_no_evil: I do not have the self-restraint required right now! It would solve the space problem though


So … what keeps me from putting everything on my wishlist in my cart and getting thousands of dollars of manga for free? :thinking:


the free part is that you get coins back for what you bought that you can then use for your next order, so you still have to pay for that initial order, but you could like, buy half and then get the other half with coins essentially giving you a 50% off overall…


This isn’t a sale/promotion per se, but just wanted to mention that I’ve been running into more manga sets on cdjapan lately. So if you’re looking for longer series, it may be a good idea to check if they have one for w/e you’re looking at


I added a bunch of stuff to my cdjapan and Suruga-ya wish lists cuz of this, thx

(I’m trying to buy physical over digital, and not double buy. So this was a good reminder of stuff I meant to buy, but never got around to)

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the first volume is free to read until the 29th (due to a sale) so if someone has an interest in this series (since it’s now getting both an anime and a movie) this is your opportunity!
(other works by this author are also 1st volume free to read btw!! @eefara since you liked this series maybe you’ll like one of his other works so this might be a chance to try one out)