Sale and Promotion hunting

Some bookwalker stuff again:

There is currently a 50% off coupon available up to 500 yen off (i.e. up to book value of 1100 yen incl. tax)


【クーポンコード】greetings2024HvD [the code doesn’t seem to be personalized but you can check your messages]
【利用期限】2024年12月31日(火) 23:59まで

And there is also another coin back event for orders above 1500 yen:



Thanks for that - i didn’t have the message in my inbox, but the coupon worked anyway, so that’s dope


Honsuki is having a promotion over on bookwalker. A few volumes seem to be free to keep (?) and decent set prices (including the drama CDs) are available.


I’m personally a big fan of this series (I think they’re published as 小説 last I checked but they feel more like if House were an LN where House was a woman who looks like a high schooler) and they’re on sale at the moment as the anime adaptation is coming out right now

If you like medical dramas and mysteries I recommend it

Link to category: 全巻割引!『天久鷹央の推理カルテ』アニメ放送開始記念フェア│電子書籍ストア - BOOK☆WALKER (probably not a permanent link)


Is the order in which you read those irrelevant? Because other platforms don’t really list them as book # out of #. :thinking: Amazon also randomly only has ファントムの病棟 and 密室のパラノイア on sale, which seem to be later installments of the series?

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It’s she less of a jerk than he was in the show? Cuz half my memories (or lingering impression) are just him being demeaning to people (with or without reason) and a complete pain in the ass to be on staff with

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Pretty much, yeah. I think the fifth book I read or so was chronologically the “first” but it really didn’t matter since it’s a Case of the Week type deal.
Edit: スフィアの死天使: 天久鷹央の事件カルテ | L33 is the one I noted as being chronologically ‘first’ because everyone is more properly introduced, things start from them meeting, etc.

She lacks social graces and sometimes can be a bit of a jerk but it’s more of a “she doesn’t realize she’s saying something inappropriate” than “she actually wants to hurt their feelings”. She has her heart in the right place basically, even if she doesn’t always know how to show that.


The first eight volumes of 錆喰いビスコ | L36 are on sale on Amazon for ¥143 each.

Edit: All six volumes of テルマエ・ロマエ | L33 are on sale on Amazon for ¥99 apiece.

(Sorry, preview isn’t opening up :<)

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the first 2 volumes of 兄だったモノ 1 | L28 are currently 11 yen each!


All of the books of わたしの幸せな結婚 are around ¥350 at Amazon:

(I couldn’t find the same sale on Bookwalker)


There’s a similar sale on Booklive though, plus another series of the same author different author I am dumb and a bunch of other stuff.

Can’t see the discounted price because I already own the books… that’s a stupid design.

Edit: among discounted stuff, I highly recommend 悪食令嬢 as well.

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