Weeks 3 - 12 明日の世界で星は煌めく - Beginner's Light Novel Club

Welcome to week 3 (and beyond) 明日の世界で星は煌めく | L27 :smile:

Schedule & Links

Week Chapter(s) End Page (physical) Percent (Kindle version)
Home thread
Week 1 Intro + 1 (partial) 10 - 24 6
Week 2 1.1 41 13
Week 3 1.2-end of ch 1 61 21
Week 4 2-2.1 75 27
Week 5
Week 6 2.3 97 37
Week 7 2.4 119 47
Week 8 2.5-end of ch 2 143 57
Week 9 3-3.1 159 64
Week 10 3.2 175 72
Week 11 3.3-end of ch 3 189 78
Week 11 4 (1/2) 213 88
Week 12 4 (2/2) + epilogue 235 100

Discussion ground rules

  • Any spoilers, for the current chapters must be behind spoilers or detail curtains. When we get further in you don’t need to hide details that were revealed in previous chapters.
  • Always mention where you are in the book when discussing, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting! But please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week :slight_smile:
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That can be part of the discussion too and I’m sure some folks would be happy to help.
  • Even if you don’t read the chapter(s) in time, you are still encouraged to post in the thread for that reading once you have finished it. I advise not reading ahead in the threads as you may see spoilers.
Are you joining us for Week 3?
  • I’m reading along
  • I’m reading along, but at my own pace
  • I’m just following the discussion
0 voters

Finished the section, it definitely had some harder passages I had to read slowly, towards the end with the descriptions of the action I just gave up and just read along the audiobook without fully understanding. Maybe I’ll go back and read those bits again later.

I don’t have much to say about the actual content, I feel like we are still firmly in the “setup” phase. I like the mc, It’s fun to have a misanthropic lead. It looks like the other character will be a good contrast to her.

Chapter notes

I love all the penguin noises in the audiobook.

The father is in the loop, huh? Now I wonder if the reason why he was so adamant of her not going to that other school school with living quarters is that he wanted her to be able to come back to the house when the zombie apocalypse started.

The book continues to read like the author was torn between writing a zombie or a fantasy novel and decided to why not just do both, and I’m absolutely here for it.


Man, I really feel sorry for what our protagonist had to suffer before this. Imagine a zombie apocalypse happens, and you’re like “This is actually better than before.” :cry:

And now we have gun girl Honoka join the group, completing it (by the looks of the cover at least). I wonder if she specifically came to this town to look for Yuki?

So now we have:

  • Protagonist introduction: Check.
  • Setting introduction: Check.
  • Group complete: Check.

Next stops, I assume:

  • Potentially a tiny bit more about Honoka.
  • A goal beyond simply surviving day to day.

You might also like 裏世界ピクニック | L33 / 裏世界ピクニック | L23 - it’s almost the same personality combination (and there are other parallels too, but it definitely has less zombies, penguins, magic and bullying).


Thanks for the rec, I intended to read the LN, it’s one of those works I am holding out on because I want to be able to enjoy it with a higher level of japanese.


Hmm, I guess I can kinda see that? The characters feel quite different tho

I’m planning to read the manga first, for that reason… Maybe in March or April

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Ah, yeah, understandable; I have those too.

In this case: I’ve never read the LN so I don’t know how they compare, but the manga is quite good!

Oh yeah, absolutely. But I feel like we have “antisocial character pairs up surprisingly well with extrovert” going on in both - although maybe I’m just projecting, we haven’t learned much about Honoka yet after all.


We’ve officially started Week 4! (I’ll update the top of the post laster)

Week Chapter(s) End Page (physical) Percent (Kindle version)
Week 1 Intro + 1 (partial) 10 - 24 6
Week 2 1.1 41 13
Week 3 1.2-end of ch 1 61 21
Week 4 2-2.1 75 27
Week 4

I find the bullying aspect a bit boring. But I don’t mind Yukis “darker” personality at all. Having another character and conversations and stuff is kinda fun. Especially with the audio, I think. I’m glad they quickly started using their given name, as I can actually kinda read the kanji for 由貴 and 帆乃果 unlike their family names (you’d think it doesn’t matter given that I have the audio, but it does a little. And I can’t really remember their surnames)).

Week 4 thoughts

「分かんない? あんたらの頭の悪い会話にこれ以上付き合わせんなっつってんの。ホントくっだらない……」

That’s… not how I expected this to go, but I’m absolutely here for it.


Aw, okay. That puts it more into perspective. Still, good on her for acting on what she thought was right!



Audio timestamp: Until 19:04.

Luckily, this is probably the end of it. It was necessary for her backstory to establish her view on life and people, and it’s part of how the two met. Now we’ve talked about both of those, so we’ll probably move on to the present where there’s nobody left to bully her.


I basically feel the same way as I did last week, I don’t have much to say. Hopefully we are done with the set up phase though. I’m curious what 帆乃果 is up to, how did she end up in this town, and where did she get those guns or learn how to shoot them


It was established that she travels a lot to other countries. If she visited the US that would explain her proficiency and access to guns. (That’s partially a joke, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that were part of the answer)


I’m kind of assuming that her parents are part of the military or something similar, hence the travelling and her daughter knowing how to use weapons.

You know, just like Yuki got a wand and a magical penguin to survive the zombie apocalypse because her father is a magician :laughing:


I don’t think members of the Japanese military would travel much abroad. I think it’s going to be some secret organization. Might be related to the state or even military, or maybe not.


This is a turn of the book where I am feeling like I got myself reading a girls love lesbian romance story under the guise of a horror / fantasy. Still props for originality.

Wait, less than 20 min for ~70 pages? Are the pages really short? (Ebook (not yet) reader here, I have no clue how long a physical page would be). I guess I could just catch up…

Well, it’s tagged as Yuri, so that is accurate.


Each chapter has its own track in my audiobook copy, so this timestamp is for “第二章 由貴と帆乃夏.mp3”. Sorry not to be clear; I mostly write it down for my benefit so I can find my place again next week.

In total it’s about 1h 33min so far.

Considering your reading levels I’m sure you could definitely catch up though!


I just do that in the notes section, when I update the page count. (Tho feel free to keep doing it here, of course)

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It was nice to get the info when @bbo posted it for the first week, so I’ll just keep doing it here. Maybe it’s useful to someone else. Maybe not. :man_shrugging:


You know what, I’ll probably do that (or at the very least read chapter 1 and see how it goes). I’m having trouble focusing on reading anything right now (which always happen after I am done bingeing something; the 尾守 manga in this case) but maybe this will keep my attention.


Oh I should look at those. Where can we find tags?