What are you reading today?

Reading the first chapter for 私のブルーガーネット 1 | L27 (which is not out yet, so I had to buy 【電子版】メロディ 2月号(2024年)to read it (not currently on site. Will add, if I read a majority of the magazine). Update: I flipped through the magazine, I’m not about to read the whole thing now, but there are some very interesting-seeming series in it. Also a lot of the art styles and character designs remind me of Korean webtoons, while still being very Japanese.

Anyway this is the most new-vocab dense panel I’ve seen in a long while… I could figure out half of it from the kanji alone, but still…

Edit: also you know they’re lesbians when their first meeting is one of them accidentally injuring the other in a chance encounter, and giving them a bandaid in the very next scene :joy: (seems to be a yuri trope)

The author was having fun with those オノマトペ there


I read the first volume of 獅子上司(1) | L20?? which is one of the easier manga I’ve read despite being without full or even partial furigana. Right now, it is out on Bookwalker for free. ‘Boss is Lion’ is fun and a bit quirky at times. Not much plot, but this was a delight and fan-service free.


read the temporarily first free volume of 佐原先生と土岐くん from over at cmoa and it’s adorable

edit: just found out there’s a live drama and the cringiness is killing me, and just from moments I saw on youtube all those cute moments turn so cringe I can’t deal with this alone :joy: :sob:


Been pushing hard to wrap up 本好きの下剋上 part 3 of the junior novel, so hoping to finish it in the next 1.5 weeks.

Then I have 6 weeks for part 4 and I’ll have hit my goal of 5 novels for this year.


Starting to read that was a mistake, as I am completely locked in now and have been neglecting my Bingo stuff.
I mean, who cares, it’s only fake points anyway, but still.
Anyway, I am almost done with volume 2 (will probably finish tonight) and really like the story so far. It’s not to the level of 本好き or 薬屋のひとりごと, but it’s still pretty good. I think the main issue is that the author’s writing style does feel a bit more amateurish compared to those two. but that also has its charm.


I feel like 薬屋のひとりごと is a pretty high standard, but amateurish in what sense? That book’s been on my “maybe” radar since the anime came out, but it’s currently in my discomfort zone level-wise. Would be good to know for the future tho.


I want to preface that by saying the writing is on par with the average LN, it’s just in comparison with those two (and a bunch of other books, but those are not sold as LN)

More specifically, from the technical point of view, word choice and sentence structure is fairly basic. It does the job (and probably makes reading a smoother experience for a Japanese learner) but it doesn’t really draw out strong emotions. There’s one exception here, but I’ll talk about it later.
From the perspective of the interactions between characters, things also feel a bit half-backed. (Very general, but I guess still a spoiler) All drama is solved very quickly and no one holds a grudge, in a way that is convenient to move the plot forward, but doesn’t feel realistic at all. Again, nothing particularly strange for a LN. However, there’s one exception here as well (or… just one exception total, since it’s the same thing): the relation between the main character and love interest. To keep things as spoiler less as possible, it’s an arranged marriage, but she slowly (and realistically I would say) warm up to him. And once she does like him, there’s a switch where she will do the seducing. And boy, she brings the fire. I’m so used to have the main character being just passive while the love interest does the heavy lifting that it does feel refreshing.

So, overall, if you don’t mind LN writing (and, at this point, I assume you don’t), it’s nothing to worry about.


Finished 今はもういないあたしへ... | L31 - it was fine, but not what I needed to get out of the slump.

Moving on to 亡びの国の征服者 1 ~魔王は世界を征服するようです~ | L30?? - I’m not sure if this will be the cure for the slump either, but the art sure gives a good vibe. Hopefully it’s not narou slop - the prologue is not promising in that regard (loser protagonist tries saves little girl and dies in the attempt and thus goes to the fantasy world), but I think I’ve heard it stands out amongst the general isekai trash.


Been pushing hard on 本好きの下剋上 第一部 兵士の娘3 | L29 so got 20% or 3-3 chapters left. I might try and push to finish it tomorrow.

This is the junior version, so it corresponds roughly to the first 60%-ish of volume 2 in the full version. It’s actually been a bit of a weak point the series in book form, compared to in manga form or anime form, I think because my Japanese reading speed makes all the description of the book making process and the building tension a bit more of a plodding pace than intended. But! We’ve had the big conversation and things should start to move a bit more again, so I’m hopeful for volume 4 (which will the the second half of volume 2 of the full series and probably some side story content if they repeat how they broke volume 1 into 2 for the junior version).


I feel like “plodding pace” is a completely apt description of that series. I like it well enough, but there’s only so much I can read before getting frustrated at just how much unnecessary stuff is described in excruciating, often redundant detail. Pretty typical of web novels republished as light novels though.


I just looked at my stats page, and I must have read a lot of thick books last year, because I’m at the same 26 books as last year already, but I’m nearly 3000 pages behind!


So just to confirm, I did actually finish this today :slight_smile: Probably going to take a week of mostly Ni No Kuni then get back to novels after that.


I’m enjoying 風の中のマリア | L30?? but it is definitely “pop science book about hornets masquerading as a novel” – two hornets have just had a five page conversation about how bee/wasp/hornet chromosomes work, complete with diagrams…

(Also I had not known that the “chromo” in “chromosome” refers to the fact they happen to be strongly stained by particular dyes until I saw the Japanese word 染色体 and wondered why it had kanji for staining and colour in it.)


I’ve just finished catching up with the currently published volumes of 光が死んだ夏 | L27. It’s been pretty good so far, and not quite what I was expecting, so I wanted to type up a bit here. I didn’t originally post a review since it has a few already, but maybe I will after this.

(Quick rough summary for those who haven’t heard of the series: one day main character Yoshiki finds out that his best friend Hikaru has been replaced by “something” that looks and acts just like his friend. The story that follows examines the mystery of the “something” and Yoshiki’s thoughts and feelings regarding his original friend vs. this new one.)

This series was originally sold to me as “cosmic horror BL written almost entirely in 関西弁” (hence my recent push to learn more of it and find more resources for it, haha. Colloquial Kansai Japanese―まいど! おおきに! 関西弁 (Tuttle language library) | L15 is excellent for this purpose, by the way), and I wanted to expand on those particular points, as they’ve been on my mind while I read.

(Posting my thoughts under a dropdown; there’s nothing necessarily spoiler-y about them, mostly just my thoughts and impressions thus far, and if I do talk about actual spoilers I’ll blur them. Note: for clarity’s sake, I’ll be writing Yoshiki’s friend’s Hikaru’s name as 光 to refer to the original and ヒカル to refer to the replacement, as per the manga.)


The first claim I’d say isn’t quite true, insofar as it’s not what I typically think of of “cosmic horror”, where I tend to think more of Lovecraft’s style of unknowability. The “something” introduced in volume one and the later expanded upon later in the series feel very Japanese-folklore influenced, to the point where as I read I get more Fatal Frame vibes than anything else. That of course makes sense given this is a Japanese series set in a very rural Japanese town, but it’s a big cognitive leap from something like, say, The Color Out of Space.

The second descriptor, “BL”, is also a surprisingly interesting one. (Minor story spoilers) Though it’s never said outright, Yoshiki’s actions and thoughts definitely lead to the conclusion that he was in love with 光, and while we’re still in the midst of figuring things out with ヒカル, (a slight step up story spoilers), the author seems to be adhering pretty well to the fact that ヒカル is not human, and thus does not seem to posses the typical human concept/capacity of “romantic love”. Introducing a seemingly asexual character in this kind of situation is a fun one, and I hope the author stays true to what they’ve been building so far. (Tagging @monace for that previous spoiler; I don’t know if there’s a Korean translation of this book, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was.) Based on the bonus short story at the end of volume five, things seem promising.

And finally, all that darn 関西弁. Yep, we’ve got it in droves here. Feels like I’m reading through a foggy glass, haha. I even bought volume 1 in English to re-check myself the first time, then re-read through the whole thing again in Japanese to try to solidify it all. If this series were not written in 関西弁, it would be graded four or five levels easier, guaranteed. The language is not difficult, but the 関西弁 raises it for a lot of people simply because it’s not 標準語.

Bonus: while not actually slice of life or anything, that’s the kind of pace I feel like the story has sometimes. Could just be an artifact of being set out in the middle of nowhere, or done intentionally by the author, but I definitely don’t get a traditional sense of dread from reading this; I wish I did, though, I feel like it would really elevate the whole experience.

Anyway, that’s all I had at the moment. The story is still very much in full swing, and of course volume five had to end on a cliffhanger… I’m looking forward to reading more, and I definitely encourage anyone interested to give it a try!


Yesterday Bookmeter reminded me:

(which is 秋の牢獄 | L31 btw)

and I thought that it’d be nice to have a quick re-read of the first story on that occasion. I asked in the WK bookclub that did a re-read two years ago, but maybe that thread is a bit dead already? So I’m asking here again: Would anybody be up for a quick re-read on the 7th? :blush:


I saw the thread but I have no bandwidth for re-reads right now, and I remember being quite grumpy about the third story :sweat_smile:

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I would really like to. Will I actually be able to stick with it is another question, but that’s been on my read list for a while.

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Interesting. I went through a little over 25% of that book. It’s good, but has a number of typos

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I only noticed one or two myself, but I felt they didn’t detract overall from what the book was trying to teach, at least.

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I’m basically done with ループ7回目の悪役令嬢は、元敵国で自由気ままな花嫁生活を満喫する 3 f | L31 (I still have the bonus story at the end… those in the previous 2 books were kinda boring, so I might skip). I’m probably just going to move straight ahead with the next volume… Edit: the bonus story was short and sweet so it was fine.

Meanwhile, I am definitely going to give a try to 最後にひとつだけお願いしてもよろしいでしょうか | L30?? (hopefully while the first volume is still free to read). It’s kinda hard to see on the cover of the LN, but the manga cover (not on Natively either) shows that she is putting on fingerless gloves with spiked knuckles. A perfect complement for her 悪役令嬢 look. Yes, that’s how I select books I want to read.

Bye bye hopes of completing my bingo card (although… I might be able to do everything left in December)